God of Fishing

Chapter 2711 Human Road

Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai realized a problem, that is, the origin of five major occupations.

At the time they were still small, they still lived in the small world of Yinyang Tian, ​​the five major occupations were the only way to everyone.

When each person is talented, it has basically laid a career basis. You can quickly locate your career according to their talent spirit.

When you have an enemy, what is your occupation is quite important.

For example, when you are a large battle of Battle.

The soul of the war is an absolute first front, with a pivotal position.

Military master is a absolute force that attacks.

The hunter is specially hunting the wisdom of the enemy and the commanding talents, and the shots are preventive, seeking a blow.

The gathering teacher is the strongest nurse, and the instant a wide range of rescue wounded. So far, Han Fei has never seen the racial ratio.

Controller, in addition to its own control capabilities, is also a natural command-style talent, whether it is a team battle, a combination, and escape capabilities are one.

Five professions, complement each other, may be slightly stronger after growing up, it is not strong enough. It will also have a dilemma that is not equal to the average strength because the five people break through. However, for large-scale group combat, the five major occupations is almost a perfect tactical combination.

When I was a child, I asked the five major occupations, but I said that I was passed down, but which time this is the ancient? Who is it?

The old turtle said before, the principle of the big road, but in addition to encountering Zhao Qinglong, I feel this, I didn't feel it.

Perhaps it is too strong in collimation, so feels not obvious.

However, the old turtle of the meeting, he is just a memory of the disability, and he said the principle of the avenue, misleading himself, and even letting himself think that the power of the same avenue will definitely collect the weak. So he once felt that the five major occupations may be to be born with some strong people, preparing to cut the leek.

It can now be seen that the old tortoise is not complete. For example, Gu Lai Nan and the people who are all walking, all awakened Tianqi Shen, can you listen to the South to harvest yourself?

Instead, the advantages of five major occupations are now discovering, and then they will think of the riot of the sea as the ancestral place. He can guess something.

When the human scan was swept away, it was destroyed, and the enemy was destroyed, so Han Fei did not detect this.

Last front line battlefield, although they were watching, but the front line battlefield of the session requested the strength, the Human family was only tens of millions of people, perhaps a small number of professional combinations, but they did not pay attention.

But this time, the god of the race and the original city, there are too many people. Each battlefield is divided, some of some of the powerful combinations, showing the power of the five major occupations.

Han Nei took a deep breath: "Xiaobai, those combinations are people who have been yang and yang?"

Luo Xiaobai: "I don't know. But since Yin Yang Tian entered the riot of the chaos, we touched the thirty-six-sixth day, although there were still five professional combinations, but more attention to the development of monomers. I have had doubts at the time. Later, it was found that the five major professional combination members were discovered. Under the different cultivation of different practice, the level gap was opened, and the five major career combinations naturally scattered. "

Han Fei slightly nodded: "And, at the time of the riot of the sea, there was no downtime, they didn't have a fixed battle place. When I got out an exploration or the sea demon, some people were falling in the combination, this combination also discrete. But this is not the most critical, the problem is that the realm of the explorer is the realm of finding, this realm, everyone looks for their own way, it is easy to disband the combination. Include us, because of the small cockroaches, our respective seek development, In fact, it is also scattered. "

Luo Xiaobai: "The combination is not scattered, but it can't get up again. The five major professional combinations are the combination of war. There is a war, there is a battlefield, and have a long-term clear enemy. This can maintain a long time Existence. If now, the five major professional portfolies show extraordinary power. Therefore, the family is not a war, but the way to rise, did not find it. "

South Korea nodded.

At this moment, Han Fei couldn't help but think of it. They all said that the nation is a race that will be lonely in history, but can repeatedly rise.

At that time, Han Fei thought the rise of the people because of the cause of the population. It is like a wild grass, and the trick is not rooted, and it will always grow.

But now, it seems not this. The family can repeatedly rise, not only because of the population reasons, but on the basis of the population, there is a set of its own way.

One of the people, the congenital six veins. The Hanyang Wake-up is accompanied by the spirit, and the people awakened is the talent soul.

In the past, Han Dai felt that the accompanying spirit and talent soup should only be called different. Because in addition to the name of the call, there is no different place.

But now, Han Fei has a questioned question. Talented soul beast inside, there is a quarter. This talent is probably refers to this person, or the professional talent of this soul beast.

What kind of professional talent is suitable for a specific occupation in five major occupations.

If the birth of the race is the chaotic era, the people awakening is the talented soul, then the existence of the five major occupations is likely to be traced back to Chaos Era.

If all this is really like this, then the family may reproduce the brilliance of the ancient ancient.

One of the temples in the Temple of Time is to trace the existence of chaotic era. And the people, there is the five major occupations in the chaotic era, is it unaffirmable to revert the chaotic episode?

Thinking of this, Han Nei flicker is flashing.

However, this battle is a fair battlefield that is hard to design, everyone is stronger, and it is forcibly not a way.

Just listening to Han Nai to drink: "The human family of compatriots, I am from the royal Korean, all people who have gone through the five major occupations. Now, immediately look for the five major professional comrades, and team up to fight. How much is it, executed immediately.

"Hey! Five major occupations? Isn't that a long time?"

"Five major occupations? My team is dissolved!"

"I'm looking for, it is definitely not perfect!"

"The hardest thing in the five major careers is to cooperate with tacit understanding, temporary team ...

"The armor hasn't used it for a long time, the dust is seized, the weapon is not updated, let it be, let it replace it!"

Han Fei's decision, although some rushes, it is not difficult to operate.

Now, the battlefield is being classified, and the Harbor is a chairman, and the respect is a respect. Explorer and explorers are a wide range of rushing, so as long as they are shouting, they can find a difficult thing to find five major professional matches.

It is not difficult to find someone, it is difficult to cooperate with the tacit. There is no combination of tacit understanding, and the comprehensive combat ability is definitely better than the tacit combination. But this does not mean that there is no tacit understanding, you can't upgrade the combination of war, just say how much improvement.

The original city people listen to a face, five major occupations? What five major occupations?

Those who are fighting with their fighting people have actually be in a conservative battle.

On one side, someone shouted: "I used to be a war teacher, the career direction did not change, who came to team?"

Near this person, some people give up the opponent, rushing directly: "I am a gathering teacher, and the practice of the law is somewhat unfamiliar, but the gathering is okay, now the soul killing, it should be able to replace the Method, supplement with the spirit There is no problem in the location. "

Some people are near: "Taoist, my armored box has been sealed, now I have direct refining spirit, I will do myself as a trok box. Today, the refining body, the defense is no problem, can . But the army is lacking, is it? "

"Well! Don't talk nonsense, come, first set, there is a shortcomings, and there is a battle in battle."

" ~"

Suddenly, a green vine explored from the void, the vine results blossoms, a female repair, came to this combination: "Controller, talent soul beast thousand leaf vine. Although I now make soul killing, But the professional characteristics are no problem. "

The opposite is the original city strong, the soul of the soul of the war, will be refused, and some people become four people, how to play itself? Four handsome must not do it.

However, in the moment of this person, the void fluctuate, a ghost figure, the moment is broken, and the person is sneak attack, this person is turned, and it is too late to hide. Just listen to "", this person is cut off. The body suddenly lost the balance.

"Soul killing."

I saw the gathering master and the manipulator at the same time, and the person directly brain was dowtry. Next moment, still the dagger, a knife passed, cut it.

This person didn't want to understand, why do these people go to herself! What is the five major occupations?

But see that the hunter is faint: "Hunting talent is still, I didn't expect, I have been in the past for so long, there is still a chance to combine the enemy."

But listening to the soul of the soul, laughing: "Walking, the friends, the first time, first, let each other name, first fight again, then talk to each other after the war."


On the big battlefield, similar cases are not in a small number.

But see that the battlefield, high voice.

"I am manipulator, who came to team."

"I am coming."

"Taoist, the war teacher entered into group."


"Three lacks two, lack of spiritual divisions and hunters, the smell quickly entered the team."

"Four missions, seeking control of teachers into the team."

"The Soul Signer seeks to the group."

"Is there a captain of the controller?"

For a time, this big battlefield will become a vegetable market.

Mainly, it is a concentrated explorer and law enforcement and triberators. Among them, the law enforcement and the following practitioners, the team efficiency is not slow.

Because they are at this time, many people still retain the characteristics of the initial career combination.

And the princes and above, the team efficiency is slow, and many people seem to have forgotten the five major portions. How to play. Are alone, suddenly let them team up, is not easy.

The key is that the range of battle is very large. Drinking, I may only receive one or two responses.

However, those of the original city are not a fool, just observed a little, they found that in the battlefield of the explorer, because many temporary combinations of five groups have made their combat efficiency higher .

Because the people of the people are combined with the five people, the original city will inevitably have a lot of people to fight. I could play it, I was three, I found out that the people ran, and the rest of them naturally got together.

Although they don't know what the five professions are, only five people are only five people, but they can make ten people, fifteen people.

So, in terms of battlefield, the battle crowd did not change, but the form of battle was obviously changing.

In short, there is about one tenth of people to explore the five major vocational teams.

Moreover, with time, the team's people also have more.

At first, it didn't see how much effect.

However, after the number of professional combinations, the combat effect has been significantly different. For example, when a five-person group, in the enemy of the war, although it is not so familiar, it is unable to fight directly, but the five people can be ignorant.

In particular, the gathering staff is completely responsible for the treatment of the survey, and the controller is completely responsible for accurate control, and many must die, it is actually saved back. And the enemy within ten people can basically make a round of impact to take one or two people.

It is a pity that after the number of people in five professional combinations, it is difficult to make more professional combinations. Some people have no five major portfolios. Some people are because the others are too fast, they can quickly join the team.

Moreover, the original city is also obviously discovered, and some people have shocked: "Everyone drags the people, don't let them team, don't let them team."


Han Fei and Luo Xiaoyue quietly looked at the fantasy battle, but saw Han Nei slightly frown: "It is a lot more than I think."

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly: "After all, it is only a temporary team, and the tacit understanding is very poor. But even so, they can make them more than 30% of the overall power, and it is already a great breakthrough."

Han Nai shakes his head: "Not enough, 30% improvement, too little. Look at Yi Yan, the comprehensive combat power has directly improved several times. There are also teams who adhere to five professional combination, and even resist five times."

Luo Xiaobai: "The requirements cannot be so high, if it is a full strength to increase 30%, then it will directly cause rolling trend to the original city. Now, the most like this, retreat!"


Han Fei frowned: "Hello, it is not easy to hit the bureau, say that the retreat will be retired?"

Luo Xiaobai: "When it is broken. I didn't expect one-time to complete the enemy. The five major occupations should be restarted. Now if you forgive and the original city, you will live, you will only sacrifice some people. As long as you don't attack, They are also difficult to fly, and they are inevitable. "

Han Nai: "You guarantee that there are 10,000 open heaven, the number of people who make a sea of ​​sea."

Luo Xiaobai: "I don't care this? Now, it is also a good thing! It is also a good thing! If the five major occupations can reach, naturally need someone to temper. And, we have already got a lot, and now this is not Is it fierce? After this battle, the people who broke through, plus a large number of resources we have received before, and it is still a stage of high growth breakthrough in the next decade. "

Han Fei suddenly said: "After ten years later, then the Board."

Luo Xiaobai nodded, next moment, listening to Luo Xiaobai four wild: "The people belong to the people, I am a family war, Shuai Xiaobai. Now, I announced that the family retired, and temporarily stop the race."


"This time I retired? They killed my brother."


"How is this sudden? The original city is clear!"

Some people drink: "Everyone listened to the command, retired."

"Reporting, I want to fight against life?"

The people here are unconfortonic, but everyone knows that the royal and war commander is, since the declaration of retreat, should it be the truth of retreat?

Those who have formed five professional combinations seem to understand the meaning of Xiaoluo, so they have been drinking at this moment: "All, don't love the war, the truth of retreating troops."

Some people attached: "Yes, if I guess it, this time I returned, I have a great advantage for my gang."

Some people agree: "People who are families, please believe in the judgment of the people of the people and the war."

For a time, everyone is unwilling, but still retreat.

And the original city, I feel unexpected surprises, and even some people start cheering.

For most ordinary people, they did not sin, the race battle, not partition, and did not ask for sin. Some people have risen, they will die. When the family carries a few years, when the years are not blessed, when they rise, there will be other races to start, this is the cost of growth.

Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai are holding a retreat, but it is not known that there is a couple and a girl in the quiet look at this. Not Han Guan Shu and Jiang Linxian who can you?

But listening to Jiang Linxian: "This girl is very powerful."

Han Guanshu nodded: "The person of the artist, the blood returns to the ancestors, is a bit more cool. But this also meets the characteristics of this pulse, if this head can go to the emperor, perhaps you can control God."

Han Yue: "Hey, Xiaobai's advice, what is the head?"

Han Guanshu smiled and said: "I am a bit someone. It is in the Chaos Era, which can be controlled the innate enchantment of one of the congenital six veins, but this kind of person is too small."

Jiang Linxian also said: "The ancestral place may be weak, but there are some extremely legendary blood. It is always necessary to rise, the rise of the people."

Han Yiner: "Mother, the five major occupations of this family, is it very powerful? Brother and Little Bai Sister, even because of this giving up this battle."

Jiang Linxian is jezed: "Give up is right. Otherwise, even if you can win, you can filter out a lot of excellent talents, but will take the road of the people. And, the sacrifice will be very big. Previously, you didn't find five The potential of occupations, now different, re-enabling five major occupations, will make the overall power of the people, once again increase a level. At the time, the original city is not enough. "

Han Guan Shu also nodded: "To know, the family of five professions is the most powerful people. I have been overlying the rigidity too simple before, so I didn't find five major vocational skills and potential."

Han Yinger: "Since the mother knows, why don't you tell my brother earlier?"

Han Zhan Shu smiled slightly: "Others said, and hell, it is two things. Moreover, he and Luo Xiaobai planned this race battle, even if there is no five major occupations, it is also very successful. War, make people grow, make people Breakthrough. The tragic war will make people self-evil, self-evolution. If this battle really hits, Luo Xiaobai has cultivated 10,000 open heavens in 50 years, and millions of Having, it is entirely possible. At this point, you can refer to the world of Tiankeng. If you don't experience it, you don't know the battle breakthrough, it will be so simple, then reasonable. "

Han Han didn't want to understand, but this is not important, she thinks Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai do it well.

Han Yinner: "Then we have to go back to the family now?"

Han Guanshu shook his head: "No The city. In this case, the stress of the people's war is alleviated. Now the original city opens the sky, and your brother will not take the war that will win, so he will definitely close the door. We Going back to the family, it is not meaningful. Go, I will take you to the Tiankeng world to see ... "


When Luo Xiaobai announced the retreat, the other side, is crazy to escape from the outside of chaotic waste soil, there is quite unexpected.

Because there is already a group of long-term members to appear outside his life.

When these people come in, and the comfort is surprised: "Don't you say that you have to hold for half a day to one day? This is not until you have come, how are you coming."

Has people: "No, no! The family is too fast, there is no time to prepare for us. Even if we have left the remaining 10,000 late late and big success, you can't stop. We can't come again, you can't come. "

An Yi face is slightly changed: "If you die, I hope you don't have to be discovered."

An Yi travels very fast, he is a heart, five road locks are fully opened, and the speed of comparable certificates. I don't have so much, and now I decide everything.

Just at this moment, a spiral corrugated in the void appeared, and the comfort of the comfort was not as good as it was busy.

"Boom ~"

Sometimes because the speed is too fast, maybe because this spiral corrugation is too strong. An Yi, but not only killed this ripples, but even the long sword of his artifact, even with his arms, because of the violent impact, it hinds as a powder.

"It's very fast, just, now I think of chaotic waste soil, it is impossible."


An Yi looks bigger, he didn't see people, but he knew that people were not simple.

But see a middle-aged figure, smile and put out the empty space, accompanied by his appearance, this emperor is coming.

An Yi's heart, the emperor, a strong emperor, this is much more than the innocent.

"It's over."

An Yi thinks so, if it is a license, he may be dead and can run. But it exceeded the proximity, that is not taken away by him, and what is not going to run. Unless he can borrow the power of the emperor, it has reached the blind.

However, the baby, he didn't.

An Yi smiled: "The people, more than an emperor, that is white, and deceives us."

Chu Hao smiled: "Think of your mind, your original city emperor has been tuned early, and how can it be safe? It is yourself to catch a life-saving straw, don't want to believe The original city did not fall. "

An Yi: "I still have a chance to live? I brought a lot of resources from the original city, and some people ..."

Chu Hao shook his head slightly.

An Yi slightly sigh, the next moment, only listened to "knowing", but seeing the comfort of the wings and collapse, and there was a strange ripple behind him.

Just, I haven't waited for any waiting, it is gave a big hand.

Chu Hao File: "Cross-border? This is good, but you are too weak, if you change into a little, I am afraid I can't stop, but you are not."


Anyi, shooting ...