Begitta and others appeared on the earth, and found Sun Wukong for the first time.

They played out between them, and the results were self-evident.

At the beginning, Begitta occupied the wind, his strength, Sun Wukong, which was more short, and more than a short-shade.

It is really too powerful.

A group of people will be the opponent of Begita.

However, as the battle continues to continue, Sun Wukong et al, uses the control of gas, so that your combat power continues to soar.

Even if Beji Tower is still can't wait.

The front of the two sides continues to eliminate.

The companion brought by Bergi Tower is died in the earth.

The time between them is also a week.

Unlike the original.

Because of the stimulation of Carl et al., It is the area where Sun Wukong has their strength and is limited by the area of ​​the earth.

But just let them see, more powerful opponents.

Then they can become more powerful.

Then I like it, I am governing the bridge of the counter.

In Tier et al., Through the monitoring system, it is a clear two.

They have long controlled all satellite monitoring of this world.

So, what happened to the earth, what happened.

They all learned the first time.

However, after the defeat of Bejita, Flissa is also ready to come to the earth.

But the reason for the other party is not to kill, but for Dragon Ball.

After all, this thing is an universal wisher.

The dragon of the Earth can achieve the desire to do not exceed the routine rules of the earth.

Then, the god dragon of the Mekikan, can be completed more limited, no more than the wish of the universe.

Here, there is a larger Dragon Ball, which is a combination of all universe energy.

Don't pay attention to it.

Now Flissa's purpose is to find Dragon Balls and want yourself grow up.

It happened that he learned about this, so he intended to come to the earth.

However, according to his character, wait for him to complete its own purpose.

The earth is probably being destroyed.

So when Behagi Tower puts down the gorge, Sun Wukong and others began to prepare for the power of Flissa.

After Bergiita was defeated, he saw Carl et al. So I chose to stay in the earth.

Originally he is planning to escape, but when he found that Carl et al., It can easily reverse the sea, even when the mountain is hill.

He feels that he must stay!

More importantly, the combat instrument is directly exploded when watching the combat power of Carl et al.!

This makes Berga feel shocked, because this combat instrument does not explode when facing normal Buddya.

But since I saw a little bit, the power of Carl was blown up.

This makes Bergata understand that he must stay.

Because he wants to become stronger, he has encountered a bottleneck in the universe.

But there is different here.

He saw more powerful strength, more powerful than he cognracted!

Follow it.

He was already awkward.

Because he wants to drive away Carl et al., The result is educated.

For Bergiita, it has to be played.

However, Bergi Tower's dead skin face stay here.

Even if he is going, he has to come back, even if he is threatened by death, he is not afraid.

After all, the current Saiyan is left to Behagi Tower and Kar Carlot.

He also has no good idea.

If it can become strong here, he is naturally unwilling to leave.

Even if he will die here, he doesn't matter.

Because he is nothing now, there is a rotten one.

In the face of this kind of Carl, it didn't say anything, but let Luo responsible for teaching him and how the gas is used.

And Carl also wants to see, in accordance with the talents of Beji.

If you learn three-color domineering, there is a spiritual force, as well as the method of use, he will become more.

Even, you can also have a knife.

This is very simple for blue staining.

As long as you wait a little, you can get your own exclusive chop.

Carl is not this technology, but the blue dye will.

He is an expert in this regard, after all, Carl is not a fullness of God, he is just a normal secondary heart.

that's all.

Carl accepted Bergiita and helped him change their physical fitness, so that he can become easier to accept the power of other worlds.

Even the talent of itself has also been upgraded.

The first week of time.

The combat power of Begitta has doubled it directly.

From the original 180,000 combat power, it becomes a thousand eight million combat power!

This is the current Sun Wukong, the strength of the dust!

Even the normal Flizza is coming, it is not his opponent!

Only third forms can we defeat the current Bergiita.

However, after he got this kind of power, it is also a deep understanding that Carl et al.!

Because he is now stronger now, he will be killed by Hades.

This makes Bergata understand that he has to become stronger!

However, he still took the opportunity to give Sun Wukong and show off his strength.

This is even more exciting Sun Wukong, and they also develop in the legendary Saiyan form.

However, Carl pointed out that this evolutionary direction is wrong.

He let Berga, don't entangle the super Saiyan, but focus on your potential, and the development of true forms.

Super Saiyan, but it is in crushing itself and life.

This kind of evil path is more than one.

Berga listened.

However, in the second week, his combat power doubled, directly reached 36 million!

In this way, even if it faces Flissa's fourth form, there is a battle!

However, this value, the fighter can also be displayed.

This also makes Bergata understand that he is still not Carl's opponent.

However, his strength now, can have handed over Hades.

It won't fall in a short time, but he also insisted that it was 10 minutes, it was going to be hit.

The strength gap between the two is still quite obvious.

The last more than 20 days.

The strength of Beji Tower directly increased to 80 million!

In this way, even if Flizza is coming, there is only the final form to defeat Berga.

But Begita is also a knife.

He finally spent half a year of learning, and the combat power was so fast, and it was more than 100 million.

But after the mement, the combat power will soar directly to 150 million.

even more.

Because the value of the combat instrument can only be displayed more than 150 million, there is no behind.

However, even if this, the combat instrument has not been exploded.

The distance is exploded, and the last step is still.

And now this time.

Flissa's legion, is about to arrive in the earth!