God of Fishing

Chapter 572: Provoking the Field

This is the first time Han Fei has fought in front of so many people with earth fat circles. Although the name Nine Dead Soul Seal sounds like a lot of bullshit, after the attachment, just two more light bulbs on Han Fei's shoulder, it doesn't look frightening.

As for the rest, it's not weird, it's no different from ordinary octopus deed spiritual beast accessories.

If Han doesn't let the shrimp get stuck every day, the octopus tentacles will disappear and be replaced by a nine-star chain.

Seeing the octopus, Xia Xiao Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. Is this Han Fei's third Deed Spirit? A big octopus?

On the audience, a lot of people immediately understood. Unfortunately, they cannot tell whether this is a gifted soul beast or a deed beast.

Han Fei's mind moved and the phantom disappeared, leaving only two electric bulbs on his shoulders.

At this moment, the Korean non-visual field is 360 degrees without dead corners, and this capability would be great if fitted with three heads and six arms.

“Boom! ”

Thunder sounded, Ming Kun disappeared, and an arc in the air instantly fell on Han Fei.

But Han Fei is not vegetarian either. The invincibility is first impacted by self-confidence, then ferocity.

When the arc fell on Han Fei, he became a big hand. Han Fei drank, punched out, almost synchronized with the arc.

“Bang, bang, bang...”

In the field, Han Fei never caught the right opportunity, Ming Kun was using Mantis Shrimp's exclusive stunning brain meltdown.

The three-eyed mantis shrimp is not weak, and the tentacles are extremely fast. Han Fei found that without the Wang Ba Xuan spell, he seemed to be unable to keep up with the speed.

At this moment, the two men were bombing each other, and Han was not bombed by the “knockout defeat”.

He did not use the Wang Ba Xuan spell. He needed to be beaten up for a while so that the audience could see hope, and that was the best part of acting.


Han Fei flied out, his whole body was stained, and his mouth was spitting blood out.

“Ok! Ming Kun is invincible. ”

“That's how it works! ”

“Octopus weirdo, you can't win. ”

The male moderator shouted excitedly: "Are we going to win or lose? In fact, the octopus weirdo in Yanlong Town is really strong. He is the only one who can fight with Ming Kun in the arena. ”

Female Moderator: "Is there any chance of the Jedi reversing? So far, we've only seen Octopus monster use his gifted soul beast, so where's his covenant beast? Does he have any secrets? ”

Han Fei struggled to climb up: “Surely it is the Hundred Kings of the Wind Thunder Arena. ”

Ming Kun's chest was ups and downs. Although he had just bombed all the way, he was truly surprised by the size of Han Fei. After being bombarded so many times, it was only wounded, and not seriously.

Ming Kun glanced hot: “You are strong, if you change people, you will basically win. But unfortunately, you met me, and all my strength just showed up 70% of me. ”

Han Fei grinned: "Oh? Seventy percent? I thought you played twelve! By the way, didn't you eat? ”

“Hmm?” The other frowned.

Han Fei twisted his head and said: “You must have not eaten, otherwise how could the power be so small? ”

Ming Kun was furious: “Again. ”

“Hooray! ”

Hundreds of arcs are shining, and Han is not surrounded by ten meters, as if hundreds of palms were imprinted. Each hand is vicious.

“Hey! Look at me... Tianma Meteor Fist. ”

Yeah, Han Fei changed his name again, and he yelled out.

“Bang, bang, bang...”

Baiduo Golden Light boxing blasted to all sides, and the outsiders saw that Han was not crazy at this moment, no one could see his fists clearly.

However, despite its fierceness and abnormality, Ming Kun still remains invincible.

In the moderator's words, Han Fei erupted, perhaps a secret technique, but it was not enough. The boundary gap is too large, leading to the impending defeat of South Africa.

Ten breaths later.

Someone yelled, "Look, Han Fei's spitting blood, he's going down. ”

Twenty cents later.

Someone yelled, "Ha ha, he's finally broken, he's going to lose. ”

Thirty interest later.

Someone was excited: "Look, octopus freak spit blood again. ”

Fifty interest later.

“Goddamn it, what's the end of it? Go, Ming Kun! Shoot him. ”

“Little fish boy, can you carry it? ”

A hundred breaths later.

Ming Kun was shocked. His energy was almost exhausted and he could only be blocked by the turtle. The golden light fist fell on the turtle, and the dust burst.

Two hundred bucks later.

Both were scarred and Ming Kun's Bi Chao Shield was broken.

Many of the audience were stunned and stood up at this moment.

In their eyes, Ming Kun may not be able to hold on, but the octopus monster is even worse, and he can't even stand.

The host roared wildly: "Heavenly pride, the octopus freak must be the ultimate pride of Fire Dragon Town, otherwise he would not have carried it to this day. ”

Offsite, a lot of people are recording, communicating.

Someone said, "Is there a character in Flame Dragon Town this time? ”

Someone wondered: "I immediately arranged for someone to look into it. ”


In the bag room.

Jiang Boy, also took a deep breath: is this too fucking stubborn? You rocked 200 fucking breaths ago. Why are you rocking now?

Xia Xiaoxia turned her white eyes from time to time. She estimated that Han Fei's skin didn't break and didn't know how to get it out?

Xia Xiaoxia did not know that the Nine Dead Soul Seal could have removed 90% of the attack. Even after attachment, you can remove 50% of the attack on Han Fei.

Therefore, Ming Kun wanted to hurt Han Fei, which is simply a crazy dream.

Ming Kun panicked and said secretly: Impossible, how can you lose to a senior fisherman? This is absolutely impossible.

After that, Ming Kun suddenly yelled: “Take my last blow, Ben Lei Jiu. ”

As soon as Ming Kun magnified the move, Han Fei followed closely and shouted: “I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Look at my last blow, big fish... uh... what punch? ”



A lot of people are speechless: you forget what kind of boxing skills you can even fucking do? Isn't that fucking too much?

Whatever the punch. At that moment, the dust rolled, and the shadows of both of them fell out of the dust.

Someone said, "Is it even? ”

“I'm Nima. Anybody on the flat plate? ”

“It's over, it's over, it's a big loss. Why is this octopus weirdo so strong? ”

“Is there such a powerful character in Dragon Town? ”

“Damn, the arena is ignoring us. ”

For a while, the whole audience quarreled and Xia Xiao Xiao pretended to shout: “You actually won? ”

The maid who serves Xia Xiao Xia is also stunned. If the octopus monster climbed up, wouldn't the girl have made $5 million with that half a million?

Jiang Jiao was so excited at this moment, he yelled: “Get up, get up... get up! ”

Jiangxiao is going crazy: this win is 50 million! His heart is a little overwhelmed.


But in the arena, Han Fei suddenly reached out a hand, and it was extremely difficult to hold himself up.

The audience was madly calling Ming Kun, but the guy had lost half his response.

Han did not laugh in his heart. The same attack, along with nine consecutive shots of earth fat circles, he can't stand it.

The host was stunned and reacted half a day later: “If Ming Kun fails to stand, his winning streak will be terminated...”

“Three... two... one...”

“Ho! Congratulations octopus freak from Fire Dragon Town. This victory is astonishing, epic, and a shining new star is rising. You told us that there are people outside, one day outside the sky...”



Above the sky, a big mess was thrown into the arena. Han Fei even saw a corset fly in.

“Money! ”

“My money! ”

The whole place was screaming.

But there are a few people who are shaking with excitement.

“It's gone, it's gone... I made a fucking bet! That's it. ”

There are people in the big rooms who may be sad, but don't get upset.

Someone is even asking, "What exactly is this octopus weirdo? Find out what the hell this guy's been through in Fire Dragon Town. ”

Jiang Bao cried, really cried.

I've never seen so much money in my life.

Even if you take out your uniform and your psychic apparatus, you won't be able to make 50 million dollars all at once. What kind of concept is that?

Unfortunately, the 50 million, you can only divide yourself into 20 percent. When Han Fei left, he put two fingers up to him, and he didn't care. But now it's a long story, I'm afraid, to give myself 20 percent of the meaning.

But even if it's 20%, there are 10 million Chinese pearls!

Jiang Zhong couldn't help but wonder: What the hell am I thinking? Is 10 million not enough? That's $10 million!

While Jiang was standing still, he saw Han Fei climb up and look at the audience, disgusted: “Today, Master, I have wrapped this scene. Peer Challenge, Beyond Challenge, the visitors will not hesitate... Wind Thunder Town's heavenly pride, but Lour. Grandpa, I can hit 10 with one hand. ”


Jiang Zhou: Are you fucking stupid?

Then he listened to Han Fei Dao: “Master, I'm going to bet myself half a million... is anyone else coming? If no one comes, wait for me to rest and I'll scream again. ”