God of Life

Chapter 161: Divine Immortals

Back in the bedroom, I suddenly found another living person in the house.

Yo, the last guy?

Without Dutch beans, squirrels and jade, the newcomer himself was smoking on the balcony.

When Wang Yan and Song Chen pushed in, the new roommate didn't move, waved her hand with smoke and said hello.

“Hello, brothers! I'm Jang Yiwei, we slept with Sichuan! ”

Zhang Yiwei was black and skinny, not tall, but he looked so tough.

Shaved blue skin on both sides of the hair, with the roots upside down, the cigarette holding position is an old cigarette gun at first glance, greeting people a little less frightened.

The other party is not frightened, Wang Yan will only be more natural than him.

“Dude, do me a favor after you smoke! ”

Zhang Yiwei thought about it, threw away the cigarette that had just been smoked, and rubbed his hand into the bedroom.

“Brother, be a catch?! ”

“My name is Wang Yan. ”

Wang Yan introduced his name and then turned to his new roommate.

“Please hang up the curtains with Song Chen. The school will send out light. We'll buy a new set. ”

“Yes! ”

Zhang Yiwei clapped his hands and took Song Chen's bag.

In Sichuan dialect, "must" is generally used to respond among friends, showing a more positive mood, almost equivalent to “good” in Mandarin, not “good”.

Wang Yan's natural absence made his last roommate feel good. He was a little distant, and was instantly dispersed.

The two of them were busy removing the curtains, the stool was not tall enough, and the windowsill was inconvenient to step on. Zhang Yiwei's height was up to 173, which made him look a little weird.

Wang Yan shouted directly: "Just step on my sheets. Don't worry, it's okay! ”

Chuanhua Zhang Yiwei was quite sturdy. He said to let him step on it. He just lifted the mattress and sturdy stepped on it.

Wang Yan opened his mouth directly: "You fool! You're stepping on the sheets because the sheets are gone. Why are you stepping on the board? I can't change the bed! ”

Said it was an affectionate joke, Chuan Wan scratched his head, hey hey smile.

“What the hell? Why don't you just take the sheets? ”

“I bought a new one, I'll change it later. ”

Wang Yan was torn apart and asked, “How long have you been here? See anybody else? ”

“10: 00! I saw a potato. Why would the boy call himself a potato? Drop something and run away. ”

Zhang Yiwei spoke with a heavy accent and was inconsistent, and his mind seemed to jump particularly.

Wang Yan looked at the two busy perspiration and closed the door directly to open the air conditioning. At this time, the opposite bedroom came back with a ball. The letter immediately came in and greeted him with a smile.

“Wang Shao, what can I do for you? ”

Wang Yan remembered that Little Fatty Hu Liangming was a Hu Jian. Yesterday, when we talked, he said, "I like Guo Dezhun the most." Did you learn to say "what” all night?

The tongue-in-chief of the word, shush!

President Wang suddenly remembered Ji Province Wa Ruyu and Chuan Wai Zhang Yiwei. His subconscious premonition was that they would definitely have a fierce collision...

emmm, it feels like Jade wins quite a bit...

Concentrate and wave to the little fat man: "Come on, put on a quilt cover for me. ”

Little Fatty twisted and twisted to help - Hu Liang was 1 meter 65, 160 kg tall, the girl could not really walk legs, all splitting her crotch, rubbing forward eight words.

Touching the duvet and the quilt, Fatty suddenly got a little confused: "Young Master Wang, did you buy the quilt yourself? ”


“How much is it? Looks expensive! ”

“Let's load this 4000 bucks now.” Wang Yan naturally acted randomly and did not stop.

The little fat man's stitched eyes widened rapidly and eventually turned into a date nucleus, flashing an unrecognizable light.

“Dig the trough! Koshi! Koshi! ”

All of a sudden, a phrase that no one understands.

Zhang Yiwei, standing on Wang Yan's bed, turned around and stared at him: “Is it black or overbearing?! ”

“Hang up your curtains and don't fall down! ”

Wang Yan waved quickly.

“Yes! ”

Zhang Yiwei went back to work and his attitude didn't change much.

Fatty thought about it and didn't mean to kiss his ass.

After returning yesterday, each bedroom had a tragic and comprehensive discussion of Wang Yan, culminating in the conclusion that Big Brother had either a mine or another big man on the line.

Anyway, Niubi.

Not only because of the air conditioning, but the exhaust, cultivation, and quality displayed throughout the contact process are too standard.

Freshman year is just young, not stupid.

Let them show their brotherhood on their own, and that won't happen.

But discerning whether a person is good or not, the vast majority of people can do it, is nothing more than a gap in acumen.

The sharpest should be the jade… emmm.

Little Fatty had a lot of bright eyes. When she realized that Wang Yan didn't mean to be rich, she just had a normal chat, so she didn't exaggerate so much and chatted normally.

“Master Wang, why didn't you buy a mattress? ”

“The mattress is unnecessary, the harder bed is sleeping well, I'm not so polite. ”

The last sentence came out, and all three of them had black lines on their heads...

Brother, what's your B number?

This freshman, can you find someone better than you?

Without a word, Dutch beans pushed in with a bunch of stuff.

It's a messy pot and pan and pan cover. Anyway, there's everything you can use in the bedroom.

When Wang Yan was in the bedroom, he immediately reported: “Brother Wang, it cost 279 yuan. I'll put the rest on the table for you! ”

Hey, I'm going!

After buying so many household items, you don't even have to move them, you end up spending less than 300?!


Wang Yan didn't have the guts to look at those things. “Take the change and pay the electricity bill. I'm trying to make it easier to get so many appliances that you don't have to pay too much. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

Dutch beans rushed, black faces rose purple.

“Shouldn't we be paying for water and electricity when we get comfortable with you? ”

Zhang Yiwei only realized that the air conditioning was Wang Yanfeng. He whispered to Song Chen: “What do we have to sleep on? ”

“Air conditioning, washing machine, small refrigerator, temporary. ”

Song Chen whispered, very spiritual add the word "temporarily”.

Zhang Yiwei threw up his tongue: “Our days are dark...”

Song Chen Xin nodded with relatives and shouted back: “Brother Wang, I'll pay for it! ”

“Out!” Zhang Yiwei agreed.

“Okay. ”

Wang Yan waved and was too lazy to compete with them.

Whether or not they have this budget in their living expenses, they can find a bedroom with us to make it up to sooner or later, so be it.

“Then pay $100 per person per month, as a bedroom public fund, and the utility bill goes from there, Dutch beans, you take care of it! ”

When Dutch beans heard, the black face rose to purple red again.

“Done! Don't worry, Brother Wang, everything about running errands is mine, I appointed to take care of it! ”

Little Fatty saw it all with his own eyes and suddenly envied it.

Look at this college life, fairy!