God Level Demon

Chapter 2516: Chemical Pools

A day later.

Xiaping followed the direction of the Cat Immortal and quickly arrived at the site.

Only a giant planet appeared before him, as huge as a star, no matter how small any life was in front of the planet.

But the planet also seems to have been severely destroyed, showing signs of destruction everywhere, as if there were countless law wounds deep inside.

Obviously, when the universe collapsed, the place was severely destroyed, but even so, the planet remained intact.

Many saints have arrived near the planet at this moment, with the Tai Gu saints in the strongest row, closest to the planet, followed by the ancient saints in the second queue.

Next up are secondhand saints and near-ancient saints, and so on.

Xiaping's proximity to this place is also quite unnoticeable. After all, he is only a saint of the early Middle Ages. In front of so many saints, he is only a third queue, unable to approach the planet.

But it's also good, at least not noticeable, to have the opportunity to touch fish all over the water.

“Hmm?! ”

Looking at the mysterious planet in front of him, Xiaping immediately found the entire planet surrounded by dozens of powerful banned formations, interwoven with each other, seemingly forming an absolute realm of time and space, completely united.

Such forbidden formations are no more powerful than those of the invincible dragon Theodore. One way forbidden is like a law of the road, enclosing the entire planet.

If it was a time of plenty, I'm afraid even the gods would be able to stop it.

All saints can feel a palpitating breath from above this planet, even after years of corrosion, the destruction of the great universe, leading to the destruction of the banned array of the planet.

But it's still extremely defensive, and even the ancient saints can't break into it easily, all isolating them from the planet.

Otherwise, these saints would have broken in a long time ago, and where would they have waited until now?

“What's going on? Didn't you say the planet was a huge relic, hidden in treasures? How come there are no saints in there, not even celestial treasures? ”

There are Kirin second-hand saints curious to ask.

“Stupid, don't you see the forbidden array on this planet? That is not ordinary restraint, but divine restraint. Each divine restraint contains the power of the origin of the laws of the universe. Even the invincible saints do not dare to move. If the power of divine restraint is touched, many lives will not be enough. ”

Next to an ancient saint grinned.

“But isn't the law of restraint almost broken here? Why worry about God's forbidden power? ”

The second-hand saint did not understand.

“Just kidding, even if God forbid that there is only one power left, it is not something ordinary saints can provoke, it is the terrifying power that too ancient saints have to be careful with. ”

An ancient saint sighed: "It is said that when exploring the Dark Prohibition Zone, from time to time, God's forbidden power is encountered. A number of too ancient saints were merely careless and touched this power, and immediately grey smoke was extinguished, and there was no way to escape. ”

It means this is a sloppy thing, otherwise it's a dead end.

“God forbid?! ”

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping touched his chin. No wonder he felt that the banned formation of the planet was very unusual, like a street branding everywhere in the void.

Even these disrupted restraining arrays have the ability to repair them automatically.

And of course, because this forbidden God has been destroyed so severely, the pace of repair has become extremely slow.

But even so, it makes the planet's defensive array so powerful that even the ancient saints could not easily enter it and could only stare out.

“But didn't you say there might be a natural treasure in this planet? What the hell is a genius? ”

There was a saint curious to ask.

“Previously there was a saint who was good at pupil magic, and at great cost, through the forbidden defense, he saw a little bit of the interior of the planet, and he did discover a celestial treasure, which seemed to be called a fostering pool. ”

There's an ancient saint saying.

“Congenital Spirit Pool? What's the point of this? ”

Many saints have raised their ears and become more curious, as has Xiaping.

“Of course it works, and it works great. ”

In fact, it is not a matter of secrecy, and the saint gathered here so many that he could not keep it a secret at all, the ancient saint continued: “This energy source of the innate Pool of Heavenly Spirits is constantly devouring the original energy of the universe, creating an intertwined liquid and atmosphere of creation.

If ordinary people are eroded day and night by the gas of creation, they will soon be transformed into highly qualified practicing geniuses, with great benefits even for purifying the blood of all kinds of beasts.

Even for saints, the atmosphere of creation has tremendous advantages. If the atmosphere of creation is indulged at all times, it is easier to understand the laws of the universe and can increase the level of awareness of them.

Even for second-hand saints, these atmospheres of creation contain a huge message of the laws of the atmosphere of creation, and if you devour some of the atmosphere of creation, you may be able to understand the laws of creation faster and advance to the realm of ancient saints. ”

It paused for a moment and went on to say, "It can be said that this innate Pool is an ancillary type of treasure that specializes in raising future generations of powerful magic treasures.

If a force had this innate Pool, it would be able to continuously create a genius level of life, always the super strong.

In fact, there are saints who speculate that this place may be an important place for the secret training of powerful warriors before the universe. ”

“So that's it. ”

Many saints suddenly realized that they knew why so many too ancient saints were gathered here, and were eager to receive this innate treasure.

Because if any race gets this congenital treasure, I'm afraid each race will benefit greatly.

Especially a small number of races, if they can be indoctrinated and nurtured at the moment of creation, then I'm afraid the whole race is a genius, so that the power of the race is simply unimaginable.

And over time, it helps more with race.

With this congenital treasure, I'm afraid it will at least multiply the strength of their respective races.

Therefore, in the face of such a congenital treasure, the saints of any race will not yield, and even if they do not get it, they will never let other races get it.

Otherwise, it is likely to be the culmination of one's own race in the future.

It is conceivable that these saints attach great importance to this congenital treasure and must seize it even if it continues to die.