God Level Demon

Chapter 2498: The Cemetery of the Gods

“So the universe of light is a blessing left by the gods of the last cosmic age? ”

Ye Mengyao squinted.

“Exactly. ”

Intangible Long Theodore nodded: “In fact, the cosmic realm of light once appeared in Tai Ancient times, when all the heavens and all the nations went in and scratched a lot of treasures from inside.

Some even gather some divine blood in it, thus making a sudden advance, and some even promote it to invincible saints, traversing the universe. ”


Ye Mengyao was astonished that the cosmic realm had appeared once, and countless others had entered the cosmic realm for a great deal of treasures and benefits.

“But the realm of cosmic light only appeared once, and then quickly closed, hiding in the depths of time and space again. After so many years, it never occurred to me that it would reappear. ”

Intangible Long Theodore exclaimed: "Now this divine legacy of the holy heavens and the earth will surely cause countless ethnic strife, which may spark war. After all, this cosmic realm may contain the secrets of becoming a god. ”

Secrets of God?!

Xia Ping shrugged his eyes and looked at the invisible Long Theodore. If that were the case, then the secrets contained in this universe of light would be serious and would definitely blow the world away.

“Kid, do you know what the truth is about the war between the abyss world of Tai Ancient times and all the nations of heaven? ”

Intangible Long Theodore chuckled: “The truth is simple, that those kings of the abyss want to be the first gods of this cosmic age, who can be the first gods, who can rule everything in this era and open the age of the gods.

It is unfortunate how difficult it is to become a god, especially the first god of this age of the universe, which is no less difficult than the promotion of a mortal man without any gift to an immortal saint.

So even in the past countless years, to this day, there is still no life that can become divine, but even so, there are countless invincible saints in layout, tiger gaze, ready to become divine. ”

Upon hearing this, Xiaping suddenly remembered a relic he had previously entered, which seemed to have been left behind by the creation saints of the people. The other party did not know many hands and feet among the relic treasures, and disguised himself as dead. It must have taken countless years to arrange an astonishing landscape.

This is probably why we're planning this, too, to be the first god of the age of the universe.

Nor does he know why the First God is so important, but all the heavens and all the nations, countless spirits, are willing to pay any price to take the position of the First God.

Which race emerges as the first god, then who is the absolute dominion of this cosmic age.

“Since the last time in the universe was the age of the gods, the gods who could withstand the destruction of the universe were not only one in the realm of cosmic light, were there no caves left behind by other gods? ”

Xiaping asked.

“The question is well asked, and the conclusion is, of course, that there are, and there are many. ”

The Invisible Long Theodore Gaga smiled: “I'm sure you've heard of this place in the Dark Zone, but you don't know why this place is so dangerous that the Invincible Saints will crash.

The reason is simple, because the Dark Zone is the absolute forbidden ground formed after the divine fallout, and many invincible saints call it the cemetery of the gods.

It is that place that truly and truly contains the ultimate secrets of the gods, leaving behind countless holy places of the gods, hiding many secrets about the last cosmic age.

But because of this, the cemetery of the gods is too dangerous, and the foot killer, even if the invincible saint enters the place, will inadvertently crash completely, and there is nowhere to escape.

So, I'm sure you know why the cosmic realm is so crazy. After all, this is a deserted god's cave, with far less danger than the Dark Zone, which naturally becomes a treasure site for countless racist looting. ”

The cemetery of the gods?!

Xia Ping and Ye Mengyao looked at each other and saw each other in shock. Such news is expected to be top secret even among the people at high level.

Probably didn't reach the rank of saint of Tai Gu, they were not qualified to know such news.

After all, the dark no-go zone is too dangerous to reach the realm of Tai Gu saints, and entering it is also a dead end.

“Why did the Dark Zone become a cemetery for the gods? Are they all good friends, even if they die, they like to die together?” Ye Mengyao asked.

“I don't know, it's an ancient mystery, and even our Dragon Temple doesn't know much about it. ”

Intangible Long Theodore shook his head: "But there was an astonishing speculation that they were doing it for the purpose of carrying the power of the great destruction of the universe, willing to sleep in this cemetery and await the time of resurrection. ”

It tells another amazing secret.

“Resurrection? Will the gods be resurrected? ”

Ye Mengyao was surprised when he heard that.

“Oh, it's hard to kill to reach the level of saint, and if you reach the level of god, it's far more powerful than we can imagine life, far beyond common sense, so that even if the level exists, it's not unimaginable. ”

Intangible Dragon Theodore chuckled: “Even many of our dragon temple dragons believe that Zulong may not be dead, but is now just in sleep, and one day he will be resurrected in this universe. ”

Ye Mengyao admired it. Although this invisible Long Theodore is a coward, he is at least a saint who has reached invincibility. That is not ordinary news.

For ordinary people, that's top secret news, but for Theodore, it's nothing at all. It's all common sense, just saying it.

Theodore's life experience alone is a tremendous asset.

“Gaga, what two idiots. ”

At this moment, Intangible Loncio laughed inside out, complacently, intentionally leaking the information in order to get Xiaping, the bloody bastard, to heartache.

Knowing the secrets of the gods, there is no reason not to move.

By then, this damned child will have entered the realm of cosmic light and may even enter these dangerous places in the Dark Zone in search of the secrets and paths of God.

Soon it'll probably hear this kid crash in a place like the Dark Zone.

Then it will soon be rid of this vicious little devil's palm.

Of course, it's not worried about what this kid might get. After all, it's a cemetery of the gods, and the danger is not something that little saints can imagine.

Over the years, countless saints have followed their servants in search of their secrets, but so far, not many saints have been able to find one.

It doesn't believe this kid is an exception.

So, it's just a little bit of a subtotal, and it's going to kill this shameless bastard, and there's no reason to be unhappy.

Even as long as the boy asks, it will be completely revealed, and there will be absolutely no concealment. The more these gods' secrets are known, the faster they die.

The secret of the gods is not something that mortals can admire.