God of Fishing

May Crazy Death (Spit Blood Month Ticket)

All right, one more wave of death in May, and then the Flag.

First, it erupted once on 3 May, 8 more.

May, all month.

Crazy monthly tickets, after 3,000 votes, every 500 more votes plus a chapter. No cap plus more.

Crazy monthly tickets, after 3,000 votes, every 500 more votes plus a chapter. No cap plus more.

Crazy monthly tickets, after 3,000 votes, every 500 more votes plus a chapter. No cap plus more.

Monthly tickets, plus more after May 3rd, give me enough time to write. Don't worry, it won't be less.

In the current case of double monthly tickets, you know.

Your monthly tickets are sloppy and my updates are sloppy.

Reputation protection, how can I say that I am even more than 10,000 words a day. I am absolutely unhappy with the speed of updating, and I spend a lot of time on this every day. I also hope that you will support...