God Level Demon

Chapter 2452 Wastewood Dragon

“Looks like a lot of dragons still don't believe it. ”

After Xiaping touched his chin and held a press conference, many dragons were indeed attracted to buy the course, but there was no imaginary explosion.

Some dragons still have half a faith in this matter and don't believe that Xiaping can do this.

But that's what he expected, because it's just the beginning, sort of the beginning of a plan, to give some dragons some psychological preparation.

“There is still a need to find a dragon that is familiar with the realm of thunder and then secretly help each other promote immortality in order to have a huge sensational effect. ”

Xia Ping squinted her eyes.

And the dragon needed to meet three characteristics.

The first feature is that the family metaphor is familiar. It must be familiar with many dragons, so that people don't feel that this is a sudden thing, they don't think that the other party is Tor, and the credibility is extremely high.

The second characteristic is that enough waste wood, if the natural talent is good, then the breakthrough is a logical thing, but the talent is waste wood, then the breakthrough to immortality has a huge sensational effect.

It's as though it's only natural for students who usually have a good academic score to take the Tsinghua North, but some punks who usually have poor grades, or even zero scores, have taken the Tsinghua North University, which is amazing, which is something that can be on the news.

The third feature is that the training method of Wutaidou must be believed to be true, and the training must be painstakingly practiced, so that the other party's promotion to immortality will be considered to be the credit of Wutaidou, and will be willing to help publicize it.

This will truly prove the effectiveness of the training method and attract more dragons.

“Dragon Delis. ”

Chapin searched all the data, and after constant screening, he finally found a dragon that met all the criteria, namely, the dragon Dahlis.

Speaking of this dragon Dahlis, it's also the mother dragon known to the White Dragon City family.

Because she was born in a large family in White Dragon City, she was extremely talented, but she didn't expect to suddenly have a major illness, causing the blood of the giant dragon in her body to decay and become a dragon.

The dragon degenerated into a dragon, and to be honest, hundreds of millions of centuries came down. This kind of thing was unheard of, so it shook the White Dragon City and even shook the Dragon Temple.

Unfortunately, no matter how the dragons of the Dragon Temple explored it, they could not know the real cause of this degeneration of Dahlis's veins, and eventually they chose to give up.

But for Darius, this is just the beginning of a nightmare.

First of all, the dragon with whom she was married, the dragon with whom she was married, announced her retirement to the dragon of White Dragon City. The other party said that she could not accept the identity of the Dragon's blood. Once she joined the family, she would surely tarnish the blood of their family.

Then her family status suddenly declined, before she was a highly gifted and spoiled dragon of blood, but this treatment disappeared immediately after the blood degenerated into a dragon.

The cultivation resources she occupied were immediately taken away by the other brothers and sisters of the family, and suddenly she went from the proud daughter of heaven to the unquestioned, white-eyed dragon.

Even the family could not bear the humiliation of being retired from other families because they could not afford this face, so they found an excuse to expel Dahlis from the family tree.

This also made Delis the laughingstock of White Dragon City, and even the nearby billion-dollar light-year area, where everyone knew that there was a blood-depressed mother of wood dragon.

But Dahlis, who had been humiliated, was unwilling. She was unwilling to spend the rest of her life just as Aaron. She worked hard to cultivate her life, trying to do everything possible to become stronger, hoping to regain her glory, so that those who despised her would fall into glasses, let the retired dragon, and expel herself from the elders of the family for the rest of her life.

Unfortunately, Aaron's bloodline was so bad that she had an amazing talent, a slow cultivation rate and no resources after being evicted from her family.

Even though she worked very hard, her promotion to the height of Thunder Robbery was already at its limit, and there was no chance of a breakthrough in her life.

In fact, in the dragon kingdom, from ancient times to the present, there are too few examples of how Aaron can break through to immortality. It is one of the rarest. Almost all dragons believe that Aaron cannot become immortal, and thunder robbery is the limit of Aaron blood.

It is also one of the chains of the blood. It is too difficult to break the chains of the blood.

Darius was desperate and felt that she had not had a chance to advance to immortality in her life, but after seeing Wutaidou's training course, she went to the doctor in a hurry and offered herself years of savings enough to buy 100,000 dragon crystals.

Over the course of these three months, she has also worked very hard, practicing almost every day, quenching her flesh to the limit, hoping that one day she will be promoted to immortality.

“Interesting, this is the dragon version of the waste material, so famous the dragon of waste wood, but because of the cultivation of martial arts cultivation method, the saltfish turned over and promoted to immortality, can it not immediately boost the city of Dragon, even the whole dragon world? ”

Xia Ping touched his chin and decided to list this Dahlis as the lucky one. Since he believed in his martial arts training so much, he naturally needed to vote for Peach Lee.

That is reciprocity and mutual benefit.


To think of it, he didn't hesitate to ask where Dahlis lived, and immediately flew towards where Dahlis was.

Half an hour later, Xiaping arrived at Dahlis' ruined residence, the famous slum of White Dragon City, where only poor dragons basically lived because the rent was cheap.

And at this moment, Darius is practicing hard in her room, constantly doing basic training, without laziness, without any confusion in her eyes, day in and day out, with the utmost determination.

Buzz ~ ~

In the blink of an eye, a layer of illusion immediately surfaced from Xiaping, covering the room.

The power of his illusion, even the giant dragon that reached the Middle Ages, may not be able to resist, so it is impossible for Delice, as Ray, to resist such illusion.

When Dahlis fainted, she fell into a delusion. She had no idea what had just happened.

“What a lucky dragon, this immortal fruit belongs to you. ”

Xia Ping took an immortal fruit from her body and immediately put it in this Delice's mouth.

Wow ~ ~

Immortal fruit suddenly entered Delice's mouth, and the entrance melted, and a great deal of immortal material suddenly poured into Delice's limb.

At that moment, Darius, who had risen to the limit of Ray's predicament and was almost impossible to progress, her body was rapidly strengthening at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Clearly immortal fruit plays an incredibly subtle role.


Xia Ping also did not continue to ignore it, and as soon as his figure flashed, he left the place.