God Level Demon

Chapter 2767: Incredible

“It was Austin. ”

And it's not just the moon demon Monica in this place, where demons like Remus Shamanza, White Bone Demon Jennifer, Hydra Demon, and so on appear in this battlefield, hostile to Monica.

They also want to take advantage of the opportunity to kill Monica the Moon.

After all, in the square outside, they already have a contradiction, just in time to stay in the abyss and solve it together, and by the way, they can separate wins and losses, who can get Austin?

But they didn't expect Austin, the flower demon, to be here in such a dangerous battlefield.

Whatever the case, what a dangerous place this is. If the unusual immortal demons approach this place, they will be instantly shocked by the horrible world fluctuations, and no demons dare to approach it.

But the flower demon Austin dared to hide in the dark.

Even this hidden ability is unusual, other too ancient demons couldn't find the boy's whereabouts, only an unexpected fluctuation made the flower demon Austin appear.

“Haha, folks, this is just a misunderstanding, I'm just a passing demon, I don't want to grab any treasure at all, keep fighting, I have to go first.” Shapinghahaha laughed and hit a maha. He made an excuse and tried to leave the battlefield quietly.

“Misunderstood? Misunderstood, little ants only, dare to mix with our too ancient demon war, die immediately.” A Tai Ancient Demon drank a sip of anger, killing his anger.

It's long gone by Austin's eyes, a little white face, it's actually been loved by so many powerful demons, I don't know how much luck I enjoyed.

And it doesn't know how long it's been pursuing these goddesses, but they don't even look at themselves, which makes it very unbalanced and wants to kill Austin.

And now finally, waiting for this opportunity, in the abyss, killing any demon is not guilty, and it doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

So it didn't say anything, and when the time came, it immediately killed Xia Ping.

“Gabriel, dare you! ”

Seeing this scene, the moon demon Monica drank a loud shout, and immediately tried to intercept her, she couldn't have watched Austin be slaughtered here by other too ancient demons.

But before Monica left, three or four Too Ancient Demons immediately intercepted in front of Monica, and they were very tacit in stopping Monica from moving.

They don't have any deep hatred for Chapin, but if they can kill Austin, I'm afraid Monica will be devastated, and they will win the Moon Monica.


Thunderdemon Shamantha, Whitebone Demon Jennifer, Hydra Demon also wanted to intercept, but other Too Ancient Demons had long expected to come forward and intercept these demons.

“Haha, stupid Austin, there's a way to heaven. If you don't walk, hell will break in, and nobody can save you today. Go to hell. ”

That too ancient demon smiled, a claw came and bombarded, with the power of the horrible law of the world, as if this claw could completely crush a world.

This is the full blow of the demons of the ancient world. Even the demons of the ancient world dare not to be small by half. They must be dealt with in full, let alone the immortal demons of the district.

And this claw, this flower demon Austin, will undoubtedly die, and his whole body will be torn apart, and no one will die.

“It's over. It's over. ”

Monica the Moon Demon, Samantha the Remus, Jennifer the White Bone Demon, the Hydra Demon and other demons are all pale, and they all seem to have seen the tragedy of Austin the Flower Demon being beaten to death by this ancient demon.


In an instant, this claw was bombarded, the void around it exploded, and all power was repelled, all aimed at Xiaping's body.

But at this moment, Xia Ping moved. He looked lightly at the ancient demon in front of him. His eyes were incredibly calm. He lit a finger and came out first.


At this moment, this finger gently rests on the black claw of the too ancient demon, and all the power of the world is crushed at this moment, completely wiped out, shaken to powder.

It seems that at this moment, the power of all sides is calm, while Xiaping still stands undamaged, as if this finger is like an Optimus Column, easily blocking the horror claw of the ancient demon.

“Impossible? ”

That ancient demon is so stunned, so utterly stunned, so blank in the head, even if it's all imagination, it's impossible to imagine the scene actually happening.

You know, it's too ancient a demon, second only to the horror of a demigod-grade demon, trying to kill an immortal demon. It's an easy thing to do, it doesn't take much effort.

When this claw is blown down, it can imagine the tragedy of this flower demon Austin. It must have been crushed by its own claw, and even its soul will be torn apart, making a painful scream to the extreme.

But in front of this scene, it completely reversed its imagination. The flower demon Austin was unharmed and easily resisted himself. This is too ancient a claw. This is a joke.

Ask how it can accept such absurdity.

“What the hell just happened? How could this kid stop Gabrielle's ancient claw? ”

“I don't know, it just happened too fast to see clearly. ”

“I can see perfectly well, it was the kid who stuck his finger out and blocked Gabriel's too ancient claw. The question is, how could this happen? ”

“Yeah, I saw it, too, but I thought I was blinded, maybe hallucinating. ”

“Indeed, it is only the immortal demon of the district, how can it stop the attack of the ancient demon?! He shouldn't have been able to do that, even if he had gone to heaven. ”

“The question is, he did it. What the hell is going on? ”

Too many ancient demons are gone, and they are even more obnoxious than their client Gabriel, because they are bystanders, but they still can't find out exactly what happened.

“Austin?! ”

Monica the Moon Demon, Samantha the Thunder Demon, Jennifer the White Bone Demon, Hydra Demon and other demons also have their eyes widened. To be honest, they are more surprised than any demon.

After all, they thought they should be more familiar with the flower demon Austin, but this scene completely reversed their imagination and broke their previous imagination of the flower demon Austin.

Because in general, the flower demon Austin is not a white face, he is not an immortal demon eating soft meals. How could he suddenly reach such a level, instantly blocking too ancient a blow.