God of Illusions

Chapter 0532: School Festival!

In order to figure out what the gossip image of the celestial machine really means, Bai Xiaofei dragged Fang wild to meditate for several days. The two of them got together whenever they had time to think about it, but the more confused they got, the more they didn't wait for the two of them to come up with a one, two, three, and the school celebration was already about to start!

According to the area selected by Bai Xiaofei, the Thunder Mountain eventually plotted the campus celebration area, covering the territory of the wildlings and fanatics!

But what didn't follow Bai Xiaofei's script was that he didn't get involved in the group when it was confirmed.

Thunder Mountain chose a way to randomly group...

Because this school celebration is directly combined with the newborn examination, for the sake of fairness, Leishan doesn't want anyone to interfere, even Bai Xiaofei is no exception!

However, Bai Xiaofei provided the programme for the event, because the impact was insignificant.

And with the help of Thunder Mountain, the rewards for this school celebration are quite generous!

Throughout the school holidays, points are applied, and each team can earn points according to their rank and quality by killing warcraft, collecting warcraft materials, collecting precious medicines, and obtaining treasures from endless mountains.

However, these items will only be counted as valid points if they are submitted, otherwise they will be considered invalid kills or collections.

A very bandit scheme, equivalent to pulling back a large group of big men from the mainland to work for Xingluo. After this school celebration, Xingluo can definitely accumulate resources that will not be used up for the next decade!

But no one has objected, because the reward is too generous!

The first three groups of points will be rewarded with a piece of Starlight, which basically belongs to the boss leading the team.

That's enough to make your bosses work hard!

An absolutely invincible skill that does not occupy a puppet position cannot be measured by money!

In addition to Starlight, the top 10 teams will also be given the opportunity to tailor puppets at different levels, which is what drives the learners crazy.

Finally, all points earned at school festivals can be used to redeem various premium items that are rare on weekdays, Dan Pills, Puppet Cores, Puppet Materials, Puppets...

Redeem points for everything you can think of!

So, Xingluo College is still a benevolent bandit!

And today, it's time to announce the grouping!

In the square of Xingluo College, all the people who are going to participate in the event stand neatly below. All those who can sit are alumni who have returned to school, and this number can only be described in two words: horror!

You know, sitting here is at least a little famous on the mainland!

And now, these people are sitting there honestly, and no one dares to take out their "big man" charm at this time, because the real big man is standing on the platform that rises in the center of the square!

Thunder Mountain!

The only Eternal Puppeteer known on the continent!

The biggest foundation of Xingluo College!

One of the biggest reasons Xingluo College can make so many pride sons sit honestly down there is the existence of Thunder Mountain!

In front of Eternity, legends are as powerless as children!

This is also why Thunder Mountain dares to organize students to attack endless mountains without fear of disruption. He has absolute confidence in his power and influence, and this confidence cannot be described blindly!

Because I can't imagine anyone daring to mess around in the presence of Thunder Mountain!

And this is also the most inconceivable part of Bai Xiaofei's gossip about the planet. The demon star appeared, and the dragons were born. Where did this come from?!

Until now, Bai Xiaofei was so confused that he did not go to listen to what the thunderous mountains on the stage had said, and by the time he returned to God, the tsunami clap had sounded.

“Next, I officially announce the specific rules for this school celebration! ”

As soon as Thunder Mountain opened its mouth, everyone raised their spirits, and the rewards had been released before, but only a handful of people knew the specific rules of activity, so this moment is historic for most!

After a long introduction to the rules, all kinds of discussion flashed in the crowd, not disrespect for the mountains, but so exciting!

“The entire area of activity has been fully monitored, please rest assured that in the event of an unexpected situation, the school's emergency response team will be dispatched immediately, with me at the head of the emergency team, and the three vice presidents and the vice directors of universities as members of the emergency team! ”

The voice dropped and everyone was relaxed.

This is equivalent to giving everyone a heartbeat pill with a thunder mountain in it, even if it touches an Imperial Warcraft, it's not life threatening!

“Please take out the previous event card for everyone. In three seconds, your team member information for this event will appear randomly on the event card! ”

After Thunder Mountain said, everyone first stunned and took out the ordinary card that they thought was useless. A moment later, the card lit up and a message appeared.

Bai Xiaofei was also one of them. After seeing the information on the card, Bai Xiaofei had to show a crying expression.

All acquaintances!

Bai Xiaofei's card, along with his own information, contains seven people, each of whom he is unfamiliar with.

Bear hunting, leader of the Raging Bear Mercenary Corps, one of Bai Xiaofei's key subjects, Linglong transformed into a puppet master, famous for his ruggedness.

Lohan, there's no need to introduce this, but at this time, Lohan is happy to be with Bai Xiaofei, and it doesn't matter who the rest of us are to her.

Chu Tianyi, just got back from the mission. He only greeted Bai Xiaofei two days ago.

Smurfette, he hasn't tried anyone since he was abused by Bai Xiaofei blood. He has been in a state of silence. He was going to graduate, but this school celebration kept him.

Ferguo, the fat man who was once beaten by Snow Shadow in the incense furnace with his own best friend, the son of Freshman Director Fei Hiroshi, is basically half a cripple...

The last one is a freshman who just had friction with Bai Xiaofei, Wu Xizhao!

Similar to Sima, after being educated by Bai Xiaofei, Wu Xizhao became much more honest, but according to the rumoured wind, Wu Xizhao has always hated Bai Xiaofei, only there is no way to avenge him.

Making people, now they are teammates...

In addition to providing information on teammates, the cards can also be used to communicate between teams, but only in text. As soon as the teammates' information comes out, information from bear hunting appears on everyone's cards.

“Now, everyone gather at the southeast corner of the square! ”

Although only words, the undoubtedly dominant tone of bear hunting has been echoed.

Long sighed, helpless little white flying towards the southeast corner.

Looks like he's going to be a soldier this time...