God Level Demon

Chapter 2889: Undying, Undying

“System, do you know how to kill a god? ”

Even though Xiaping knew how to deal with this tricky god, he still hid the neighborhood and had no choice. After all, the opponent was a lower god, even seriously injured, not a demigod comparable.

And the gods are hard to kill, which is an accepted thing.

If this attack does not kill the god, but lets the devil escape, it will be devastating, so this time he will surely fail.

And because of that, he wanted to know the weaknesses of the gods.

“Need a thousand hate crystals. ”

The system answered.

“Redeem. ”

Xia Ping is not stingy, as long as he can kill the gods, the district 1,000 hate crystals are nothing, anyway, such things can be earned back at any time.

“God is dying because of his character, because God is immortal, and God is immortal. ”

System path.

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping couldn't help but nod his head. In fact, the divine character is the crystallization of the laws of the Avenue. Even ordinary artifacts are harder than the divine character.

And the soul of God has merged with the divine character, which is equivalent to the divine character being a container of strength that protects the divine soul in all directions, thus making the divine soul incredibly safe.

Even if the enemy wants to attack the soul of the gods, it will not be able to pass the level of godliness, and it will be easily resisted.

At the same time, a powerful divine power was born in the Divine Body, with immortal properties, many times stronger than Saints do not know, close to immortality.

So it is difficult for the gods to kill, even if they are seriously wounded, not the existence of the demigod that can kill.

“In that case, how can you kill a god? ”

Xiaping asked.

“There are two ways, the first is with super strength, to break the character of a hostile god and kill him. ”

The system answered.

Xiaping smoked at the corner of his mouth, if he had the strength, he would not need to ask the system.

“Apart from this, of course, there is a second way, which is to forcibly strip the soul and character of the god, so that it can directly kill the god's soul and let the god die. ”

System path.

“Spirit and divinity stripped? How can this be done? The soul of the gods has long been united with the divine character, as if it were a relationship between the meridian and flesh. ”

Xia Ping felt that such a thing was almost impossible, and trying to separate the soul of the gods from their character was even more difficult than crushing each other's character. I don't know how many times.

“Nor is it impossible to do it, as in Hell's Golden Wood at its peak, whose powerful soul tsunamis, instantly stripping the souls and personalities of countless gods, thus devouring them. ”

“There are also some masterful illusionists who can plunge the weak gods into illusions that cannot be pulled out of their own souls and deities," the system said. ”

“Spiritual tsunami? Can I do this now? ”

Xiaping asked with surprise.

“No, the power of the host is not enough, and I'm afraid the ability of the soul to tsunami is simply to stun the tricky god for a second, but not to disengage the other god. ”

System path.

“In other words, with my strength now, I want to kill the gods, even a lower god, all of whom are dreamers.” Xia Ping was not too disappointed, after all, the demigod wanted to kill the next god, which was nothing.

Don't look at it as just one level short, but that's the difference between heaven and earth, between man and God.

The universe does not know how many invincible saints have been born, but so far no god has been born, and one can imagine the difficulty.

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“No, although the power of the host does not make it possible to kill the next god, there is a magic treasure on the host that kills the next god, and it is a revolution pen. ”

System path.

“Return pen?! ”

Xia Ping's heart moved.

“The pen is the ultimate artifact of the Lord of Hell. It is the key to the Lord of Hell's reign over countless demons. Its power is endless. Even at this moment, it can explode unimaginable power, even in a sealed state. Do you know what its first capability is?” System lane.

“The first ability? I remember, it's a soul! ”

Xiaping's eyes revealed a glimmer of fine light and seemed to think of something.

“Exactly, it is the seizure of the soul. This ability is extremely powerful, close to the law, close to the power of the gods, such power even the gods cannot resist. ”

The system said: "The Lord of Hell will kill all the rebel demons with a revolutionary pen, a revolutionary pen, even the demons will have to die, outline the soul, integrate into the revolution, and hide in the corner of the heavens is useless.

Honestly, you now have a lot of natural energy, which can be used to unseal the pen's five-fold seal, so that the power of the artifact pen can be fully demonstrated. ”

It showed Chapin a clear path.

“Yeah, I just unsealed the first re-seal of the pen before, and in fact, it still has a quadruple seal that hasn't been lifted, and I've got so much energy on me right now. ”

Xiaping couldn't help but nod his head.

Previously, he burned countless remains of evil gods in the madness of the mountains, gaining enormous natural energy.

And countless of his family, who burned the evil creatures wildly, and received constant energy of their origin.

With such enormous natural energy, he can't swallow it all by himself. After all, even if he has the blood of Hell's Golden Wood, the energy he swallows every day is capped.

In this way, he actually accumulated enormous amounts of natural energy that he didn't use.

Honestly, it's kind of a waste.

“I see. I see. ”

Thinking of this, Xiaping's eyes revealed a fine light. Of course, he did not unwrap the pen, after all, once the pen is unwrapped, it will definitely cause huge energy fluctuations.

And according to the system, even the mere unsealing of the first re-sealed pen is enough to dislodge the soul of the heavily wounded God of Deception from his divine character.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the god of trickery was badly wounded in the divine wars of the ancient times, and that the god's character created a crack, which still cannot be healed today.

It is precisely for this reason that the revolutionary pen is able to do so. If the scheming god is not seriously injured, I am afraid he will not be able to deal with the scheming god simply by unblocking the first heavily sealed revolutionary pen.

But in any case, he finally has the means to deal with the inferior god.

Thinking about it, Xiaping seemed to see that the God of Deception was still concentrating on searching for these melting magicians, trying to find the mastermind behind the scenes, and as soon as he moved, he sprung his soul and attacked the God of Deception.

Such an attack is extremely rapid, and even the gods of tricks cannot defend themselves.