God Level Demon

Chapter 2754: Great Prestige

“Hmm, Monica, lucky for you this time, there are elders in this place, and if you change to another place, I'm afraid you're doomed.” Shamantha and the rest of the demons were relieved when they saw Elder Moran leave.

Then she sneered and stared at Monica, still hostile.

“Ridiculous, no elder here, you're already cold, where are you qualified to talk to me here. ”

Monica doesn't show weakness.

But demons like Shamantha don't care about Monica anymore, they look at Xiaping.

“Austin, you're my thing, and no demon can take you away from me. ”

“You can't run away this time, hide at the end of the abyss, and I'll find you. ”

“Lord Austin, you will always belong to me. ”

A voice of godliness was instilled in Xiaping's sea of consciousness, all transmitted by these demons, who wanted to get Xiaping's mind so strong and hegemonic.

This made Xiaping's heart feel strange. He seemed to be a real red scourge, leading many demon heads to strike out and split the landslide.

Perhaps that's what it felt like in ancient times when beautiful women like Suda, Princess Yang, Little Joe Big, Mink Cicada were being fought over by the heroes.


After these words, these demons left the place. Obviously, the elders' words are still very important. Not many demons dare to defy the elders' words.

“Well, I didn't expect you to have such a rich history of love, so many ex-girlfriends scare the demons. ”

Monica stared at Xiaping biting her teeth and honestly, if she knew this asshole had so many ex-girlfriends and so many complicated feelings, where would she have taken them?

“Well, it's not my fault you look handsome. ”

Xia Ping said very innocently.

The abyss demons next to them heard these words, and they all felt a little impatient to beat the kid to pieces, which was really unworthy.

They're also a jealous jealousy. How can this kid attract so many good demons? That's so unfair. Is that reasonable?


Not far from here, the nine-arm Lion Magna Clanton, and the many little demons around him, also saw this scene, and they saw this kind of thing refreshing their own three-way view, which was incredible.

“Holy shit, what the hell did this kid do, what's so amazing, he was actually loved by so many powerful demons, this is a joke. ”

Ancient demons stare at each other.

If he is adopted by a rich woman, then he is a white face, but if he is adopted by a group of rich women, then he is the king of ya and can become a legend.

And worst of all, these rich women are beautiful and powerful and rich and they have a lot of followers.

Kill them all and wonder why this happened. How could this little white face do this?

“Oh, this kid is a little tricky to please a woman, presumably the kung fu of kissing her ass has already gone insane.” Nine-arm Lion Magna Clanton is also jealous of green intestines.

In fact, Catherine, the dark spider demon she has long admired, has also pursued, given gifts and spent a lot of time thinking.

But instead of looking at it, he beat it up.

If it is a weak demon, it may still be able to take over the king's hard bow and rob the other party. The problem is that the other party's strength is stronger than its own, how can you rob it?!

But that's the kind of woman who actually likes this shameless, mean-spirited little white face, doesn't need to spend any thought to get the joy of Dark Spider Demon Catherine.

Ask how it can accept such absurdity.

Now even without his son, it's gonna have to kill this bastard, and no Abyss Demon can possibly imagine his anger attack right now.

If anger affects reality, it is estimated that this area will be burned out.

“Boss, this flower demon Austin is so angry, I can't stand him for a second. ”

A demon bites his teeth and cuts his teeth.

“Rest assured, after entering the Abyss, he will be dead, and no demon will be able to save him. ”

Nine-arm Lion Magna squeezed her fist tightly, and she felt her killing intentions were getting worse. If it wasn't for the threat of elders, it wouldn't be able to control its impulses and punch the kid.

“But what if the demons cover the boy? ”

“Yeah, it looks like those demons are going into the abyss too, and I'm afraid if that kid is covered, we'll have a hard time getting him. ”

Many demons are arguing, and they think things are a little tricky right now, because if the demons shelter them, they won't be able to do it.

After all, these demons have reached too ancient a state, and when it comes to strength, they are stronger than the nine-arm Lion Magna Clanton.

“Don't worry, once we get into the Abyss, all our demons will be dispersed and transferred to all corners of the Abyss, unless they meet inside, they won't be able to come together from the beginning, and as soon as we find the boy quickly, we can easily solve him. ”

Nine-arm Lion Magna Clanton is a killer.


Another place.

It was a place where the kings of the abyss gathered, as if in a palace far away from the square, they could easily perceive the situation in the square.

In fact, Moran the Elderly had just taken the lead, and they had been notified.

“Haha, Night Demon King, I didn't expect your son-in-law to have such a charm, obviously she doesn't have much strength, but she likes it so much. ”

Speaking was an Abyss Demon King, who suddenly laughed at the Night Demon King Haha.

“He's not my son-in-law. ”

The Night Devil's face was dark and he felt ashamed of himself in front of the abyss monsters because of Xiaping's boy.

“Not your son-in-law, but I'm afraid he won't marry your daughter. ”

An abyss monster grinned.

“Humph, to be my son-in-law, it also depends on whether he can come back from the abyss alive, and if he dies in it, everything will rest.” The Night Demon King sneered.

“If he comes back alive, aren't you going to admit his status? ”

The Abyss Demon King smiled.

“Let's wait till he gets back alive. ”

The Night Demon King will not put aside, and of course he does not believe that such a soft meal eater can come back alive in a dangerous abyss, even such abyss monsters as him will feel that the place is dangerous and impossible to dwarf.

Otherwise, if you take the wrong step, you will probably die without a corpse.