God Level Demon

Chapter 2896: Evil Creatures Have No Way to Go

At this time, a group of human elders walked up, all covered in muscle creases, incredibly strong, and the body seemed to contain a terrible furnace flame.

They all dragged a powerful evil creature in their hands and approached the altar directly.

“Look, the elders are here. ”

A group of people shouted, and they recognized these as the elders of Liu Cheng and the most powerful melting magician in the city pool, with the highest power.

“What is this creature that the elders drag? ”

Someone asked curiously.

“This is the family of the evil god, the famous Seklotor Star Monster, a million-kilometer lord-class evil creature in the vicinity, who did not expect to be captured by the elders. ”

A lot of people woke up surprised that if a lord-level evil creature died nearby, the peril around them would be greatly reduced and people would be safer in the wild.

“Ha ha, you little guys are lucky this time. ”

An old man in a grey robe laughed and looked at the babies, showing mercy: "Sacrificing this Sekrotor monster will surely please the Lord of the furnace, and will surely give him a great number of powerful kinds of furnace. ”

When I heard that, a lot of people were excited and overjoyed.

There are actually 369 different kinds of furnaces, weak and powerful.

While this does not necessarily determine the future of humankind, it undoubtedly represents a very high starting point and a congenital advantage.

It's like a 10,000-meter race, and everybody else is on the starting line, but some people have already run hundreds of meters, and there's a huge gap from the beginning.

If the same effort is made by such a leader, then no matter how much the others catch up, it is impossible to catch up.

So getting a powerful furnace is what they crave, and it has a lot to do with sacrifices.

“Foolish man, let me go immediately. I am the family of the great evil god. Do you have any idea what the consequences will be after you kill me? The great evil god will not let you go. All of you will die. All of you will die. Do you understand? ”

The Seklotor Star Monster is furious to drink and is extremely angry.

It's incredibly annoying, and it hasn't held up so much in its entire life.

It is clear that 10,000 years ago these humans were nothing but fragile foods, and they were not rivals to their families of evil gods, and countless human villages were hunted like rice fields.

But 10,000 years later, everything changed.

These humans, who possess tremendous power and occupy cities and pools, in turn begin to hunt them, these evil creatures, and arrest them all for sacrifice.

The whole world has changed. It's become a little strange.

Now it is their turn to hide from the evil creatures, from the mighty of humankind, and if this is a dream, it cannot but wake up immediately.

“Don't let us go? As if you'd let us go 10,000 years ago. You think if we let you go, your evil family wouldn't come hunting us humans? ”

The old man in the gray robe sneered and looked away.

When I heard that, the Seklotor Star Monster couldn't help but be stunned and have nothing to say.

The so-called threat is to threaten each other with the most important thing, the most important chip, so that the other can compromise in order to avoid the worst consequences.

But no matter what humans do now, it is the worst consequence. In this way, it is better to kill these evil gods' families directly, so that they can pull some cushions.

In fact, it is obvious, whether or not humans kill this evil god's family, if evil gods knew about it, evil gods would not let humans go, so why not just kill these evil god's family?

And after all these years, few so-called evil gods have woken up, and even if they did, they seem to have been burned to death by the owner of the furnace, so they have no fear of each other's threats.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

As soon as the voice fell, the Seklotor monster was thrown into the altar by the old man in the gray robe, and the flames of Hell burned immediately, devouring the flesh and blood of the Seklotor monster.

“Ahhh!! ”

Suddenly, the Sekrotor Star Monster screamed a terrible scream, his entire body burned, devoured by the flames of Hell's Golden Wood, and burned to ashes.

Wow ~ ~ ~

The next second, the altar was lit up, and it seemed like there were countless dark golden lights, and that was the kind of furnace.

“The Lord of the furnace responded to our request and gave us the seed of the furnace. ”

A lot of human elders are excited to wake up.


The next second, these dark golden lights fell into the altar, and the bodies of these babies suddenly swallowed up all the furnace seeds, giving off a powerful breath.

A group of human elders couldn't help but lose their white beards and were satisfied that humans could continue.


At this time, another place, where the families of the evil gods gather, is shady.

They were originally the families of different evil gods, and had always stood together, but now, under the oppression of human forces, they were forced to unite.

“Damn, humans have been getting arrogant lately, their hands are getting longer and longer, and they're almost taking over the whole world, and they're forcing us to go nowhere, and we don't have much room for survival. We have to solve this, or we're all gonna die, you know?” A family of evil spirits drank loudly.

“The former face rat, the horror hunter, the Shaghei worm was caught and burned by the melting magicians, and now the Seklotor Star Monster is caught and burned, sacrificed to the owner of that melting furnace, if we don't kill the melting magicians, we have no way to live.” Another family member of the evil god bites his teeth.

To be honest, 10,000 years ago, they didn't expect this to happen. It's just a district of humans, a worthless little creature, the food they devour.

But in the blink of an eye, the district had grown to the point where all evil creatures could serve their side of the spectrum, forcing them to go nowhere.

Honestly, if anyone told them something like this 10,000 years ago, they would certainly take it as a joke.

But these jokes have become reality, and none of them can laugh right now.

Now they don't use humans as food, they use their evil creatures as food, as fuel, hunting and hunting evil creatures everywhere.

Neither knew how many evil creatures had died in the hands of humans. After being caught, they were tied to columns and burned alive like this and sacrificed to the Lord of the Furnace.