God Level Demon

Chapter 2680: Mysterious Power


Just after greedy dreams, the insects Xiaoqian and Xiaojin and others left Wuquxing for a short time. When the distant void paused, a wave of ripples appeared. Two or three people came out of the ripples of the black hole to reach the ancient realm.

They are surrounded by the realm of creation.

“Hmm? That tiger demon saint doesn't seem to be in this place anymore. ”

A saint in white perceived the surrounding area, but he discovered that the intelligence Tiger Demon Holy was not in this place and that there was no trace of Tiger Demon Holy around.

Even more surprising to him is that there are no signs of sabotage by the Tiger Demon Holy in the vicinity, which is truly unthinkable, because the people of Wuqiu Xing sent out a distress signal that there was an ancient and demonic saint fighting here and that at least an ancient saint was needed to rescue him, and the saint guarded by the nearby town was not at all an opponent of the Tiger Saint.

But when he arrived, there was no sign of the Tiger Demon Holy.

“Did you know we were coming to Wuquxing, so you ran away early? ”

A saint in blue opened his mouth.

“No, even knowing that we were coming to Wuquxing, at least this place had traces of Tiger Demon Holy Combat. According to intelligence, it seemed to have tried to rob several immortal saints of different ethnicities and was stopped several times. At the time of the breakdown, Wuquxing was now devoid of any trace of destruction. ”

The saint in white shook his head.

“There's no need to speculate, there's a message from Wu Qu Xing. ”

Another saint in blue sighed: “Indeed, the Tiger Demon Holy is not in this place. It seems that a mysterious man can personally destroy the Tiger Demon Holy, and at the same time he runs the laws of time and space, making time reflux and completely repair the marks of the destruction of Wuzhuxing by the saints. ”

He said he knew the information.

“What, back in time?! ”

The white saint's eyes revealed a heavy divine colour: “Indeed, this place once had the aura of the law of time and space, and the power of space-time distortion existed, immensely large and sophisticated and unpredictable.

But what is the origin of a planet that can be traced back to this extent, at least to the peak of an ancient saint, or perhaps even to a saint too ancient? ”

He knew exactly how daunting it was to want to do so, and even as an ancient saint, he could not have done so with so much understatement, at a great price.

He wouldn't have done that if it weren't necessary.

“I don't know. ”

The saint in green shook his head: “Now there are two speculations, one is the group of little girls who struck on Wuqiu star, maybe the mysterious master, behind the group of little girls against the mountain, saw that they were in danger, so the other side took the hand and wiped out the Tiger Demon Holy.

The other was a Tai Gu saint who happened to pass by by Wuquxing, and when he saw that the Tiger Demon Saint had done evil on my people's land, he personally shot and killed the Tiger Demon Saint. ”

“If it's a saint of my people, why hide who I am? ”

The saint in blue asked.

“Perhaps he has something important to do, and it is not suitable to reveal his identity, but in any case, it is a great good thing for my people to extinguish the Tiger Demon Holy, which can deter those of us who want to do things within our national boundaries, so that they do not act rashly, or die like the Tiger Demon Holy. ”

The saint in green is so angry that, to be honest, he is angry now. If the mysterious master didn't make his move in time, Wuquxing would probably be annihilated by the Tiger Demon Holy, and the whole planet would die.

It is obvious that in the ethnic territory, these heretically powerful people dare to be so arrogant. When the human rule is nothing, it is not to seek death or anything. It is also to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the chicken monkey and deter the group of heretically powerful people who want to do things in the ethnic territory.

Especially with the head of the Tiger Demon Holy to deter, quite a few of the strong interracial people also need to weigh, whether they have the ability to far exceed the Tiger Demon Holy.

“There is a real need to kill chicken monkeys and warn those who are strong of the opposite ethnicity not to move lightly to welcome them into business, but if they want to do something, kill them. ”

The saint in white nodded, agreeing with that.

“In that case, there is no need to go into the matter. After all, the senior didn't want to reveal his identity, so we didn't have to bother too much. ”

The saint in blue sank.

The other two saints nodded, after all, such an ancient and powerful saint, who knew what secrets needed to be done, so he hid his identity.

If the failure of the ancient saint is due to their reckless actions, then I'm afraid they will sin completely. Either everything needs to be clarified, or life will be confusing.


Right now, on the other hand.

Deep in the void, in some dimensional space-time, several powerful and horizontal breaths intertwined with each other, as if the shadows of one giant planet of life emerged deep in the dimension.

They all have an intense atmosphere of life, as if they were a union of billions of trillions of lives, just in dimensional space-time, as if that power were enough to tear the void apart.

“Those little dots just now seem to have almost screwed up the trial. ”

“What a shame, I thought I could do it myself, and then finish this nanny assignment. I didn't expect it to fail. It's all the fault of the sudden emergence of the saint of the people. ”

“Don't underestimate the saint of the people, if I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid they already know we exist. ”

“How is that possible? We are using the Gaia realm, hiding at the end of time, even if the invincible saints want to perceive our breath, it is incredibly difficult. ”

“I don't think it's possible either, but Gaia's sixth sense tells me that this human saint is very dangerous and hides a great deal of secrets, as if he were carrying countless wrongs and evil spirits, buried behind him in the bloody sea of the dead, which is frightening. I really don't know when people will ever see such a horrible saint, and I've never heard of it before. ”

“Though the longevity of peoples is a very brief race among nations, called the short-lived species by other long-lived races, their potential is rather frightening, and their horrific and invincible saints abound. ”

“In that case, we don't need to take these little dots back, lest we have a lot of nightmares. ”

“Needless to say, I, the Gaia clan, am the strongest clan, invincible, even the people, and if anything happens, we, the Gaia, are not afraid of anything. ”

“Indeed, the trial of these little ones is of the utmost importance, and if they grow up completely, I, the Gaia, will surely have another invincible saint. ”

A voice sounded at the end of dimensional time and space, and no one outside knew it, nor did anyone know that there were several ancient beings in the place who were talking.