God of Life

Chapter 215 Carousel Triple Draw [Basic Update]

As soon as I saw the Euro-African turntable, President Wang was in a great mood.

Seeing the (intermediate) words hanging from the back, I was in the mood for takeoff.

See selling price…

I'm sorry to bother you, but the pin number is goodbye.

Big Brother Pang is hard to do...

Sale price is 5 million!

How much money does President Wang have now?!

With 7.25 million left after buying the car, it took more than 800,000 to breathe out in four days. It cost 2.15 million to go to Di and 25,000 in advance to renovate the picture.

Currently, only 5.9 million is left in cash.

Buy the turntable and go straight back to extreme poverty.

However, Wang Yan carefully looked at the description of the item and still bit his teeth and took them off.

Primary Europe-Africa turntable is a must buy, as much as you can, because math expectations are positive and you can earn more.

And the intermediate Euro-African turntable, after Wang Yan's calculations, makes more money.

It's also 10 lattices, 3 white blood is homeless.

4 Green, the value of the items is 1, 2, 3 and 4 million respectively.

2 Blue, the value of the items is 8 million and 12 million respectively.

1 gold, the value of the item… 25 million!

Calculate mathematical expectations, not only positive, but up to 500,000!

In other words, for every intermediate Euro-African turntable purchased, Wang Yan calculates the average earnings over the long term, making a net profit of RMB 500,000 each time.

Is the number high?

Not high.

It's only two and a half days' respiratory pay.

But the turntable is not a direct payment, but there will be lots of good things that are not available in normal channels, nothing is lost, the first prize will be earned blood!

So what's there to be hesitating about?

You have to take all the iron from the pot...

Stay calm for a few days at most and don't go out on the waves.

At the moment of taking down the turntable, the funds became 900,000, then Wang Yanji didn't say anything, decisively activated the [time accelerator].

[Disposable Props]

[Speed up the system's internal time and walk through a week in an instant]

[Sale price: 1 million]

Note: This item will remain for a maximum of 15 days and will expire if it is not used within the time limit.

After activation, there was no feeling at all in reality, but the system's interface suddenly refreshed.

One more item was added to the store, while the funds jumped to 2.3 million.


That's how it works!

Wang Yan punched him hard and immediately went to see the new props.

[Animal Affinity]

[Special props]

[After use, you will have a special breath that is more accessible, trustworthy, and effective in conveying emotions]

[Sale price: 1 million]

Does it work?

Wang Yan was a little confused and suddenly felt that he had a tendency towards walking dogs and birds.

For half a day, an idea suddenly jumped into my head and came to me.

Otherwise... raise two huskies?!

There's a theory in sociology ——

Q: How do you tell if a person is a real trench or water item if you are unfamiliar?

A: Don't look at his car and watch, it could be bought to support the scene, just see if he dares to raise Husky, there are a few, the dog chain is not tied at home.

Two, real trenches.

Five, god proud.

The double digits must be sheltered and the South African warlords must drive armoured vehicles before they can sustain the platoon.

Honestly, there's no mines in the house. Who saw my brother shake?

Going out to work, I can't help but kneel down and kowtow to Brother Ha: Brother, be steady, don't blow up today!

Of stray dogs, why is Husky the least?

Because of other breeds, they become stray dogs because they lose their greed and run.

Where's Husky?

After greed, it was basically stewed.

Wang Yan thought about the feasibility for a while like that, and felt that two things seemed a little uncomfortable. One could try.

It's not about how much money you have, how much you can't fix, but how much you can't take care of it.

All right, we'll talk later.

But the props are removable, inexpensive, and useful.

The 1.4 million that just arrived disappeared a million instantly. Wang Yan felt like he was really floating. The Renminbi is like a flower coin. All units under 10,000 are lazy to count...

Cash: 1.31 million.

Experience: 151912500.

The upgrade is far and away, I'm too lazy to think about it so much, it's a broken sensation!


Monday, 23 September.

There is a major class at 8: 00 a.m., which is the foundation of economics.

Wang Yan came to the classroom, didn't listen to much lessons, and has been doing difficult mathematical questions.

First, calculate a probability.

The formula is as follows: (Hard to calculate, can't even paste, fall!

The odds are the odds of winning a single bet on Body Lotto, one in 21.42 million.

Then, the column Expectations formula calculates the winning Expected Yield = Expected 2 = 46%.

Afterwards, Wang Yan began to calculate the winning rate and expected earnings of the compound bet.

In fact, no matter how you do the duplex, the expected yield is always the same, so the calculation seems to be useless.

However, what Wang Yan really wanted was money for money. The significance of winning the prize was not the prize money, but the word "medium”.

So the real weighted expected earnings are constantly changing.

Considering off-balance sheet factors together, you finally get the most cost-effective combination.

After class, Wang Yan walked back to the rental house, changed into a low-key T-shirt pants slit, brought a duck tongue cap, sunglasses, and immediately drove to the street to find the lottery station.

It's not hard to find.

Each district has at least one lottery station, either at the front door or at the side door.

To the first lottery station, Wang Yan sat down and started reading the number.

“The first one, Body Lotto, Issue 15111 today, 9 numbers in the front area, 3 numbers in the back area, respectively...”

“Twice the extra bet. How much is it? ”

The boss said, “2268 yuan, how do you pay? ”

In fact, Wang Yan knows how much it costs. Can you figure it out?

“WeChat Pay, Support? ”


“Then continue, another one, still top 9 and back 3, respectively...”

Duplex lottery tickets have a very large number of guests, quite enthusiastic, 20,000 is normal on a duplex ticket, the owner sees no surprise in the ticket.

A total of 5 duplex tickets were issued, Wang Yan paid 11,340 yuan and retreated.

Keep looking for the next one.

If you can really win the prize, the total price of a multiplex ticket is 2268 yuan, which can be said both internally and externally.

Parents ask, direct answer: earn a lot of money from your friends and play with them to buy a lottery ticket, who will win the prize if they want to?

Totally ok.

Pick one more number and the amount of a single ticket will go up to $4,536, definitely worrying parents.

“Son, where did you get so much money for the lottery? ”

“Son, you can't be obsessed with that… learning is the right way! ”

That happens 100 percent of the time.

As for why it's doubled, it's simple - too few bets, not enough cover, and more fear of "middle".

Within 3, 5 bets, as long as you can really pick the right number, there is no problem, basically every issue has the lucky lottery winner, it always happens next to each of us.

3, 5 note or more...

Anyway, first of all, Wang Yan doubled.

I don't need money, I don't expect to start with anything.

The odds of winning the first nine or three soared to 566,000.

It's still very low, but it's okay. Wang Yan can make up for it in quantities.

After a busy day, lunch and dinner were easy to deal with. Wang Yan ran 33 lottery stations.

A total of 160 lottery tickets were awarded at a cost of $360,000.

It's almost halfway across Starling City.

In fact, there are more than 100 lottery stations in Xingsha District alone, but Wang Yan deliberately chose sites far from each other, and the number of lottery tickets purchased varies from place to place.

But caution has reached its extreme point.

Although Wang Yanming knew that his actions were extremely insignificant, the district would spend a little bit and be submerged in hundreds of millions of records of sales.

But Wang Yan is happy to toss.

Caution is always a good habit.

Of the 160 duplex tickets, all combinations of two basketballs are covered, and as for red balls... it's up to you.

Of course, the preparation is to be done.

The Grand Lotto Prize opens live on the web at 8.30.

At 8: 28, Wang Yan used the [Luck or Strength] card.

“Burn the card! ”

[You burn a special card, get a temporary buff, the Europa comes]

[Less probable things have happened before. The significance of probability is to prove "yes”]

[Your luck will soar to a very high level in 30 minutes]

[At the end of the time limit, all chances of a critical attack in the system will be halved within 7 days, but this bad luck will not continue into your life]

Without thinking about anything else, he didn't even look up at the webcast. Wang Yan immediately opened the system item bar.

In total, there are three golden Europe-Africa turntables lying on the panel.

It's been more than 20 days since we got the first Euro-African turntable. Wang Yan hasn't opened it. It's today.

If [Luck or Strength] cards are not restricted by [Must be used in 30 days], Wang Yan even intends to save dozens of turntables and then make a wave of sudden puffs.

All right, three is fine, one of them even has an intermediate turntable, special cards are useless.

Take a deep breath, Wang Yan jumped, left and right bowed and waved, with an exciting mood about to go to the ring, to start the draw.

There's really nothing to lose in your spare time. It's just a million dollars. Wang Yan can't afford it.

But the attraction of the lottery lies in the expectation of the unknown, and no one is immune to vulgarity.

“Open the Europe-Africa turntable! Junior!”

By an order, the first carousel began to spin.

When the pointer is about to stop, gently sweep past the golden lattice and rub the sides of the white lattice, eventually stopping in the blue lattice.

“Huh... wide open! ”

Wang Yan exhaled a sigh of turbidity and was half filled with joy.

A useful skill book, and for $2 million!

[Motor Vehicle Driving Technology (Mastery)]

[After use, you will gain mastery of the level of motor vehicle driving technology]

[The old driver is you, you're the old driver]

The last Masterclass calligraphy sale seemed to cost 600,000, while the mastery of driving skills was worth 2 million.

Wang Yan speculated, probably because of the applicability?

Ask the system. Maybe there's an answer?

“Based on what is the sale price of the system, skills and props customized? ”

[Living Weight]

The broken system is always so retarded that it never ignores the iron law of "the host is the master”.

“So, be specific, OK?! ”

[It's a very complicated judgment formula. Are you sure you want to listen?

“Thanks, you're great, but no. ”

Wang Yansheng shuddered.

I don't have time to talk to you right now, I'm not afraid to understand!


“Open the second Junior Euro-African Carousel! ”

The pointer stopped quietly in a golden check.

Wang Yan stagnated for a moment before jumping up and waving his fist hard: “YES!!! ”

Five million!

And that prop...


[Brother is a Wolf Extinction (Random Version)]

[Special trainer, disposable items]

[With this item, you can instantly develop a random self defense skill]

[Note: This skill does not exceed the mastery level]



Kung Fu?

Boys had a heroic dream when they were young. Recently, although not very popular kung fu masters set it up, it was a cool and confidence-building thing to have considerable force.

Kung fu is not equal to fighting, but it can be equal to self-preservation occasionally, most of the time… handsome.

Handsome, it's over!

Wang Yanmeiz shouted: “Use! No taekwondo, no monkey, mantis, and most importantly... preferably Tai Chi! ”

At this time, President Wang did not know, in the future, there will be a strong hammer all over Tai Chi, old and weak, and a heavy foot on Tai Chi fist.

At this moment, Tai Chi, experiencing the propaganda of major film and television dramas, is in a handsome and able false propaganda stage.

Handsome is really handsome, especially in the hands of the JitLee movie star.

Can you fight?


But Wang Yan didn't think about it so much. Does God want to go out and fight for himself?


Handsome, it's over!

[Wolf Trainer] quickly turned into a golden light, dissipated in the item bar.

Wang Yanxing flipped open the skill panel with anticipation... stupid.

[Gracie Jujitsu (Mastery)]

[Greatest Battle Technique on the Ground]

[Features: Strong man lock man. Locked up, you won't last 10 seconds!

[All I'm good at is pulling my opponent down and rolling together happily]

[Note: Please do not use this powerful fighting technique against heterosexuals, you will die a terrible death]

President Wang saw the last sentence and was in a state of desperation.

“Fucking Jill's! Is same-sex usable?! ”

“Brother is a proud man! Brother's pursuit is handsome! ”

Press the head, Rich Guild feels the synapse of the temple burst.

Any luck?

Okay. Okay.

The highest level is mastery, then randomly to the highest level.

Moreover, Gracie Jujutsu is a powerful single-handedly fighting technique, especially against enemies who are superior in height, weight, and strength.

Seriously, in the face of an opponent of more than his own, the highest chance of winning is getting close, grabbing, falling, locking, taking off... disengaging.

When faced with an opponent who is not as tall as himself, a wrestling can solve the battle.

That's why Gracie Jujutsu has such a high chance of winning and is so popular.

It can be said that this time randomly, directly randomly to the best result - theoretically.

Rangoon, it's not handsome.


President Wang once again swept the panel and decided to completely forget this skill.

It won't work!

If you can't win a fight, won't you run?!

Don't worry about the system, count me in once...

Well, I lose once for a man!

Emergency change of mouth, President Wang meditated on the Great Mercy River Crab Bodhisattva, and quickly turned his head against the last Euro-African turntable.

Intermediate carousel.