God Level Demon

Chapter 2631 Refining and Chemical

Boom ~ ~

When Xiaping's right hand held the moment of this blood crystallization, he instantly perceived a demonic figure from deep inside the blood crystal.

This demonic figure appears to stretch over the great river of history, emitting a breath of immortality, as if it were unique between heaven and earth.

An incomparable power of demons erupted from it, and the power of demons permeated every corner of Xiaping's body and even deep into his soul.


Xiaping's eyes revealed a fine light. At this moment, a nothingness, a sacred voice came out of this demonic shadow.

“Herald, have you ever lied in your life, even if it's a minor lie? ”

A voice buzzed, sounded Xiaping's soul, shook back and forth, seemed to have the power to speak with words, and the laws of the universe around were forcibly distorted.

The entire palace is covered by this realm of demons, as if it were within the realm of demons. Only the laws of demons can take effect, and all other laws are completely invalid.


Xiaping was quiet and answered immediately.

“Herald, have you ever broken a promise, even the most insignificant one, in your life? ”

The sound sounded again.


Xia Ping replied without hesitation.

Wow ~ ~

Suddenly, this bloody crystal shines an infinite light, completely covering Xiaping's body, from inside out, even penetrating the soul everywhere, every strand of soul's memory.

Even the endless rivers of history of the past have emerged.

However, because Pu Peng had just been born, there was no history at all, and he had not even had little contact with people, such a test came to an end in a moment.

The next second, this voiceless voice comes out again: "When the test is complete, the heir speaks the truth, passing the test and complying with the inheritance program of the true demon god. ”

In the blink of an eye, this blood crystal seemed to survive, melting into a red liquid, penetrating instantly into Xiaping's body along his right hand.

And then this blood-colored fluid kept creeping and finally blending into the depths of his consciousness, agglomerating again into a blood-colored crystal that seemed to blend into his soul.

Just in the middle of his forehead, immediately emerged a bloody crystal that emitted an incredible light, a strong cross to the extreme point, and immense amounts of energy flowed from deep inside the bloody crystal.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

Suddenly, Xiaping felt that his peng split had gained enormous energy. Like the sea, he poured wildly out of the blood crystals and poured into every corner of the peng split.

If it were an ordinary saint, I'm afraid it would have been completely propelled up by this energy.

But Pupeng is different. He is a mythical creature in his own right, and his body is similar to that of a demon god, and even far superior to that of an ordinary demon god.

This blood crystalline energy enters Peng's body and is immediately absorbed by his infinite amount of stomach swallowing like a black hole, completely owned.

Originally, this Demon Power tried to increase his Split Power, but due to the constraints of its own power, it was the power that was suppressed by death in this realm.

And this excessively large amount of energy is also absorbed by the easy swallowing of Peng's body, each cell in Peng's body can hold as much energy as any other creature.

Especially the stomach, more like a black hole, swallowing as much as you want.

In the end, the Demon God was unhappy with his energy and had to retreat back into this bloody crystal.

But the most important thing about this blood crystal is not the energy of this demon god, but the blood crystal itself, as if it were a collection of myriad law powers, a superior crystal after sublimation.

Through this blood crystallization, Xiaping feels that his understanding of the laws of the universe takes him to the next level, as if opening a book exam, and he directly knows the answers to various exams.

Between the insignificances, he seemed to know the way of the true demon through this blood crystal, which is a true path, breaking all illusions and understanding the only true me.

Except the heavens and the earth.

“Interesting, this feeling seems familiar, as if it was when I got the power of Hell's Blood. ”

Xia Ping squinted his eyes and found that he seemed to have felt this same inheritance a long time ago, that he or at a very weak time, through the power of the system, obtained the blood of Hell's Golden Wood.

But because of systematic repression, not enough to allow the blood of Hell's Golden Wood to explode instantly, it can allow itself to mend and grow slowly, slowly adapting to the power of the ever-powerful Hell's Golden Wood.

Now so is the power of this true demon.

After being suppressed by his Divine Divinity, the divine power of the Real Demon God also shrank, returning to the Divine Divinity, is slowly transforming the body of the Divine Divinity, so that the Divine Divinity of the Real Demon slowly adapts to the power of the Real Demon.

Moreover, thanks to the guidance of the power of God, the cultivation of the Divine Divine Divinity will surely be smooth, and no bottlenecks will be found when the power of the Real Demon reaches its peak.

“Is it true that what I devoured in the first place was the character of Hell's Golden Wood? ”

Xia Ping couldn't help but think about it.

At this moment, the system also seems to perceive Xiaping's idea, "Host, it was not the divinity that the host ate, but the real blood power obtained after the system quenched, removed impurities, and purified completely, was not from the path of Hell Jinwu. Nor will it have any impact on the future of the host. ”

It indicates that the power of the divine character and the blood vein provided by the system is radically different and is a more pure force.

There is no explanation as to why it is different.

Xia Ping nodded, and he did not continue to ask, in fact, the same way, as if every god's character needed to be tested and approved by the previous god in order to be able to inherit, equivalent to the heir of the previous god.

But he got Hell's Golden Ugly bloodline, but he didn't need any test, and he inherited it directly, which is completely different from the legacy of ordinary demons.

It may be said that this approach appears to be cheaper, as if it has served its purpose, but is irresponsible and does not incur any obligations.


A few more days have passed.

Xia Ping has been immersed in the process of refining the power of the Real Demon God. After several days of refining and refining, Po Peng is also a preliminary master of some of the power of the Real Demon God.

“Well, this temple seems to have been refined by me. ”

But what surprised him more was that after he refined the blood crystal, he found himself in control of the true temple and became the master of the temple.

It seems that the temple itself is a tremendous treasure. After all, it is the residence of the real demon. If it is not strong enough, how can it withstand the power of the real demon, how can it experience hundreds of millions of centuries without decay, still as if it was newly built.

And this temple itself is energized by this power of character, which is the power of the true demon by devouring the origin of hell, so that the temple's defensive restraint method can always remain in full swing.

Even after countless catastrophes, they remain strong and have no external power to destroy them.