God Level Demon

Chapter 2941: The Original Will of the Universe

“Hmm?! ”

Xiaping realized that the world tree at this moment had completely replaced the Abyss Demon Tree and returned to its deepest depths, with its countless roots rooted in every corner of the abyss.

Only a giant tree has emerged in the abyss, almost penetrating the abyss and appearing in front of many abyss demons without any hesitation.

Its branches lift up a continent of abyss, its leaves turn into a faceted world, and its light shines like the sun, spreading unlimited light and giving life to all beings.

Infinite abyss magic is eaten into the body and seems to form the soil.

A continent of abyss also converged, and under the power of the trees of the world, as if it had formed an ancient superland, and the soil had changed, as if it had been transformed into nine days of soil, capable of constant reproduction.

The entire abyss world has changed dramatically.

It can be said that the Tree of the World has become the true Lord of the Abyss, has mastered infinite energy, and its cultivation has also elevated to the realm of semi-god success.

Just one step away, it will rise to the kingdom of God.

Its power also reaches the everlasting realm of immortality, immense and unparalleled, like a godless god.

But the tree of the world is not only that, but its roots permeate half of the universe, and its roots are still stretching and covering.

Just give it some time, it can cover not only the entire abyss, but the entire world at the same time, basically every corner of the universe.

By then, the Tree of the World will merge with the entire universe, and even if it becomes a dominant god, it will be an easy thing to do.

“Too strong. ”

Xiaping can sense the strength of the tree of the world. When the tree of the world merges into the whole universe, then the tree of the world is the universe, and the universe is the tree of the world.

At the same time, the essence of the universe will be promoted immensely.

Under his perception, the roots of the tree of the world even extend beyond the universe, infiltrating the chaotic void, eating chaotic airflow wildly.

Knowing that the energy of chaos is endless and belongs to the supreme energy, even saints cannot swallow it, even if it is a chaotic airflow, enough to sustain the explosion of saints.

And if the universe wants to be promoted, it also needs to eat up the chaos airflow slowly and increase the natural energy of the universe.

But this speed and efficiency is too slow, and if it's evolution by the instincts of the universe, it doesn't know how much time it will take.

But if it were under the control of the Tree of the World, it would not know how fast the universe would rise and evolve into a very powerful realm in a short period of time.

And the creatures in the universe will reap tremendous gains, as if they were a spiritual resurrection, and countless powerful people will emerge.

It can be said that the tree of the world blends into the universe, which is also a great benefit for the universe.

The integration of the two, which amounts to complementarity, is a win-win cooperation.

Wait, "this feeling? Is it the will of the origin of the universe? ”

Xiaping's eyes revealed a glimmer of light, and at this moment he perceived that his soul seemed to be completely integrated into the deepest depths of the universe and that he seemed to have entered the river of destiny.

He was recognized at this moment by the original will of the entire universe.

Obviously, he did the equivalent of saving the present universe from being eroded by the forces of the abyss, and that is the salvation of great merit.

At the same time, the tree of the world has become the master of the abyss.

Combined, he was recognized by the will of the entire immense universe, as if at this moment he were the master of the universe, in control of all its laws.

At this moment, Xiaping perceived that the energy of the entire cosmic origin seemed to have been freely transferred by him, and every part of the universe had a very friendly sentiment towards him, as if he were the Son of Heaven, enjoyed by the cosmos.

Countless planets, endless lands, infinitely lost lives, seemed to express gratitude to him at this moment, and voids on all sides conveyed the rhythm of the array.

He found his soul blended into the river of destiny.

At this moment, he seemed to see the destiny of all beings, the infinite causes and consequences of all beings, the rivers of destiny, and the infinite laws of the path that underlie the universe.

Xiaping discovered that it was supported by the original will of the universe, and he realized that the laws of many avenues were fast and incredible, as if he had hung up at this moment.

His enlightenment has been enhanced by geometric scales.

Even if he doesn't use the power of the feather god, he can easily perceive the laws of the avenue.

That is the good of the Son of Heaven.


At this moment, Xia Ping stared wide.

He discovered that the energy from which infinite cosmic origins flowed deep into his body was infinite and could not be tolerated, even if he had the space of the nine great seas of consciousness.

Even these massive cosmic energy surges almost burst his body, and his skin seemed to break apart at this moment, showing a trace of blood.

Between the insinuations, the power of his body, and the power of the laws of the Avenue, seemed to converge to crystallize.

It can be said that if he wishes, at this moment Xiaping will be able to gather his divine personality and ascend to the realm of superior gods, becoming the first god of the universe in this world.

“No, no promotion. ”

However, Xia Ping forcibly terminated this awareness and suppressed the power of promotion, because his ambition was greater and he did not want to just advance to the realm of the superior God, he wanted to move directly to the realm of dominion.

The direct promotion from the demigod to the ruling god is something that was never seen before and an unimaginable miracle, and no demigod has been able to do this since ancient times.

At present, however, he does not have enough natural energy to be promoted to domination.

After all, the present universe is still in its infancy, and it is far from sufficient, both in terms of time and depth of growth.

“In order to succeed, I'm afraid you have to unify the Hell's universe and devour the enormous amount of natural energy.” Xiaping's eyes revealed a glimmer of fine light.

To be honest, although the Hell Universe was ruined in the last cosmic era and is in a circle, it is at least a supercosm that lived in the ninth century, with infinite roots.

Even if it's ruined, falls into a circle, dissipates a lot of energy, but it doesn't contain the natural energy of any other universe, and there are three nails to the so-called rotten ship.

Once he unifies the Hell Universe and is recognized by the will of the Hell's origin, the energy obtained is absolutely far greater than the energy available in the present universe.

In this way, the combined energies of the two will surely bring him directly to the throne and reach the everlasting realm of immortality.