God Level Demon

Chapter 2609: The Amazing Effect of Yellow Springs Holy Water

Wow ~ ~

In the blink of an eye, Xiaping's body shook. When these yellow spring holy water dropped into his body, these yellow spring holy water instantly penetrated into his limb wreckage.


His eyes revealed a glimmer of finesse, a power of unparalleled purification on this Yellow Springs holy water that seemed to remove all the dirt and uncleanness in the world.

Honestly, he's been quenching his body for so many years that he thinks he doesn't have a lot of impurities.

But when this Yellow Springs holy water dropped on his body, he found himself wrong. It was a big mistake. These Yellow Springs holy water really penetrated the human nature, penetrated into the bone marrow, everywhere.

Boom ~ ~

As Yellow Springs holy water penetrates into every corner of his body, Xiaping perceives some black impurities deep inside him, like sludge, which is repelled from 18,000 pores.

These impurities can be the result of battle wounds left behind, or they can be the result of training the dark wounds left by the Divine Spirit, or the wounds accumulated by fatigue.

And these scars are so tiny that the gods can't feel them, and they seem so tiny that they're in the genetic fragments.

Of course, these injuries are nothing to his mighty body and will not affect the battle at all, but if you want to advance to the highest realm, you need to leave your body uncluttered and have the perfect base of martial arts.

If it leaves a slight scar, I'm afraid at a critical moment, it will fail because of these minor injuries. Many saints simply do not take this seriously and practise it at a later stage.

Step-by-step accumulation of such injuries creates so-called bottlenecks.

That is why the faster the practice, the less solid the foundation, the more the bottlenecks relate, precisely because of these wounds that are left over from years of rapid practice and intense battle, not even perceived by the gods.

So, many saints didn't realize until late that they were hurt too much, and if they wanted to go any further, they would collapse their genes and wipe them out.

There are also some saints who know this, so they invented and rebuilt the gates of rebirth, and went back to practicing when they were weak, so that they could have the perfect martial arts foundation.

For example, making saints may know this, knowing that they cannot break through the boundaries of invincible saints and become gods, so that they can swindle to death and practice rebirth.

It is also an act of great perseverance, great wisdom.

Of course, if he had yellow spring holy water, he might not need this step.

The problem is that Yellow Springs holy water is a rare treasure even in hell, not that the demon gods simply don't get it, let alone invincible saints.

Getting treasures like yellow spring holy water is just a dream for saints. In hell, yellow spring holy water is a legend, let alone a reality universe.



Summer plate knee sits on the floor.

In the blink of time, three days passed, a drop of Yellow Springs holy water penetrated his body, and by this time it had penetrated every corner of his body.

Out of his 18,000 pores, he also rejects a string of black, smelly impurities, which, like sin, turn black and become almost indelible.

These impurities, which also form a dirty black water on the ground, appear to be heartbeat, hairy and seem to corrode the earth.

At this moment, after three days and three nights of the evolution of the Yellow Springs Holy Water, his body changed overwhelmingly, finally forming the body of the Unsullied, the body of the Gems.

Between the dims, Xiaping's body shines a pale golden light, the whole body is like a glass gem, free of any impurities.

Even a faint fragrance emanating from the depths of the body, like an everlasting, immortal fragrance, is the foundation of godliness.

He felt that he was really out of shape at this moment, and seemed to have been washed all over his body and down again, feeling lighter and more powerful than ever.

Though Xiaping's current situation was not promoted, after such a wash, he felt that his strength had increased by at least 30%.

As you can imagine, the effect of this yellow spring holy water is absolutely a cosmic sacred object.

“Next wash and purify the soul. ”

Xia Ping pinched his fist, the previous yellow spring holy water was only purifying the body, but the next step is purifying the soul, which is a deeper purifying force.

Tick, tick, tick ~ ~

A drop of Yellow Springs holy water dropped on his head again, slowly his body, then circled his body, and finally blended into the depths of the sea of consciousness, dropping into his soul.

Tsk ~ ~ tsk ~ ~

In an instant, Xiaping felt his soul from producing intense pain, like sulphuric acid dropping on his soul, creating a terrible purifying force.

In the meantime, he felt the power of this Yellow Springs holy water was terrifying and seemed to purge not only the impurities of his own soul, but even his own memories, returning his soul to its infancy and turning it into a blank piece of paper.

It works exactly like the legendary soup of Mumba.

Maybe Mengbo Tang is actually yellow spring holy water.

He also knows why the demons, the demons are so afraid of the Yellow Springs River, just a drop of the Yellow Springs Holy Water is so horrible, if it is the Yellow Springs Holy Water of a river, the power is simply unimaginable.

If it was just a drop of yellow spring holy water, he could control the power of yellow spring holy water. If it was yellow spring holy water from a river, it could not be controlled at all, and the demon gods could not resist it.

It is estimated that in an instant, even the soul of the Demon God will be purified once more, and the entire soul will be forcibly formatted and restarted.

Memory is quite important to any life, and it can be said to be fundamental.

What difference does it make to dying if you don't even remember?

Luckily, Xiaping gets a bottle of yellow spring holy water, which can slowly purify the dirt on his soul according to his rhythm and speed, to avoid harm to the maximum extent possible, so as not to harm the essence of his soul.

In fact, Yellow Springs holy water is a superior drug, and if it's right, it's effective, if it's excessive, it's dying.


In the blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

Xiaping has always been very careful, using Yellow Springs holy water very slowly, slowly purifying the dirt of his own soul, slowly rejecting all impurities, so that the soul is rendered innocent.

Obviously, the effects are also quite astonishing.

Bears the purifying effect of Yellow Springs Holy Water. It also enhances the breath of his soul. At the same time, the nature of the soul has changed dramatically.

Boom ~ ~

Just the last drop of Yellow Springs holy water fell deep in the soul, Xiaping's body shook, the soul instantly sublimated, reached the immaculate realm, a strong and horizontal spiritual fluctuation swept across all sides, affecting the entire mountain and sea scripture world.