God Level Demon

Chapter 2884: The God of Tricks

“God of tricks?! ”

Xia Ping squinted his eyes. He learned the divine name of this evil god through the Book of Causes and Consequences. His name is the god of trickery. He seems to be good at using tricks and often provokes evil gods between themselves.

In fact, this is a lower god, but because he is good at using tricks and sparking a lot of evil god wars, he has made this evil god a little famous in the evil god universe.

But it is not a particularly powerful evil god, except to use tricks and deceive other evil gods, so the fighting power is relatively weak.

But how small and weak is also quite divine, for creatures beneath the divine, it is still incredibly powerful, definitely not comparable to human beings.

“But it's also an opportunity. ”

Xia Ping's eyes revealed a fine light. To be honest, although he got a hierarchy of the power of the gods from the memory of the feather snake god, he never had much idea of how powerful the gods were.

Obviously, this is an opportunity to come into contact with the forces of evil gods.

And the other party is just a lower god, seriously injured. Either way, it's a better evil god to try. Even if you can't beat the other party, you can run away.

Once he knows how powerful the power of the gods is, he counts.

Thinking about it, he couldn't sit down either, because according to the Furnace Wizard's theory, in the next few days, this tricky god might be awakened.


Xiaping stood up and walked out toward the outside of the crazy mountains. There was no need for him to stay in this place. There were not many benefits to be gained anyway.

“Hmm?! What's going on?”

But as soon as he left the Mad Mountains, he immediately noticed dozens of demigod-grade monsters appearing near the Mad Mountains, and they seemed to be wandering around the place.

He didn't realize he'd just left the Mad Mountains and met so many demigod monsters.

But it's also a normal thing.

After all, this is a place of divine meteorites. If the evil gods wake up, even the evil gods can see this place everywhere. When the evil gods sleep, the demigod monsters use this place as a treasure hunting ground.

And the flames of the Mad Mountains burned for 3,000 years, and this strange thing naturally caught the attention of countless semi-god monsters.

Even if part of the mind is unscrupulous and doesn't dare to go in at will, but some of the dares are fat and think they are powerful, they want to go in and explore.

So there's always some demigod-class monster hovering around the Mad Mountains.

When Xiaping came out of it, he was suddenly discovered by many demigod-grade monsters.

“Humans, this crazy mountains actually have humans?! ”

A demigod monster is incredible. It had no idea that humans appeared deep inside the Mad Mountains. After all, who knew that the Mad Mountains didn't even dare to enter the evil gods' families at will. District humans went in. Isn't that suicidal?

But how incredible it is that this human being actually came out of the crazy mountains, and he was still alive, and he never thought of that happening.

“Semi-divine human, this is Semi-divine human! ”

“Are you kidding me? When did humans show up at this level of strength? ”

“Weird, there's something very strange about this human being, how the hell did he cultivate so much power? ”

Many demigod monster pupils contract, all staring at Xiaping, revealing a strange divine color.

Because in the Universe of Evil God, even the most powerful man can be cultivated into the realm of immortal saints, and the most powerful man is gone.

After all, the whole universe is filled with the power of evil gods. District forces cannot withstand the erosion of evil god forces, which is the upper limit of human life of this race.

But how incredible it is that there are now humans who have broken the racial cap and moved up to the semigod level to be equated with their nefarious families.

None of them would have believed such a human being would have emerged if they had not witnessed it.

“It is said that a profession called the Furnace Wizard has recently emerged among humans in all the great worlds, who control a special flame that can easily kill a group of creatures with evil properties, and even the families of our evil gods have retreated. If countless melting wizards work together to form a sea of flames, even semi-god families dare not approach it at will. Is this man also a melting sorcerer?” A demigod-grade monster sank.

“And when you think about it, the flames in this crazy mountain range seem a little bit like the flames the Furnace Wizard holds. Is it possible that this is the one that created the flames? ”

A demigod monster squinted his eyes.

“If that were the case, it would be interesting for a small human being to cause such a great deal of trouble in the Meteorological Place. He must have amazing secrets. ”

“Is there a secret? Just grab it and torture it. ”

“No, there is no need for such difficulty. As long as I devour his soul, he has no secrets at all. ”

“It is a great sin and an unforgivable sin to possess such a powerful power over a region of humankind. ”

“Mankind must not be given power, but only food, and the following cannot be done. ”

Many demigod-like monsters are killing each other, surrounding Xiaping Xiaping in unison.

Even though they are all different demons of different faiths, different camps, usually killing each other, they work together differently in the face of a race like humankind.

Either way, pick up this strange human being, and they can feel that there must be a big secret in this human being.

Such secrets may threaten the rule of the evil gods.

Every eye is exposed to the cold, the murderous, and it doesn't hide the machine deep inside.

A vast and ultimate realm of power overshadowed and covered all sides of time and space, and countless times and spaces were distorted by this power.

“Interesting. Hundreds of demigods? What luck. ”

Xia Ping smiled slightly.

If it wasn't for the promotion to demigod, maybe these demigod monsters would be a little tricky to deal with, but by now, these demigod monsters are not his opponents at all.

To be honest, he doesn't even know how powerful he is right now.

And these demigod-grade monsters are also excellent food. After devouring the remains of these demigod-grade monsters, they are bound to produce a large number of life and death outcomes. I don't know how many demigod-grade monsters can be created.

If it were in the present universe, he would never have had a chance to find so many demigods, and only a top universe like the Evil God universe would find so many demigods.