God Level Demon

Chapter 2637 Damaged Hell


In the blink of an eye, Xiaping's body shocked, and he felt this energy coming from the source of high hell, as if he didn't want money, infusing himself with madness.

He has countless Hell's Golden Ugly cells cheering, and for Hell's Golden Ugly bloodline, these energies from Hell's origins are simply the greatest complement.

A few breathing hours, he finds himself in a wild awakening of hell's golden whale cells, 100 million, billion, 10 billion, hundreds of billions...

The waves of energy, like a flood, erupted on him and poured into the human remains of his limbs, filling every corner of his body with abundant energy.

But the most important thing is not the instilling of the source energy, but the original will of Green Lotus Hell and the deed of Xiaping's soul.

In the blink of an eye, a blue tablet emerged from this green source of chaos. This is the original tablet of Green Lotus Hell, known as the Genesis tablet.

If you take control of this Genesis tablet, you take control of everything in Green Lotus Hell.

Without the recognition of the original will of Green Lotus Hell, it is simply impossible to refine this Genesis tablet and will be greatly resisted by the original will.

But Xiaping has been recognized by the original will, so it is quite simple to refine, as if he had been sent all the way to Qinghua Northwestern University, and there is no need for exams.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

In an instant, Xiaping felt his soul shock, a hint of his soul instantly blended into the Genesis tablet, and one breath time he completely refined the Genesis tablet.


Xiaping immediately discovered that the whole world had changed dramatically, and his own will suddenly merged into the stone slab of Genesis, into the deepest of Green Lotus Hell.

The soul he discovered seemed to envelop the entire Green Lotus Hell, where he could feel the whole Green Lotus Hell, every mountain, every valley, every river, even every grain of gravel.

It's as if Green Lotus Hell is part of itself.

As long as he moves his mind and motivates the origin of Green Lotus Hell, he can freely transform the various terrain of Green Lotus Hell.

For example, let the mountains go up, let the rivers widen, and so on, which is like a god of creation, making up the world at will, changing it into the shape and place you like.

But it takes a lot of natural energy, and it's not what you want.

“It seems that the damage is too serious. ”

At this moment, Xiaping frowned, and soon he realized that the Green Lotus Hell at this moment was so badly damaged, it was completely intact, like the Sun's natural energy, but at this moment it was missing a large chunk.

This is like being eaten by Heavenly Dog Moon, eaten by Hard Lives a large chunk, which makes Green Lotus hell lose a lot, even the original will has been thoroughly traumatized, as if it were a candle in the wind.

- No wonder Green Lotus Hell was so anxious to find people who could save themselves. If one step later, I'm afraid the whole Green Lotus Hell's origin will be consumed by empty monsters and completely destroyed.

In the meantime, he also perceived a thousand holes in the entire Green Lotus Hell, emitting a sense of destruction everywhere, as if the next second would collapse completely.


Xia Ping's face was silent, he thought he had taken advantage of a great deal, but he didn't expect to get a hot potato head and accept a mess, which was a high hell level that was about to collapse.

If you want to fix this high hellhole, you don't know how long it will take and how much energy it will take.

But when you think about it, if it's a full-blown Green Lotus Hell, how can its original will recognize itself as a mere ancient sainthood.

It is precisely because it is in danger that it lowers its demands and is in danger of being ordered.

“No, no, there seems to be a simple way to fix it. ”

At this point, Xiaping touched his chin and his eyes revealed a glimmer of finesse. His eyes focused on the tens of billions of void monsters petrified by the power of the real demon.

To be honest, the bodies of these void monsters themselves have enormous intrinsic energies, but ordinary demons simply cannot take advantage of them.

But unlike him, with the power of Hell's Golden Wood, every drop of blood all over his body burns Hell's Golden Wood flame, which can easily refine these void monsters and make them lit like fuel.

If the remains of the tens of billions of void monsters are lit up and the enormous source energy is completely integrated into the source of Green Lotus Hell, I'm afraid it will not only repair the source energy of Green Lotus Hell, but also make Green Lotus Hell stronger.

He didn't hesitate to think about it.


In an instant, with the help of the original will of Green Lotus Hell, Xiaping suddenly crossed out of the ruins of the demon god, no restraining method could stop him.

He came directly to the place where the myriad void monsters gathered. At this moment, the Green Lotus Hells were basically dead, and he was not worried that his actions would be seen by other demons.

Wow ~ ~ ~

The next second, Xiaping runs the Hell's Golden Wood flame in his body, and all of a sudden it turns into a flaming sea, completely burning these petrified void monsters.

Although these void monsters have been petrified, the natural energy in their bodies hasn't changed, so hell's golden fires infiltrate the bodies of these void monsters.

It was as if the flames had met oil, and the bears had started to burn.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

In an instant, a stone sculpture of a void monster, burned in the flames of Hell's golden whale, immediately turned into a giant torch, and the red flame swept up.

If a demon watches outside, he will surely see the whole of Green Lotus Hell covered in flames, as if it were a giant fireball, turned into a fierce sun of bears, with endless light.


Under Xiaping's action, time blinked for a few days.

Throughout this time, tens of billions of void monsters were ignited by the power of Hell's Golden Wood Flame, which burned all over their bodies and all their impurities were burned to ashes and turned into a ray of black flames.

In the end, they all leave behind the purest, purest source of energy.

Even the natural energy of Green Lotus Hell, which had been devoured by these empty monsters, was released from their bellies and returned to the earth of Green Lotus Hell again.

It can be said that this time Green Lotus Hell not only has nothing to lose, but also makes a lot of money.

“It's evolving. ”

Xiaping was so excited that the bodies of these void monsters melted into the vast power of Hell's origins, which blended into every corner of Green Lotus Hell like a gold liquid.

And these energies are absorbed by the greed of the original Green Lotus Hell.