God Level Demon

Chapter 2864: Species Invasion

“Take a look at the space-time channel first. ”

Xia Ping had endured the urge to destroy the place completely because once it was destroyed, it would be difficult for him to find other space-time channels to travel to the Universe of Evil.

Since these evil gods' families can reach the world of Hell, he naturally can also benefit from the evil gods' universe, which is called courtesy.

If we destroy this place, it will scare the snakes and draw the attention of the evil gods, and it will be very difficult for him to enter the universe of evil gods.


Xia Ping concealed her figure and followed other void monsters to reach the place where the space-time tunnel was located.

This place is a huge open space, where many strange, void monsters gather, surrounded by a huge evil sculpture.

These evil sculptures appear to have divine power and unconsciously exude all sorts of evil, dark and distorted forces of terror, forming the realm of evil.

And this power covers the whole square, covering every corner.

Everything that does not belong to the Evil God is instantly distorted and corrupted by force, an unnameable horror energy.

Fortunately, Xiaping's faceless mask can hide the breath from him, as well as the power of Hell's blood to resist the distortion of the power of evil gods. Otherwise, he will be instantly discovered after just coming into the place.

“Be careful, or you will most likely be spotted. ”

Xia Ping squinted her eyes.

He perceived that the sculptures contained a glimmer of divine power, holes in the void of hell, scanned all the time, and if he produced some movement that was discovered by the other side, then it would surely be miserable.

But something like this, diving into someone else's nest, he did too much, he'd already driven lightly, he didn't know how many times his mental qualities had improved, and naturally he wouldn't be shaken by it.

“Is this the space-time channel? ”

Xiaping looked ahead, at the deepest part of the square, there was a huge black portal, which seemed to be a gateway to time and space, engraved with all sorts of evil god patterns, engraved with countless evil god symbols, with terrible space-time forces.

It seems to be this gateway to space-time that connects the world of hell to the universe of evil.

Seeing these void monsters arrive in this space-time corridor, they appear to have stayed in place, waiting to be examined, and the light of one dark evil god overshadowed them, seemingly rendering the bodies of these void monsters virtual and revealing the space inside them.

It seems that the bellies of these empty monsters are a dimensional stomach full of countless things.

And their bellies seem to be filled with all sorts of things that have been scratched back from all over the hellworld.

Obviously, these void monsters have devoured countless resources from all over hell, most of them not by themselves, but by bringing them back here and sending them back to the Universe of Evil.

“So that's it. ”

Xiaping quickly understood why they were doing this, because things from other universes, even if they appeared to be beneficial on the surface, needed to be examined.

Especially the invasion of species, which could be a great disaster for the universe.

Because there are essentially no natural enemies in the Evil God universe, if you accidentally enter the Evil God universe, you will cause enormous ecological damage and continue to multiply.

The evil god universe is inherently fragile. If we do this again, we may accelerate the demise of the evil god universe, so these evil god families are extremely cautious.

Even returning large quantities of material from the Hell World will have to be checked repeatedly to prevent species from the Hell World from invading the Universe of Evil, causing irreparable disaster.

In fact, the Universe of the Evil God has also experienced extremely painful lessons before carrying out such inspection measures.

They accidentally brought back some seeds of hellgrass from the hellworld, weeds grown in the hellworld, red all over their bodies, like blood, which looked beautiful.

After these seeds of hellgrass entered the Universe of Evil, they actually sprouted on land.

As it turns out, these plants that can survive in hell don't know how resilient they are, and as soon as they enter the universe of evil spirits, they quickly multiply.

In just a year, they cover countless areas, and what other plants that live in greenhouses are better than the hellgrass that lives in hell.

Originally dense forests, all of them die instantly, and only Hellfield can survive, even if they constantly devour the earth's nutrients, drying it up.

And they have no fear of flames burning, or even consuming flame energy.

Families of evil gods have tried to exterminate these hellgrasses, but there is no way to do so, forming a hellgrass of terrible scale, like a helltrap.

Once a family of evil gods enters, they can instantly tie up all of these evil gods' families and devour each other's flesh and blood. Instead, Hellfield grows.

The result is conceivable, because of the prevalence of hellgrass, which has made one piece of land after another a territory of hellgrass, forming an absolute no-go zone.

At the same time, the evil gods do not want to destroy the land here, because the evil god universe is already fragile, and if some more land is destroyed, it will probably accelerate the demise of the evil god universe.

So they can only grow out of these hellgrasses, and for the Evil God universe, it's just one more horrible plant.

At this moment, many parts of the Evil God universe still grow hellgrass.

But as a result of this lesson, which has cost them dearly, and bearing this in mind, the biological invasion of other universes has been completely cut off from the catastrophe.

“Biological invasion? ”

Xia Ping's eyes revealed a fine light. If you want to accelerate the collapse of the Evil God universe, it is not necessarily a good way to get the Evil God universe into a great deal of trouble from the tiny spots.

He remembers that there are some horrible creatures in hell, like hell ants.

This biological life force is extremely resilient, and it grows very fast, and billions of trillions of hell ants appear, and once they do, they form a natural disaster, and everywhere they go, they become desolate.

They eat nothing, they devour everything, and if there are enough, the whole world will be eaten by them.

And Hellfire's defense is a blast watch. Don't look at them. They're weak on their own, but hundreds of millions of them are invincible. They can rebound all the magic tricks, flames, and cold ice have no effect on them.

Fortunately, Hell also has creatures that restrain Hell Ants, otherwise the whole Hell is the world of Hell Ants.

But hell ants in the evil god universe have no natural enemies.

If we put these species in the Universe of the Evil Gods, it will certainly cause them enormous trouble.

This kind of infernal species has actually been collected by Xiaping and placed in the mountain sea scripture world.

But under the control of the Blue Bull, the Hell Ants are always unable to form a scale in the mountainous ocean through the world.