God of Fishing

Chapter 2465 Xinghai King

When it is late, it is fast, because Han Fei's speed is not slow, so they find that these star sea squid appear, the first time is equal.

Four people sprint, while conjunction.

However, they found the deep space here, and there are many places to be shrouded by black fog. This is not because of Han Fei them here, there is a small ink fog that is temporary. But these star sea squid likes to live in these ink fogs.

If they just entered the territory of the starland squid group, then when they springer, after a lot of ink mist, I found more and more ink fog, and finally formed a huge Ink miscondu, it is likely to have hundreds of millions of miles, and it is impossible to explore the side.

At this time, it is actually no other way, the first method is to go around the circle and go to the road.

However, Han Nai gave up this idea for the first time, because according to their three months, in the straw star, a group of race occupied spaces. Moreover, even by bypassing, the biggest possibility is to encounter another life group, and will not be more troublesome than this star sea squid, no one can say it.

Therefore, when four people saw that large ink mist group, they see their eyes and decided to drive them directly.

This ink mist group is like a cloud group, which is deep in the visibility. The law of the chaos, Han Fei is very good, at this moment, the endless water, becomes a cone, and block the people before, and the intention will be passed.

Several people who have been six times faster, at this moment, slow down to twice the speed.

But even so, it is also very fast. But for them, they can give them enough response times with twice the speed action.

Unparalleled: "The perception is difficult to penetrate, the range is mostly miles. Wait, the perception can't be put out for a long time, this black fog has unknown power, trying to take my perception, touch my soul."

Han Fei saw Feng Xingfang a bit fan, and slap in his shoulders: "What?"


Feng Xingflow suddenly returned to God: "Ah! I feel almost asleep, I seem to have seen a good great jellyfish!"

"Water Mother?"

Feng Yu: "Tight the heart, this black fog has the power of corrosion of the soul. And he will interfere with our soul, this time does not want to be chaotic.

" ~"

" ~"

Feng Yu's words are just falling, and the endless water seems to be smashing many layers of the barrier. It seems to have encountered blocking.

Han Fei's heart moved, he knew that this is not a minikin cage, which is a soul barrier, a special turtle in the star sea squid.

Just listening to Han Nai: "Pay attention to the enemy, slow down again, keep the speed forward. If you encounter the enemy, you can not touch it."

" ~"

Han Fei felt the miles, suddenly rushed out of a star sea squid, the tentacle was grabbing from Han Fei.

Didn't wait Han Fei to shot, only see Feng Yu reached out to open the red bend knife.

"Hey ~"

Continuous seven red light shines, seven star sea squid directly exploded, and the curved knife makes a red light, quickly returns to Feng Yu.

Feng Yu is only random, and at this moment, Han Fei is facing, but it is not just a few star sea squid. Just listening to Han Nai: "It should be a kind of soul barrier, Feng Xing stream, with my flesh, this round of me."

Feng Xing's heart moved, immediately grabbed Han Fei's flesh, and the sound said: "Well, then give it to you."

Feng Xingflow certainly knew what Han Fei had to do, next moment, I saw Han Neiyang Shen. However, after the god god, Han Fei also showed the legacy of the world, and suddenly the horror giant human shadow with 30,000 feet.


God Dynasty, time has been over for more than three months.

After they first set off, they made the star sea mermaid, and it was indeed a lot of people. That scene, countless mermaid pose almost half of the entrant.

Although these star seafood, there is no one to eliminate anyone, but it has greatly delayed the time of most people. Moreover, because of the reasons of star seafood, there are many routes from 200 entrances.

Although everyone's goal is consistent, this road is huge. After being dispersed, it will become a joint competition between a small group.

And a variety of Xinghai gods have also emerged. There is also a team, the luck is really not too good, I have encountered the star sea beast, causing three people to have been eliminated. Their guarders shot, saved them, and they naturally continue this game.

However, so far, it is eliminated only these three.

These people are also the top 200 larger than 100,000 years of opening the sky, and the ability to deal with the ability is quite complicated.

For example, in addition to this side of Han Fei, there is a five-person team, and there is a starry beast, and I have been fighting at this moment.

Originally, all audiences are paying attention to this battle. However, the skeptop picture is divided, and some unexpected runners, and Han Fei's legal world hand holding endless water.

" ~"

The round of the yin and yarn flows, and you are bombarding the strange soul barrier in the black fog. Because South Korea's side is in the black mist area, it is not clear. On the battleman, I only know that Han Fei is playing, but I don't know what Han Fei is playing.

Just, Han Fei is based on the feeling of pause, so everyone knows that he is ruling. But Han Non's stop is too much, it seems that there are too many barriers in front of them, so that such a shot has a time, the audience will move the other side, and see it in that five The scene of the people of the Battle of the Star Sea.

Soon after their eyes moved, Han Fei suddenly broke out, he had no endless water, double boxing, drawing the four-party voids, and there is a look.

At that moment, Han Fei's double boxing was like a sun.

Feng Xing stream looked at Feng Yu at amazement: "Is the Rieyang Storm?"

Feng Yu: "Of course, it is not his own major. Or ..."

Feng Yu suddenly looked up, or this is the ocean in Han Fei in the Shendu Wutu. This power sustained bloom is not usual.

Sure enough, Han Fei's double boxing power gathered too fast, he saw him throughout him, and an outbreak of over ten times in an instant. Double boxing is clear to the black fog in front of it.

"Booming ~"

" ~"

I saw it, like two rounds of big days, taking forward in the void. It is, there is no so-called dark barrier, it can be blocked.

And Han Fei himself, the law is directly dissipated, and the bodies of the Yangtzee.

Only listen to Han Nai: "Wait for a while."

That two punches, like the day wheel, take more than 100,000 times in the past, and finally, suddenly exploded, like a star detonated, .

Even if I have a million miles, the strand is hot, and it is also a stealing, and the horrible impact, directly let the black fog from the vicinity around them around them.

Shendu Dynasty, I was awkward.

Some people exclaimed: "Wow, it is so strong! Is this a fist? Is this a special ?"

Some people are awkward: "It's terrible, I don't know what to do so."

Someone smiled: "What happens? People are gone, what will happen ..."

Someone is awkward: "This is not the first one, he is so powerful, what is the Feng Yu?"

In the excitement and discussion of countless people, South Korea is preparing to accelerate.

However, I saw a square black prisoner, suddenly falling, and Han Fei's Star's punches were shrouded, even if the pair of punches were blooming, but only barely breakdown the cage, about 80%, The seal was posted by the prisoner.

"TD ink cage?"

Han Nai is dignified, with the power of these star sea squid, it is impossible to stop the Shenli Stars.

" ~"

Next, Han Nai returned to the flesh, and the first time it was said: "Note that there is a superior."

It seems to confirm that Han Fei's words, the next moment from the strong black fog, swimming a huge body, only the length of the tentacle, and the terrible creature of nearly more than 3,000.

When I said, Han Fei saw it, a good guy, the beast is not so big?

In front of them, it is still a star sea squid, just, its size is too large, Han Fei, several of them, even in front of this guy, even the ant ants are not.

[Name] Xinghai King (Xinghai Big Beast)

[Introduction] Living in a straw star sea beast, through looking for unordance, the stars, drawing the stars and vitality, the birth of the episode of the squid. Xinghai Dawang can swallow the star rhyme, you can learn from the enemy's attack power and translate into your own defense, with super defense. The Xinghai beast is good at finding and discovering the stars that are fitted with themselves.

[Level] 109

[Quality] Upper

[Realm] The planet is full (the star is full)

[Avenue] power

[Containing the power of the stars] 60

[Battle Technology] Strength to swallow, banned eyes, drillstick, soul sound

[Acquisition] The blood of the behemoth, the behemoth crystal nucleus, the heart of the behemoth, the king squid teeth, the eyes of Wang


[Remarks] The King of Xinghai, which is about to advance, must be careful.