God Level Demon

Chapter 2848: Evolution of Green Lotus Hell

Knock, knock!!!

Xiaping himself, running Hell's Golden Eye, punched through the ruins of the entire demon, a breakdown of the forbidden formation method, and suddenly the forbidden formation method of the entire demon ruins produced a multi-bone Minotaur effect.

Originally, the entire relic of the demon was in a state of shock, eroded by endless years, combined with the destruction of the world of hell, and was about to collapse.

Previously, only no demon could see the breakdown of the Prohibition of Demonic Ruins method, so to date, the entire Prohibition of Demonic Ruins method has still not collapsed, looks intact, in fact, it is already full of sores.

However, under the attack of Xiaping, the forbidden formations of the ruins of the demon collapsed immediately.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

Suddenly, the entire ruins of the demon vibrated, all the banned formations collapsed, and hundreds of thousands of light years of the circle produced the sound of explosions that seemed to destroy an area.

Terrible destructive fluctuations, centered on the ruins of the demonic gods, have spread out on all sides, and everywhere along the way, it is almost like turning everything into powder, and the great mountain rivers collapse.

But there are no demons in the vicinity of the ruins of the demons themselves, so this collapse did not kill any demons.

But this tremendous vibration also attracted the attention of countless demons of Green Lotus Hell, who also felt such a strong sense of vibration that it seemed like a supermassive earthquake had occurred.

“What the hell is going on? What the hell happened to Green Lotus? ”

An invincible demon woke up immediately, and they perceived that it was not just an ordinary earthquake, as if the centre of the earthquake had created a terrible wave of demons, destroying all sides.

Such devastating fluctuations have caused them all to palpitate for a while.

Even in closed practice, they woke up suddenly, uncertain, they had no idea what the hell was going on in Green Lotus.

“Don't worry, this must be the master's pen, only the master can make such a big move in Green Lotus Hell.” An invincible demon stood up and stabilized his heart, indicating that this must be Xiaping's pen.

“So that's it. ”

Many invincible demons also calmed down and couldn't help but nod their heads, because Xiaping is the Lord of Green Lotus Hell, the Lord of Hell, who controls all the power of origin.

Ask who can make such a big move in front of his own master. There is no such demon in the whole hell world, so no one can make such a big move in Green Lotus Hell except Xiaping.

“But what did the master do that caused such a stir? ”

“With such great energy fluctuations, the direction seems to be the relic of the demon. ”

“No way. Did the master do something about the relics? ”

“It's definitely time to do it. It's not weird, according to the master's strength, to dig up the entire relic of the demon.”

“That is not the case. The relics of the demon left behind the horrific forces of the last Hell Age, and even the powers of the demon exist. Even if the master controls the original power, it is not 100% safe. ”

“It is true that there are occasional ruins of demons in the face of other higher Hellfields, but the Lord of these faces does not dare to explore the ruins of demons at will and fear falling. ”

“But since the master dared to explore, he proved that he had great certainty that nothing would happen to him. ”

Many invincible demons talk about their gods exploring the past and trying to find out exactly what it is.

Even if they are not worried about the safety of Xiaping, they also want to know what happened to the ruins of the demon, all of which are incredibly curious.

“Look, the ruins of the demon have collapsed. ”

When an invincible demonic god infiltrated the past, he discovered that the original dense anti-hemp method was full of horrible demonic relics. At this moment, the anti-hemp method around him collapsed, showing the prototype.

Twelve hundred and ninety-six hundred Hell City pools suddenly appeared in Green Lotus Hell, and the vast and thick source of hell energy spread out into the whole Green Lotus Hell.

“Is it true that this is the true face of the legendary relic of the demon god? ”

Many invincible demons are amazed, they are the first to see the full ruins of the demon, all of them can sense the ancient, magnificent, immortal, ancient and so on.

It seems that they are incredibly small and overwhelming in the face of such forces.

“This relic of the demon seems to blend into the Green Lotus Hell. ”

Some invincible demons shout, and their gods perceive that the whole of Green Lotus Hell is shaking, and a horrible source of energy seems to instantly envelop these hell-city pools.

It's like a giant beast, slowly swallowing up these hell pools, taking all the energy from the source into its own hands.

It's a place where hell, time and space are distorted, creating layers of folding space, and endless sources of hell's energy are spreading out of these hell pools.

“Green Lotus Hell is about to evolve. ”

One invincible demon shouted.

After they could sense that the Green Lotus Hell devoured the entire ruins of the Demon God, these Hell City pools all blended into the Green Lotus Hell, which also further expanded the area of the Green Lotus Hell.

Seeing that all the land in Green Lotus Hell is expanding rapidly, as if it were a sea of mulberry fields, the land is expanding, the mountains are rising, the sea is deepening...

In just one day of kung fu, the whole of Green Lotus Hell is ten times bigger than before.

You know what an exaggerated change it is to know that the area of Green Lotus Hell was already huge, far beyond the general level of higher Hell, but it has now expanded tenfold.

Never in their lives have they seen such a fast-evolving high hellhole, and it's astonishing.

“The energy of the source is also increasing. Are you kidding me? How can it grow so fast? Is it to be promoted to the Devil's Position?” A great surprise for an invincible demon.

If it's just an increase in size, it's not really much of an area for a higher hellhole, it's the energy that's at the origin of hell.

If the energy of the source is insufficient, the promotion of a demon cannot be supported.

Why is there so many invincible demons in hell at this moment, but no invincible demon can be promoted to the realm of demons, because they are not gifted enough? No, that's impossible.

The only reason is that the energy between the heavens and the earth is not enough to support their promotion, as if there were no practitioners in the Last Age, and if there is not enough energy, it cannot be promoted to the Land of the Devil.

So it is extremely important for the Demon God to face the Invincible Demon, which is the foundation that supports their promotion to the Demon God.