God Level Demon

Chapter 2416 Zhuang Zhou Meng Butterfly

Thunder City, Mountain River Pearl Space

A few days later, the storm of the demonic assassination in Thunder City slowly subsided, and Xiaping finally received a huge reward from the Temples.

Even if no surveillance video testimony was available, because there was evidence in hand, it was enough to prove that Xiaping had killed three second-hand demon saints and a near-ancient peak demon saint.

This time he also earned 5.5 billion points, plus 1.3 billion points, which means he has 6.8 billion points on his body.

In addition to obtaining the points of the Temple, he killed three ancient monster sacraments and a near-ancient peak monster sacrament, causing tremendous hatred among the demons and bringing him 200 hate crystals.

This is another huge sum, bringing the total number of hate crystals on him to one thousand and six hundred and eighty.

It can be said that during this assassination he gained a great deal.

However, while Xiaping won all of a sudden, he also suddenly felt that he seemed to lack some effective means of killing his enemies, especially if he wanted to kill saint-level masters, and that the ordinary divinity was no longer effective.

Even if he has a revolver, causal book, etc. he has no magic treasures, but these treasures are his own killers and cannot be easily used.

“Looks like you need to redeem some powerful soul secrets. ”

Xiaping touched his chin. This demonic assassination inspired himself. Only a soul attack would be most effective if he wanted to completely kill a saint-level expert.

Although the true solution of illusion on his body is a relatively powerful illusion secretary, the problem is that the secretary is equivalent to the general outline of martial arts and can analyze everything about illusion, but not too powerful a means of soul secretion.

“I don't know what the temples have in them. ”

When he thought about it, he immediately logged into the Temple's internal website, and the people of the peak race did not know how many precious secrets had been searched, among which there must have been a lot of soul secrets.

Even though the mystery of the soul is extremely precious throughout the universe and will not be easily taught, it is eligible for contact for the saint of his own people.

Suddenly, he opened a list of redemptions for the mysteries of the soul, and immediately listed many mysteries of the soul, secret numbness, at least tens of thousands of them.

Of course, these spiritual secrets are ordinary, precious, and of varying value.

Soul locking, for example, seems to lock the enemy's soul so that it can be tracked, and no matter where the enemy runs into the universe, it is easily locked.

Ripple vibration, which triggers ripple spiritual fluctuations and creates horrible vibrations, even in the space-time realm, which can easily stun enemies and even severely injure them and spit blood.

There is also a curse, a powerful spiritual mystery with curse laws that can curse enemies from time to time.

The problem is that this mystery has enormous shortcomings, like seven wounded fists. If you want to hurt people, you first hurt yourself. If you want to destroy the enemy's soul, you have to lose your soul, in exchange for the equivalent.

It is arguably a shady doorway that belongs with the enemy.

“There are so many of them, but if you want to practice, you naturally need to practice the most powerful of soul secrets. ”

Xiaping looked at the list above and saw directly one of the most expensive soul secrets, which required a billion points to redeem, called Zhuang Zhou Mengbutterfly.

“Are you kidding me, billions of points can be redeemed for a soul mystery?! ”

Seeing the redemption points above, he couldn't help but be surprised. Other soul surgeries require tens of millions of points at most, but the mystery is enough to require a billion points, which is frightening.

However, after reading the introduction above, he was suddenly enlightened and understood why such a procedure was so expensive.

This soul mystery Zhou Mengbutterfly, seemed to have been created by a Zhou Saint of Zhuang who had reached invincibility, the most powerful illusion master of the entire family.

In the ancient Tai Dynasty, during the war with the Abyss Demons, Zhuang Zhou Saints could cover billions of light-years with their thoughts, making countless Abyss Demons fall into dreams.

Even the demons of the abyss are invincible.

It can be said that he alone can resist countless abyss demons. His name deters the infinite universe and makes all the peoples of heaven fear it. Dragons, Phoenix and other races look upon him as guests.

But unfortunately, the threat of Zhuang Zhou Saints was so great that it was regarded by the Abyss Demon as nailing meat in his eyes, using all kinds of schemes, reckoning with Zhuang Zhou Saints, and eventually seriously injuring the meteor.

This mystery Zhou Mengbutterfly is the mystery inherited from Zhuang Zhou Saints. All generations of ethnic Saints regard it as a treasure. It contains the heart and blood of Zhuang Zhou Saints for life, as well as all kinds of awareness of illusion law.

It can be said that this is not only a secret operation, but also a Zhuang Zhou saint's understanding of his practice.

“No wonder billions of points are needed, and the training and awareness of an invincible saint is indeed worth so many points. ”

Xia Ping suddenly realized.

However, he now has 6.8 billion points on his body, and the billion points in the district are nothing at all. It is also a huge gain to see such precious spiritual mystery.

Di, thinking of this, he did not hesitate, immediately exchanged Zhuang Zhou Mengbutterfly's secret.

“Redeemed successfully. ”

At this time, a mechanical voice came from the depths of the virtual network of the universe: " All Saints, this Zhou Mengbutterfly is one of the supreme spiritual mysteries of our people, the precious of which cannot be described in words. Never leak out, otherwise it will be considered a traitor sin, permanently hunted down by the people, hope all Saints will remember. ”

In fact, only a human saint is eligible to redeem this soul mystery, only billions of points will be spent. If you are a foreigner, no matter how many points are impossible to redeem for success, not even the subordinate race.

“Yes, I would never divulge it. ”

Xiaping nodded.

“This mystery is of great importance and can only be interpreted in the cosmic virtual network, so we need all saints to stay in the cosmic virtual network and accept the mystical inheritance. ”

That mechanical sound came out again.


Xia Pingdao.

Boom ~ ~

The voice had just fallen and the entire virtual network of the universe had changed. It seemed to turn into an endless starry sky, and an old man in a robe appeared in front of Xiaping.

Sitting in the void, he seemed to ride beneath him a peng across several stars. His figure was between falsehood and truth, as if he were independent of the dimension, and no one could find his whereabouts.

Undoubtedly, this old man is the legendary Zhuang Zhou Saint.

Of course, it is not his true self, it is just a missionary fiction that he left behind in the virtual network of the universe, which, even after countless years, remains undiminished.

Nor do we know what it was like in Tai Ancient times.

He ignored Xiaping, sat in the void, and spit out a text in his mouth, as if it were the sound of a avenue, forming the laws of the universe, a text without scripture.

These are Zhuang Zhou Mengbutterfly's contents.

Xiaping did not dare to delay, condescend and listen carefully to Zhuang Zhou Saint's words.