God of Illusions

Chapter 0603: Unexpected and Unexpected!

“When do we have to stand like this? ”

With an embarrassing smile, Lu Lingyun opened his mouth and broke the silent view between the three of them.

The voices fell and the three of them laughed silly at the same time.

“Sit down, sit down! ”

Bai Xiaofei sat back with the two of them, excited that the words had been written on his face.

After a few months, Bai Xiaofei has basically come out of the shadow of the school festival, and so he kinda ignored the feeling of the two people, only to be happy for their return.

But the good news is that the two men in the wind are not the kind of people who do comparisons, and they adjust quickly.

“I have so much to say that I don't even know where to start. ”

Awkwardly he touched his head and the opening remarks of Little White Fly made the wind smile at each other.

“Let's talk about phantom demons first. ”

A step was set for Bai Xiaofei, and the wind seamlessly looked to Lu Lingyun.

“Last time you didn't come back, this time it was for you. ”

As the ball was kicked to Lu Lingyun, Bai Xiaofei's eyes shifted to Lu Lingyun, and now what they say is extremely valuable information for Bai Xiaofei.

“Okay, I'll tell you what. ”

With a smile, Lu Lingyun simply organized a language in his mind.

“Now that we have acquired twenty-four small chambers of commerce, basically in and around the Purple Jing Empire, interns have helped us a lot, and now our chambers of commerce are basically on track. ”

“But integration is still a long way off, and in terms of progress, we can only count as a successful start. ”

Lu Lingyun briefly explained the general situation, but lightly, only he and the wind knew how much effort they had made during this period.

If you sum it up in four words, it's hard work!

But this hard work he didn't intend to say, because it didn't make any sense, and they didn't need this at all to invite Bai Xiaofei to work.

“Recently, however, we have had a rather critical opportunity, and we are confident that after this period, Phantom Demons will at least be at the top of the Chamber of Commerce! ”

Lu Lingyun's tone was full of confidence, and Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up.

Lu Ling Yun would never tell a big story. If he dares to say so, it means that he and the wind are fully confident, but Bai Xiaofei does not know what the opportunity is.

“What opportunities? ”

He swallowed his sip and asked slowly.

“The World Chamber of Commerce is about to collapse! ”

A few simple words stunned Bai Xiaofei slightly, but Bai Xiaofei was not surprised.

The occurrence of the school celebration event caused Xingluo and the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce to face a huge crisis at the same time, but Xingluo survived after a series of activities, and the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce was not so good, after all, Ling Tian was guilty of mass anger!

“Where's Ling? Didn't he come out to defend the World Chamber of Commerce? As long as he stood up and took all the responsibility and withdrew from the Chambers of Commerce, the Chambers of Commerce of the World would get a chance to breathe. After all, he was the only one who came to Xingluo to disrupt the situation, and he could totally say that it was personal. ”

Bai Xiao flickered and frowned, this way of dealing with it, he didn't believe that people like Ling Tianxian would think of it.

And Ling Tianxian looked at the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce so heavily, he couldn't just look at the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce collapse.

“I don't know, Ling Tianxian has not appeared since the end of the Xingluo incident. The world's chambers of commerce have avoided the initial wind wave by self-closing, but under the joint discussions of several forces, they could not hold up. ”

“First the chapters collapsed under the combined repression of several major chambers of commerce and forces, then the empires issued expulsion orders, and the world chamber of commerce, a huge thing, became history almost one night ago. The executives ran away with property, and everyone watched the world chamber of commerce become a past. ”

The wind picked up the conversation seamlessly and shook his head. Everyone thought he would do something, but he did nothing, so many people missed the initial closing period.

“After the collapse of the Chambers of Commerce in the world, a lot of chamber positions were vacated, the major chambers of commerce intervened, more or less cut a piece from this big cake, and just in the rising season, we had enough money in hand, before we came here, we had already talked about the location in many important cities of the Purple Jing Empire, officials, we had bought it, now it's barely settled in. ”

“Once we take these positions, our business routes in the Purple King Empire will be connected to a tight web, and we will have room to develop in other directions. ”

Lu Lingyun's tone is a little excited. Such an encounterable and undesirable opportunity is really too important for phantom demons, because there are so many opportunities. If the world Chamber of Commerce won't let it out, no one can get in.

With such a wave, phantom demons need to grow for at least a decade!

“But one very strange thing. ”

The wind suddenly took seriously, and the condensation on his face appeared unquestionably.

“What is it?”

Frowns wrinkled, white little Fei's heart tightened.

“The world's chambers of commerce collapsed. Under normal circumstances, everyone's chances are the same, but the Juan Yuan Chamber of commerce was prepared enough before Ling Tian's collapse. After the world's chambers of commerce ran away, they stood up for the first time and took over directly. Too many of your major stores in the great empires will be the biggest beneficiaries of this event. ”

“I think there must be something wrong with this, I just don't know what the problem is, but I think it must be related to the Staro incident, so I wanted to ask you if you found anything. ”

The wind silently looked at Xiaofei Bai and thought for a moment. Xiaofei Bai's eyes suddenly lit up.

“I forgot if you don't say it. If you want to say something suspicious, there really is one! ”

Bai Xiaofei's expression instantly got serious, and his eyes followed with an extra touch of harshness.

“In the wave of freshmen before the event, a man named Wu Xizhao claimed to be the Young Master of the Juyuan Chamber of Commerce, but in the end he attacked our man as a covert assassin, except that he was killed in a mixed war. ”

“We wanted to talk to the Juan Yuan Chamber of Commerce, but after the event, the Juan Yuan Chamber of Commerce actually came to the door and said it wanted to give their young master justice. ”

“Finally, after a series of verifications, both sides came to the conclusion that this Wu Xizhi photograph had been unpacked before entering Xingluo, and this was no longer possible. ”

Bai Xiaofei said that the wind was seamless and Lu Lingyun was simultaneously caught in thought.

For a long time, the wind raised its head seamlessly and its face grew heavy.

“Looks like this Merchant will be more complicated than anyone thinks! ”