God of Illusions

Chapter 0526: Explaining and Testing!

“Senior Ling is certainly gifted, but compared to your body of dragon chants, I would like to know how you led the world's merchants to this position today. ”

Leaving aside the inner doubt and not thinking for a while, Bai Xiaofei started walking to the point, which is also an opportunity to truly understand Ling Tian.

“Oh, you want to set up a chamber of commerce? ”

With a novel tone, Ling Tianxia discovered the appearance of a new continent.

“If I could, I would try, after all, money is very useful in many cases. ”

With a smile, Bai Xiaofei did not deny it.

Of course, he would not say that his chamber of commerce was on track.

“Well, money is a good thing, if you say so. ”

He nodded, and Ling Tianxia went into his thoughts.

“What do you want to know? It took me more than 20 years to get out of the initial misunderstanding, and the Chamber of Commerce only gradually developed after that. ”

Ling Tianxia is a well-deserved senior. At his age, he is older than both Jingcheng and Qingtian.

“Misunderstanding? ”

Slightly stunned, Bai Xiaofei caught the look of what valuable information.

“Yes, it is a misunderstanding. Many people's understanding of the Chamber of Commerce is that buying and selling things, competing with their rivals, pulling the Guests together these simple things, although this is really the basis of a Chamber of Commerce, but by doing so, it can take the Chamber to a medium level at most, and it is not possible to go further. ”

Ling Tianxian said that there was no intention of retaining it at all.

“Is there anything else besides that? ”

Bai Xiaofei asked again, this time it was really a question.

This knowledge wind is incognito, and they may know, but Flying White is really a blank piece of paper, and now the phantom demon hasn't reached that point, and the wind is incognito, and they haven't mentioned it.

“Of course!”

Full of pride, Ling Tianxia entered the teaching mode.

“A businessman is just a businessman no matter how good he is, and what he can do is always restricted, and this restriction comes from every country on the continent! ”

“Simply to give you an example, you prepared a big deal, but when you entered the operational phase, you found this country out. With a policy of controlling this type of business, you have no choice but to claim compensation. ”

“So if a chamber of commerce wants to be truly free, it has to deal with the top of every country, in other words, it can really make a chamber succeed, that is, two words, relationship! ”

After a pause, Ling Tianxian looked straight at Bai Xiaofei, and at this time Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

At the same time, he thought of the Taoist Chamber of Commerce.

Bai Xiaofei can say that he helped Ling to unintentionally complete this transformation!

Before the ancient Vietnam incident, there was still a thought on how to strengthen the Dao Xiaofei Chamber of Commerce by reselling merchandise, but under the guidance of Bai Xiaofei, there is still a line with the ancient Vietnam royal family, I dare not say elsewhere, but in ancient Vietnam, the future of the Dao Xiao Chamber of Commerce has reached an infinite degree!

In other words, the fate of the Taoist Chamber of Commerce has been tied to the ancient Vietnam. The better the development of the ancient Vietnam, the further the Taoist Chamber of Commerce will go, but the development of the ancient Vietnam is not good, even the collapse, and the Taoist Chamber of Commerce will not follow the burial!

Once the kingdom is gone, merchants can sell everywhere!

Suddenly, Bai Xiaofei had a bright idea about the future of phantom demons!

“Thank you, Senior Ling! ”

Returning to God, Bai Xiaofei solemnly thanked Ling Tian. Regardless of whether or not Ling Tianxian had given the courtesy of the ancient Vietnam incident, he did help Bai Xiaofei to clear his mind.

“Boy, you have a good sense of enlightenment. It won't take decades for the Nine Chambers to become the Ten Chambers of Commerce! ”

Ling Tianxia laughed and the tone was full of admiration.

“Teacher, you really don't have a very good eye, you found such a good student again! ”

Thunder Mountain sounded embarrassed. Bai Xiaofei, the “good student”, was not really discovered by him. The astronomical disciple sent Bai Xiaofei first. Bai Xiaofei himself appeared behind him. Thunder Mountain was completely passively discovered Bai Xiaofei.

“Where, where, just luck...”

Ungenerously promised, the old face of Leishan couldn't help but force a little more. He was really afraid that Bai Xiaofei would expose him...

There's nothing this kid can't do!

But this time Thunder Mountain really worried a lot, and now Bai Xiaofei doesn't have the energy to worry about his reaction.

“Senior, I have one more question. ”

After a pause, Bai Xiaofei's face added a little seriousness. Now that we've talked about it, it's time to get down to business!

“Say, as long as I know, I'll fix it for you! ”

Ling Tianxia was as happy as ever, Bai Xiaofei was frowning, and Ling Tianxia's reaction today truly exceeded his expectations.

But what needs to be done is done!

“I've heard that all nine chambers of commerce have become huge, but in fact, all nine chambers of commerce have a common question: is it true that the inside of the chamber is not a piece of iron, and some of them are even standing opposite each other? ”

Bai Xiaofei's voice dropped and Ling Tianxian sighed for a long time, as if Bai Xiaofei had stabbed him in the pain.

Gradually, Ling Tianxian's face was less clear and helpless, becoming a little less clear and sad.

“Your hearing is right, it is an indisputable fact. ”

After a pause, Ling began to wander.

“No one can handle the enormous amount of the Nine Chambers on their own, so it is inevitable to separate some of the rights, but once the rights are separated, it will be difficult to retrieve them. The original brothers and friends will even oppose each other because they disagree, and everything becomes vulnerable in front of the absolute interests. ”

“If you really want to get to this point, then this situation is what you have to face, so the businessman will never have friends...”

After that, Ling Tianxian's face was sad again.

“Doesn't that mean that some people do things that you don't even know as president? ”

Officially touching the restricted area, Bai Xiaofei's eyes stared dead at Ling Tian, not wanting to miss any of his reactions.

“What, little brother, did you get against the world's chambers of commerce?! ”

How can someone who can be a long time ago not have enough brains? When Bai Xiaofei finished, Ling Tianxian immediately reacted. The surprise on his face came entirely from his heart.

“Adverse words are too light, to be precise, should be enough to subvert the Chambers of Commerce! ”

His eyes flashed sharply, and Bai Xiaofei continued to look at Ling Tian...