God of Life

Chapter 154: Dude, What Do You Mean?

Wang Yanyu and Yanyu sat on the back of the chair and spoke gently to the new roommate.

Song Xi noticed this detail. He wanted to leave his mouth alone, but watching Wang Yan's unbreakable demeanor, his body stretched naturally, his mind suddenly felt a little twisted.

This fellow sleeper of Chen Chen doesn't seem to be like the kind of childish outburst of bad intentions...

Without waiting to think more, a gentle magnetic sound came.

“Hello, my name is Wang Yan. What's your name? ”

“My name is Guo Ziyi... hey, the one with the history of Ping Ping An... but I am Dutch. ”

The new roommate has a round face, thick eyebrows, slightly dark skin, and looks stubborn.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, with that slightly shy expression, he gave Wang Yan a familiar sense of vision.

Think carefully and suddenly think of the orchid finger that went up when you signed up.

Wang Yanfeng couldn't help but shake.

Oh, shit!

You're kidding.

You didn't even wait for school to start. Just the motherfucker?

Bitch, Young Master Awful, Cold Face Paralysis, Iron Bitch... Isn't Nima's 303 poisonous?

I should have lived in a 404!

She threw up in her heart and responded slowly. Wang Yan looked like she was thinking about something. Her temperament grew more calm.

Song Xi looked at the side of the boy's face and his eyes narrowed, which was a sign that she was relaxing.

At a critical moment, the slut came to interrupt.

“Brother Wang, some of our guys in the bedroom have nicknames! I'm up!”

“What?” Wang Yanrao raised his head with interest.

One of Wang Shouxing's fingers went over: “Wang Yishong called Squirrel. Look at those teeth. Big? ”

Wang Yishong stared straight into his eyes: “I fucking remember the Heavenly Star Fist, I can beat your mother and father to kindergarten! ”

Wang Shouzhong ignored, pointing to Guo Ziyi: “Dutch potatoes! Like what? ”

Wang Yan thought about it carefully and almost cried.


Then Wang Shoucheng pointed to himself again, big... No, that expression is quite honorable.

“I was going to ask you to call me out, but I always called, I was afraid I would call you 404, then call me Ruyu is also quite O Shimmer K!” As the jade guards, it symbolizes my purity and... "

“Get out!”

Wang Yishong... Squirrel's temper interrupted, if you don't interrupt, you will throw up.

All three have nicknames. Wang Yan doesn't know why Ruyu put Song Chen in the end, but he is very interested.

Finally to Song Chen, the handsome guy is still so cold, but his eyes sparkle, obviously curious.

”Ruyu whispered for a while and finally threw up three words:" Brother... "

What the hell is that?

Everyone didn't hear me very well.

Then Yu suddenly knelt on one knee and held his fists in his hands: "Brother, please accept my brother-in-law's prayer! ”

The corner of Song Chen's mouth was smoking for a while, and he seemed to be smiling.

Song Xi was so angry that he didn't want to say a word, he picked up his bag and turned around and left.

Before opening the door, hesitate, pause and look back at Wang Yan.

“Well... Wang Yan, can I go out now? ”

Wang Yan reached out his hand and clapped his hands. Without waiting for the opening, the bedroom door was suddenly knocked.

Song Xi suddenly frightened, and reached out to hold his chest, pressing the T-shirt down a great arc.

She looked back at Wang Yan for the second time.

“Open the door. Nothing.” Wang Yan whispered.

Unlock the door and come in. It's Li Zewen.

Wang Yan got up on his own initiative, but didn't mean to greet him. He stood there and said, "Rico, I'm sorry to bother you. ”

“Where do I get paid to serve my classmates? ”

Li Zewen's attitude is very enthusiastic, and he's not the kind of man who does business, with a lot of intimacy.

Though Wang Yan did not ask, he deliberately explained: “It was a little late, I was just leaving the house, the leader called... I have a specific opportunity to talk about it later. Do you have anything you need? ”

Good attitude surprised the students and parents at the door.

The classmates in Bedroom 303 didn't see it, but they really saw the attitude of the person, and just now, they almost trained the difficult aunt to cry.

In anticipation of this, Li Zewen turned back and waved to the woman: "Sister Liu, come in and apologize to the students. ”

The kids in the house are a bunch.

Then she saw the arrogant Ms. Liu, busy entering the door, full of apologies on her face, one by one.

“Oops, I'm sorry, Auntie, I was in such a hurry, I'm sorry to exasperate you indiscriminately! ”

Forward and backward, the transformation was so great that several freshmen stared at each other.


That soft?

And soft like this?

This new Rico, how the hell did he do that?

The children were surprised that President Wang would not.

The Logistics Building Management Department teaches the staff, which sounds rather inconspicuous, but since they put it here to manage a building, more than a hundred bedrooms, will the power be small?

Everything related to accommodation is decided by the people.

It's not easy to clean up a prick when freshmen have to live in school.

So, when Wang Yan closed the door, he didn't feel that there was any real mess outside.

At this moment, the calm is combined with the chest of Zhengzheng Bamboo when dealing with things before, adding a new halo to Wang Dashao.

The squirrel was a little unwieldy before, screaming “Brother Wang” reluctantly, but now he is not arrogant, directly hugging his thigh.

“Brother Wang, it's a deal, air conditioning, I'll pay for it, don't rob me! ”

Wang Yan couldn't help laughing. "We'd better touch each other again and take care of our brothers' emotions. ”

Song Xi wanted to say no, it could be spread evenly. Wang Yan already thought of the front without waiting to say anything.

See, she suddenly didn't have to go. She wanted to stay and see what this would look like eventually.

One bedroom, currently in place five people, all three of whom call Wang Yanyan brother, iron Dutch potatoes immediately consciously changed mouth.

“Brother Wang, thank you for the air conditioning. I don't have any money. I'll wrap your clothes and socks! Don't worry, I do laundry and chores all the time! ”

Wang Yan was recently served too comfortably. He never thought of laundry problems. When he heard of it, he was stunned.

Short oil?

Is there such a problem in college?!

Beans, then I'm serious...

But at the end of the day, I'm embarrassed to bother my classmates, and the young lady immediately came up with the attitude that God deserved: “I'll buy another washing machine later, and everyone will be able to use it. ”

Neither accepted nor refused.

Li Zewen wanted to put his thumb up: Look at this! What was I doing in freshman year?

If Yu complained of being Wang's iron rod, but was pulled out of the head by Dutch beans... eh, butt head.

It was a little rushed.

“Brother Wang, I'll do it when you're on duty! ”

Squirrels can neither work nor want to work. Open the cabinet immediately and take out the box of Nanjing 95 and send it to Wang Yan.

“Brother, come and smoke! ”

In the end, there was only Song Chen left. Look left and look again. I felt like I didn't have much use for myself. I was in a hurry and turned around and looked at my sister.


Dude, what do you mean?

Song Xi is confused.


Dead, 11,000. Where's the monthly ticket?