God Level Demon

Chapter 2877: Crazy Mountains, Evil Gods Mumble

Three days later, the Meteorological Land, the Mad Mountains.

After Xiaping entered the Meteorological Place, he escaped countless dangers and entered the madness of the mountains without risk because of future image guidance.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

In an instant, he had just entered the madness of the mountains and immediately felt a terrible evil spiritual repression emanating from the depths of the mountains, as if endless evil spiritual forces were trying to pollute his soul.

Deep in the void, and infinitely dark energy, he tries to infiltrate his sea of consciousness.

“Come on, boy, merge with me. ”

“Want to be king, want to be god, want to have power over the world? Believe me, I'll give you everything. ”

“Good boy, go to sleep, go to sleep, this is the safest place, sleep here and you'll get peace. ”

It was as if countless evil voices shook and buzzed in the depths of his sea of consciousness, whispering all the time.

This is the devil's mumble.

When a normal creature hears this sound, it instantly goes completely insane, twists its soul, and bleeds to death in seven holes.

“Die! ”

Xiaping's eyes revealed a glimmer of fine light, and the bloodstream of Hell's golden eagle poured through his body, and the horrible Hell's golden eagle flame began to burn, turning into eternal flame.

Tsk ~ ~ tsk ~ ~

Between moments, there was a terrible scream from the depths of the void, and the infiltrating evil gods murmured, and the evil spiritual forces could not withstand the burning of Hell's Golden Wood flames.

The Hellfire on him had just burned, as if it had met oil, and had begun to burn, and all the evil spiritual creatures had instantly become ashes.

Centered around his body, a terrible Hell of Golden Wood flame has been created, turning hundreds of kilometres across into an infinite sea of fire.

Even such a flame spreads wildly in all directions.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

There are countless evil spiritual creatures hiding in the madness of the mountains, all screaming terribly, and they are instantly burned to ashes as long as they touch the flames.

Even a mountain is completely burned, and every inch of dirt, every plant, even every grain of gravel is the best fuel for Hell's Golden Flame.

“No way, is this a fire? ”

Xia Ping was a little confused. He was just trying to keep a low profile in the mad mountains and see if he could resist the evil spiritual forces of the mad mountains for a moment.

But just as he entered the Mad Mountains, the evil energy here instantly triggered a passive response from the bloodline of Hell's Golden Wood in his body, no, it should have caused Hell's Golden Wood instinct to devour yw.

It's like it's not some crazy mountain range, it's delicious food.

Seeing the wild burning of Hell's Golden Wood flames, they spread at visible speeds, and all the evil creatures everywhere burned into ashes and white fields.

“So the whole crazy mountain range is fuel, is it food? ”

Xiaping understood in a moment.

Originally this mad mountain range was made of the flesh and spiritual strength of the evil gods, equivalent to the flesh and blood essence of the evil gods, with immense evil power.

For other creatures, this place is naturally a jedi, unable to resist the evil gods here. It is instantly distorted by spirits and souls and devoured by spirituality.

But for Hell's Golden Wood, this is a delicious meal.

Three hundred more rounds of war are needed to burn other demons, but now these demons themselves are dead, just fuel left, like cooked food.

It's like falling pie in the sky, naturally causing the bloodthirst of hell to swallow.

He can sense the enormous source of energy that keeps pouring through his body, and the bloodline of Hell on his body is waking up wildly, and his strength is rising indefinitely.

At this moment, the Mad Mountains are no longer dangerous Jedi, but belong to his land.

“Found it. ”

Shortly afterwards, Xiaping was deep in the heart of the Mad Mountains, where the blood of the Magic Eye, the Chaos Jellyfish and the Feathersnake God had dripped, as if at this moment their blood had been turned into three giant blood lakes.

Because the bodies of these three ruling gods are so big, even a drop of blood, they are as huge as lakes for small humans.

Seeing these three bloody lakes exude a terrible and ultimate demonic repression, it seems that just coming to the edge of the lake, ordinary life will be crushed by demonic repression.

But he has Hell's Golden Ugly bloodline, which naturally resists such demonic repression.

“Is this the blood of the ruling god? It's incredible. ”

Xia Ping was amazed when he saw that the blood of the demonic eye was black, extremely thick, like oil, and deep inside was the power of a terrible and evil law of distortion.

The blood of a chaotic jellyfish is transparent, and if it had not been perceived by God, it would have been a lake without water, filled with the power of incredible laws.

The blood of the feather snake god is silver, with a breath of immense nobility, ever-changing and all-encompassing.

“Original bisectomy is done. ”

Xia Ping was very excited. With the blood of these three ruling gods, and the blood of Tao, the remaining four original identities can quickly concentrate and succeed.

“By the way, just practice right here in the Mad Mountains. ”

Xiaping looked around.

He wanted to leave this place to practice, but at this moment the mad mountains are burning wildly, which has become Hell's Burning Hell, already his main battlefield.

No evil creature, no evil god, can come near where the flames of Hell's Golden Wood are spreading.

There's probably no safer place in the Evil Universe than here.

And with the burning of Hell's Golden Wood flame, he can also take advantage of the enormous amount of natural energy, which can be said to be worth every penny, there is no better place to practice than this.

“However, we need to make some arrangements. ”

Even though this place is very safe, but not afraid of 10,000, Xiaping decided to lay a powerful restraining line around the mountains.

In this way, even if there are other evil creatures, or if evil gods enter, they will be immediately warned.

Even this suppression of the power of the law of formation can kill each other.


At this moment, after Xiaping received the blood of the three ruling gods, he immediately entered Shandong and began the closed cultivation.


However, the scene of the Mad Mountains burning a dark golden flame was immediately discovered by a number of demigod monsters entering the Meteorological Land, even if the Meteorological Land is extremely dangerous, in fact, a number of monsters entering the Meteorological Land.

They also want to get the blood of the evil gods in this place, even the artifacts left behind by the evil gods, and once they do, they can climb to the sky step by step, and their strength can rapidly advance.