God of Illusions

Chapter 0119: The End of the Fun?

The lonely meteorite light struck the body with no suspense. In the eyes of little white fly and scarlet expectation, the majority of the body of the eating animal was wiped out.

You motherfucker!

Master, I don't believe you can live this time!

My heart scolded, Bai Xiaofei's eyes did not leave the eating beast for a moment, and then, reality taught him hard once.

It's alive!

“Gorilla, don't stop! ”

Watching the eater who was no longer capable of action was still recovering his body, Bai Xiaofei rushed out to wake up the ape who was already in a state of desperation.

Upon awakening, the light of the meteorite, like no money, was shot at the remnants of the eating beast, one after the other.

But until the ape reaches its limit, the eating beast still has a piece of flesh, which is regenerating stubbornly!

However, during the bombardment just now, Bai Xiaofei saw a red bead, which not only resisted the light of an extinction, but was also at the root of the flesh and blood that was always regenerating!

“Is there any other means of attack? Push that bead out!!! ”

Bai Xiaofei had gone to the center of the battlefield, but the answer given by the ape was a panicked shake of his head.

“I do!”

Red roar rushed over, spitting a green mist at the flesh that had recovered most of the flesh. Immediately, acid poison corroded the flesh sounded, but the corrosion was far faster than regeneration...

Watching this scene, both snakes were stunned.

Just one step away from the door, do you just watch and wait to die?!

But what else can we do?

Swallow, Bai Xiaofei felt despair, then spit out a word that stunned the gorilla for half a day.


“What are you staring at? Take me away! How fast!!! Run to Xingluo College!!! ”

Bai Xiaofei jumped on the back of the gorilla and slapped the gorilla's head so hard, daring to kill a demon, Bai Xiaofei is definitely the first person in history.

Looking at the flesh of the eating animal, which had grown half of its body on the ground, the gorilla finally chose to listen to Bai Xiaofei and strove to twist its body toward Xingluo College.

Red has even once again demonstrated its accelerating power, and the limit speed of the two Kings of Warcraft is fully reflected at this moment.

Now there's nothing in Bai Xiaofei's mind, the only thing I want to think about is that the eating animal can recover slowly.

“Stop! ”

A few kilometers away, Bai Xiaofei stopped the gorilla.

Running back to Xingluo is absolutely impossible based on the distance left and the speed at which the freshly eaten animal recovers.

So now the only hope is Black!

“Remember, no matter what happens, never move! ”

Warning the gorilla red, Bai Xiaofei infused the element force into Xiao Black's body, scene simulation skills were activated again, and Bai Xiaofei and the gorilla red blended into the surrounding environment simultaneously.

If there was no way, Bai Xiaofei would never have used this infinite approach to death, but this time it was truly desperate...

Shortly afterwards, the eating beast actually came after him, which also proved that Bai Xiaofei's decision was right. If he continued running, he would definitely be pressed on the road.

However, when the hearts and minds reached the vicinity of Bai Xiaofei's hiding place, they did not pass by as expected, but slowly stopped.

For a while, Bai Xiaofei's heart hung high.

“You're really smart, you don't have a choice to keep running, but you underestimate me! ”

The eating beast said, with a pair of snow-white wings behind him, he slowly rose halfway up the sky.

“The smell and energy that is unique to you is cut off when you get here, so if I'm not mistaken, you must have hidden it the way you started. ”

“Yes, I can't distinguish you in this state, but I don't seem to have to! ”

Eating Beast said, as he fanned his wings faster and faster, the air flow in the surrounding space began to become more and more manic. Finally, countless wind blades gathered in the air like soldiers, waiting for Eating Beast to manipulate them!

“Come out! ”

Laughing loudly, the wind blade flew out 360 degrees without death, the flowers, the trees, the dirt, everything around it, under the ruin of the wind blade, just like a torn doll.

When the blade stopped, there was only one complete place.

Here, Red is wearing a shield...

“Humans, turns out to be humans. No wonder they're so cunning. All that just happened is because of you! ”

Falling from the middle of the sky, the eating beast slowly moved towards the white fly and the scarlet, and the horrible momentum pressed them against their breath.

“You're in trouble, my friend. Run yourself, we'll buy you some time! ”

At the end of the day, the ape's tone added a touch of flatness. After dropping the white fly, he glanced at the red, and doubled over to the eating beast.

Concurrent eggs...

An angry eating beast flies the gorillas and the reds out in just one stroke.

“What's the difference between you and a waste of meteorite light, and a moon python with the same waste? ”

Step the gorilla under his feet, and the eating beast says viciously.

“But you can keep your life for a while, because I'm going to show you how you got your help killed! ”

The heartbeat said, slapping the gorilla out and slowly walking towards the white flying.

“Friend, run! ”

I got up and screamed, but Bai Xiaofei smiled bitterly.

Run, I'll fucking run for an egg!

You fuckin 'asshole didn't last two seconds! Can I fucking run through this shit?

My heart has scolded everything I can think of. Bai Xiaofei watched the eating beast come and swallowed the water.

“He's right. Why don't you run? ”

Walking to Bai Xiaofei, he looked at Bai Xiaofei in a dramatic way, adding a slight personalized look to the face of the eating beast.

“I'm dead anyway. Can I ask you a question? ”

Bai Xiaofei did not pee his pants as he imagined, but appeared to ask the animal calmly.

“Oh, man, are you funny? ”

Keeping a close eye on Bai Xiaofei, the eater licked his paws.

“Ask, I'm in a good mood. ”

“As far as I know, there are no warcraft in the world with such terrible resilience as you, so how did a godlike ability like you come about? ”

Bai Xiaofei said the word "god” eating beast is very comfortable.

“I really can't tell you this, you can ask the ghost man after you die! ”

The heartbeat said it lifted its paws, but stopped for the next second.

“If you don't tell me, I know because of that red bead, right? If it had three lengths or two, you wouldn't be able to do it. ”

Bai Xiaofei succeeded in buying himself an extra second of survival time, but in exchange, he was deeply constrained by the eating beast.

“Son of a bitch, now you don't even have a soul left! ”

A tiny tint of color flashed in his eyes, and the paws raised by the eating beast grabbed him with a heavy grip against Bai Xiaofei...

It's over. It's over!

Master, am I really going to end this?

Think about it, what else can delay time!!!

Well, it's gone...