God of Life

Chapter 136 Earn Back

I really want to keep a low profile, but strength doesn't allow it!

God's dog, sitting there brings his own beauty.

Wang Yan flashed a slight sigh in his heart.

After sighing, the brain melon Renzi began to ache and the temple protruded.

Beauty, can you turn it off for a minute?

I don't need it now!

Ignoring how to tear them apart, the first time I grabbed Miss 30,000's hand, I looked at her with pity and grief.

Please be sure to believe that I'm not really the one to dismantle the family... ah, whoa, the current situation is really none of my business!

Brother Fa, you really haven't touched Fu Yushi!

Liu Li was laughed at by Guan Er. He grabbed Wang Yan's arm and looked quietly into the field.

That's simple —— you ripped your dog off, it's mine anyway, sister.

The cabin stagnated for a moment and suddenly became chaotic.

Nago held Fu Yushi for the first time and prevented her from continuing to bomb.

“You're relieved, Lady Woman is unintentional...”

Wang Xue grabbed Lady Lu and scolded him with no anger: "Shut up! Shut up, will you? ”

Guo Zihao looked at Fu Yushi in a complex way, then Wang Yan, his eyes stagnated on Liu Li's arm for a moment, and suddenly a lemon tree appeared in his heart.

Shit, who spilled poisoned chicken soup and said anything that looked good could be done?!

I'm so handsome, I'd rather eat melons everywhere...

Loser, take a bite and throw it away. Sooner or later you'll have diabetes!

Ho Hong, Ho Ho Ho Ho, Mina collectively pushed, always felt that there should be a story inside, very curvy appearance... very excited, but inevitably uneasy.

In case Little Glass comes back later, it's the Three Kingdoms Mixed War...

Who am I helping?

He Zheng's eyes were particularly special. He carefully weighed Wang Yan, and his curiosity could not be suppressed.

Han Luzhou... emmm, holding on to the parchment, leaning against the back of the chair posing, dead and independent, solidified like a sculpture, handsome.

In other words: shrink into a bunch, Cesar trembles, and dares not mix anything.

And the true and most bitter Changkai, is now looking at Wang Yan with suspicion, his face is shady, his eyes are suspicious, there are comparisons, there are consternation, there are jealousy...

One of the biggest bitter drama men, number four, came to grief.

As the saying goes, three women play one scene. Come on, how many in the house?

A messy choke, no one can hear anything.

Wang Yan had an egg ache.

But it's hard to say how hard it is.

In fact, every big party in high school is pretty much the same, and there's always something going on without even knowing it.

For the most part, this is true of young people's gatherings, and the kind of wine bureau that is immovable, comprehensive, cluttered and exasperated in society does not exist in the eyes of young people.

Who hasn't been a baby yet? How can you bear to be tortured?

With Wang Yan's thoughts, simply ignore them. Enough is enough. If you feel bored, you will stop.

I haven't had a drink today, it's not a big deal.

If not, the seven mouths choked for a while, the two sides gradually shrugged their flags and the noise in the room became smaller and smaller.

Soon, quiet down completely.

Then Wang Yan suddenly felt something was wrong.

What are you all looking at me for?

Brother is a melon eater!

More than ten pairs of eyes, different eyes, brush and stare at Wang Yan and Liu Li, the expression is called a complex, can be made directly into a collection of expression bags.

As for why… it's actually very simple.

They quarreled there and made it dark. You two wore a couple clothes, leaned against the back of the chair, held hands, clasped your fingers, stabbed each other, and played with yourselves...


One person sees, looks weird shut up.

Two people saw, weird expression shut up.

Three people saw,...

Not much, they all bite teeth —— wake up, brother, is it time to sprinkle dog food?!

You, why, so, beat up!

Wang Yan saw everyone staring at themselves, finally releasing Liu Li's hand, sitting upright, coughing softly, and clearing his voice.

Everyone thought Rich Brother was going to sum it up and put today's scene behind us. He couldn't help but concentrate on himself.

Come on, Tahoe, start your show!

Then Wang Yan copied the chopsticks, gently rubbed the dishes, aligned, calmly raised his head.

“I'm hungry... do you want to eat? ”

Oh, shit!

Everyone was flashed and Lu Huan even spoke out: “Are you a pig?! ”

Fu Yushi was even more depressed and unable to wave: “Eat and eat, you better eat quickly...”

Wang Yan ignored what they said. He immediately clipped a chopstick fan and put it in a small disc. He shared it with Liu Li: "Come and try this, it looks good! ”


Liu Li nodded, really stirred up a strand, and sent it into his mouth with exuberance.

Watching this scene, the absurdity in everyone's mind can't stop it.

You two are a perfect match!

However, somehow, the atmosphere that had solidified had somehow relaxed, and Lu Huan and Fu Yushi looked at each other and even found a slight resentment in each other's eyes.

I'm still in a bad mood, but I don't want to fight anymore.

Fu Yushi thought it was amazing. Look at Wang Yan. I feel more and more confused. The bottom of my heart is always haunted by a doubt--

Did you do it unintentionally or intentionally?

Either way, it's fucking evil!


After breaking the ice, the chat still stumbled, but it stopped taking so much fire, and the scene gradually became lively.

At this time, Changkai put up with her right and left. Finally, she couldn't help but find Lu Yuan.

“Lady, let's get this straight. Why am I so bad in your heart? And let you say that, who likes love poetry not to look at people, but who has more money?! Do you think you're being fair? ”

Everyone was a little surprised, but it was understandable to see Chang Cai's expression of constant calm.

Young people, who don't want to get bored more and more, when they can't do it?

Changkai's cultivation is good, but he has never suffered any setbacks, and today he has been hit a little hard.

It is not easy to communicate well with Lu Huan Yuan now.

Lady Lu, her temper has always been violent and impatient, and now she is brought to the door, even less polite.

“You still feel grieved, don't you? All right, I'll break it to you today. ”

“The real estate and factories in your house, say fixed assets hundreds of millions, in fact, 18 million a year, what is it?! It doesn't say when it's your turn to take over. Even if it's in your hands, what good is it for the little princess? ”

“Little princess lacks rich second-generation chase?! ”

“Your soft party is like a boring jar. You can't do it professionally. If you don't have an act, you can do it when you spend money. Your ambition is to have a hot kang for your wife and kids...”

“Actually, I personally admire your attitude towards life, but can you look up and see exactly what the little princess wants? ”

“It doesn't fit. You have to screw it together. What?! ”

“Nothing else, just the B number in your heart, it's 18,000 meters less than Wang Yan! ”

Wang Yan: (Chuckles)

Can I die if you don't cue me?

Can you?

Fu Yushi tried not to stop him. After listening to Lu Huan Huan, he heard Wang involve him in the end. That was a pain in his heart.

Quickly interrupt and calmly ask: "Lady Lu, what do I want? ”

Lu Huanyuan sprayed perfectly and didn't even think about it. He opened his mouth and said: "How insecure is your heart? Can't you see?!

Compared to Little Glass, you're a weak piece of shit!

What you want is to spell out your career, and no one can depend on it to live well. Or a mighty man on top of the sky who can protect you from the rain! ”

In the first place, everyone's eyes were shocked.

Lady Lu, do you know how to live? As soon as you ask...

emmm, that doesn't make any sense.

Fu Yushi silenced for a moment and suddenly raised his glass: "Okay, we'll have no more enemies. ”

That means… you're right, thank you for understanding me.

Lady Lu's expression slowed down as she heard the words.

Their relationship is really complicated.

Men can't understand.

Wang Yan repeatedly laid back the gun and found it really interesting to eat this meal today.

Especially interesting.

Prior to today, his understanding of girls and women was essentially limited to the notions of "money can smash” and “money can't smash".

What they're thinking, what they want, what they'll do, is completely foggy.

Even the understanding of Liu Li is absolute and one-sided.

An 18-year-old teenager, it's normal to not understand, and it's not normal to understand.

Now, all of a sudden, we understand part of it, and more importantly, we learn to look at heterosexuality and humanity from a different perspective.

It's a good trip...

With emotion, Chang Cai suddenly glanced at him and stared at him for 3 seconds before turning his head and questioning Lu Huan with anger.

“What do you compare me to? I have a girlfriend! Or what, you know something else? Poetry likes that Young Master Wang, right?! ”


Dropped an atomic bomb in the table, causing the whole field to turn upside down.

Fu Yushi couldn't look up, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, felt it was not her birthday, it was her mother's distress day.


From the text, there's nothing wrong with it...

When you look at the lively ones, your eyes suddenly shine, including Hiroshi, Hiroshi, Mina, Wang Xue, Anlu... all excited.

Anlu even felt very relieved, because Guo Zihao's expression was particularly bitter... she was still a thief to Fu Yushi.

Han continued to coagulate and shrink into clumps...

Liu Glass's eyes squinted, his mouth clasped, and suddenly he stopped laughing.

Wang Yan panicked a little.

- Throw it.

Okay, panic!


The most pitiful is Lady Lu. She was a thief. She vibrated the word horn and now suddenly stuck her shell and couldn't speak with her face.

Oh, shit!

Lady Woman, don't be such a dick!

I don't have any faults. You're faking my heart?!

Wang Yan was almost frightened by the sudden extinguishing of the fire by Lady Lu. She felt shi all over her body and couldn't wash it off.

Fortunately, at this critical juncture, the Lady of Lim Weilin has never spoken much about the blending, and she opens her mouth in time to lift the siege.

“Changcai, don't be so radical. ”

“In any small circle, someone will be the standard, and so will the business circle, and so will the circle of friends. ”

“You can't be the standard of everyone's hearts without fighting. Don't blame Lady Lu for contrasting you with Wang Yan. ”

“Wang Yan and everyone know each other for a short time, but can become the standard in the lady's heart, it has to do with money, but definitely not the whole reason, otherwise your family is not bad, why can't you? ”

“The lady treats you as a friend, she is angry at you, you have no reason to be angry with her, but you should think about the way forward. ”

“Feel like I'm wrong, you keep messing around. ”

“If I make sense, you just stay quiet and think about it. ”


Wang Yan really wanted to applaud Lin Weiwei.

Heiji, you are a good comrade with deep thoughts, broad vision and independence!

That's a beautiful phrase - every circle is destined to have a benchmark.

Tsk, the girls' benchmark is 30,000, the boys' benchmark is Wang I, right!

Beautiful, all of a sudden everyone's expression is a little wrong.

None of them looked at the person, took Yu Guanglin Weiwei, the expression with unspeakable creeps.

Finally, He Bitch couldn't help but whisper to Mina: “Is it possible... Sister Vivi too...”

It was quiet on the table, so the muffled voice, though small, was heard by many people.

Or... is the bitch even intentional?!

Liu Li smiled and Wang Yan's face turned green.

How can life be so difficult?

Your brother, too?

All of a sudden, Wang Yan suddenly remembers his original exclamation - a pity for anyone else.

I can go fight wild!

How about a little "B"?

In your current position, you will not survive three episodes in Shura Yard!

Wang Yan was so ashamed that he felt ashamed of God and Hao. He really wasn't practicing too much. He didn't do so much spicy stuff.

Lin Weiwei was a little angry, but Liu Li was still watching the noise, but she always felt like she was brewing something...


At a critical moment, no one thought it was Changkai who jumped out of the rescue field.

Sure, a little red-eyed.

“Interesting! Last time I had a birthday, I was blamed for the cheap gifts. Now the poetry is more expensive for birthday gifts and says that it's not appropriate between classmates..."

“Okay, so tell me, what's the right thing to do? ”

“Or, what did Wang Shao send you to help him talk so much, even become the standard?" ”

“I heard Zihao say that Wang Xiao stayed with President Xiangji for half a month, okay, Niubi, but Lady Lu, don't you think I can afford it? ”

Quickly argue: “Who dislikes you? That's a joke, okay? ”

Lin Weiwei laughed dumbly.

Got it, Emotion just said it, all for nothing.

Though true, not everyone can accept it.

A 20-year-old young man, mature, can't go anywhere, childish is childish.

Chang Cai is obviously a little superior now, he can't hear the good words anymore, all he thinks about is his own grievances.


What a grievance.

But Fu Yushi really can't give him this chance, and Lu Huan's words, though rough, do have good intentions.

Besides, isn't Wang Yan the most grieving person?

I haven't eaten either. I'm out of fucking pans!

However, Wang Yan still hasn't moved. He just smiled slightly and didn't mean to respond.

Not yet.

Boss is always the last, not even the best.

Nago was the first to fail, frowned and said: "Wow, I never gave you anything! Just send out a red envelope on the first day, I grabbed 200 yuan and rubbed a few good meals with Liu Li... not at all as good as you think?! ”

Wang Xue whispered: “We all went out to play with AA, but our old Han followed us to enjoy a horse to kill the chicken. Wang Yan left the capital last time and ate a bad roasted duck, or everyone invited him back. ”

Fu Yushi didn't want to explain anything at all. There was a ridiculous laugh in the corner of his mouth.

Chang Cai heard Nago and Wang Xue, knowing that he was thinking differently. He was a little ashamed, but was thrilled by Fu Yupo's smile. His heart was like a knife, and his head started to fever again.

“After all, people can say," Will it please girls? "I'm dumb, I'm honest, I admit poetry. ”

Soft-party Hiroshi was unhappy.

“But wasn't poetry clear to you long ago? She didn't use you as a spare! ”

This is so far-fetched, Lin Weiwei waved his hand and stopped, staring at Changkai. He asked seriously: "Do you think Liu Li is the most naive, so you like a dude who is particularly good at words? ”

Chang Cai clasped his neck and didn't say a word. He actually looked a little cute, but he was also particularly childish.

Wang Yan figured it out. He's not a bad guy, he's just a poor boy who picks the wrong object in his emotions.

He needed someone to fool him and play with him, and Fu Yushi wanted a comrade who could fight with him, or a man who could stand up for a day.

Lin Weiwei shook his head and said warmly: “I didn't spend a penny, but put it in for 300,000. ”

Everyone except Liu Li Wang was frightened.

“What the hell?! ”

Lady Lu opened her eyes and spoke for everyone.

“The last time I tried to get excited, I rode the Huang Xu 911 co-driver experience, and the 911 rolled over and fired, and Wang Wang rushed into the field, breaking down the door and rescuing us both, it was dangerous. ”

“Huang Xu had a banquet at the National Hotel. I gave Wang Wang a customized suit. ”

Lin Weiwei's concise words will be explained clearly. At the same time, everyone suddenly realized and felt shocked.

A suit of 300,000, in fact, they can accept, after all, the imperial dance is very close to the entertainment industry, they know about real luxury class consumption.

But the thought of Lin Weiwei sending Wang Yan in reverse was particularly amazing.

Chang Cai and Guo Zihao in particular are a little skeptical about life.

All right, you wang Yan, look at the big eyebrows like a genuine homeowner, full of money, everyone likes you, buddy can't stand it, but you can barely understand.

Emotion, you've never spent any money on a girl. Instead, you earn money?!

Little Er, serve lemon juice, I have to be shocked!