God of Life

Chapter 455: Brother is now very high

When Wang Yan picked up the microphone and rose high, everyone felt like standing in front of a giant star.

Whoever that guy loved was his brother, it was like Charlotte was on the sound stage, about to detonate the whole scene and take it all down.

The flimsy temperament of the wind is particularly useful in the context of intense emotions. It perfectly inspires the indifference, sluggishness and indifference of Wang Yan Bones belonging to the young rock and roll.

Yuan Yue stands up, like bringing a master to kiss!

Xiaomi raised her head, full of awe, weak asked: “Wang, Wang, what song? ”

“Exaggerated. ”

Lifting his head, he took a deep breath and looked cold.

The facial score of 83 is already very handsome, and more importantly, it's a good temperament and a pretty good attitude.

In He Xiao Lu's eyes, he didn't realize how powerful it was.

In Ho's dream eyes, his mind trembled slightly.

In Qiu Li's eyes, the heat is rolling... ah no, the tears are pouring.

The rest of the classmates are more breathtaking - the little transparent cocksucker wang has never been on KTV before, obviously the internet cafe night is more solid, so nobody even knows what Master Suke is capable of.

Looks so strong!


I'm sorry you guys think too much.

Major decided to exempt him, but he just didn't seem nervous. In fact, he was a little out of oxygen without breathing.

What's with all the brain work? Psychiatric!


When the accompaniment sounded, the wine slightly rose and I remembered the beginning of choosing this song.

In a nutshell —— my favorite song of the year.

The lyrics are very well written. Every word is written in Wang Yan's heart.

Repeated humming, often practiced, but never had a chance to sing.

Today is the time!

At the end of the prelude, sing yourself.

“If anyone asks me, I'll tell them, but nobody comes.

I'm looking forward to it. I can't get loaded. I have something to say.

I'm in the mood for the barrel lid to be unveiled.

Tsuba is growing moss.

The quieter the crowd, the more ignorant it becomes. ”

When the first sentence comes out, everyone shouts, "Wow."

Not the kind of hooliganism + super singing that sounds good and says kneeling.

But that intense emotion brings even greater shock.

Octanoic acid, helpless, self-ridiculous, filled with slightly flat tunes, drowning people like fog.

In an instant, everyone was sympathetic.

This is the only song Wang Yan can't sing the run-through song, stemming from the repeated thought of word for word.

Besides, Wang Yan has a permanent skill that has never been effective - the Immortal Drunk Song in Wine!

[Description: A song about alcohol, the geometry of life]

[You can convey emotion in singing when you are drunk and drink to three points]

What other emotions are more real than your own experiences?

Once upon a time, I was a little invisible!

When Wang Yanxiao finished singing the first sub-song with some pressure, his applause immediately sounded like thunder.

Big and small ignored, slightly glanced, quiet as a pond.

“Eighteen years ago, at the alma mater dance, it was like standing up.

I swear in tears, you must see me.

There are too many ordinary paths in the world.

Himura, which one do you live in?

Too much neglect at work in love

Self-esteem has fallen... ”

In the second paragraph, emotions grew deeper.

Eighteen years ago, there was no prom in the experiment, but there were two promotional banquets every three days.

I drank like a roller at Liu Weilong's promotion banquet. The most memorable scene of the day was a casual glance at Ho Meng before he got drunk.

She's probably thinking, "Boys are boring?"

Or just not noticing?

Turning back and looking at the scene, I finally realized that it was completely self-inflicted.

How many boys get drunk at every promotion, what does it matter?!

Why worry about you or have other feelings for you?

However, at that moment, Wang Yan's self-esteem was seriously frustrated. It was a bit ridiculous to recall, but that was the way the little boy really was.

Sensitive vulnerabilities are not good, but they are real and memorable, not to mention right and wrong.

Just that night, Wang Yan had sworn to tears. One day, you must see me!

The next day, Wang Yonglei called and asked, "Do you want to go to Ho Meng's promotion party? ”

Wang Yan categorically refused: "No! ”

The conversation that followed was filled with anger that could not be exhaled, and now the male god Wang has fresh memories.

“Oh, really? That's how beautiful she is! What do you think? ”

“Not all the way here. What are you going to do? ”


What are you doing?

Played like a clown by those superiority boomerang guys, just to lick her face and say a few words to Ho Dream, then take the scent from her home to masturbate?!

Drum Corner is a mining city filled with outbursts of households, inches of gold business center and scarred urban village intersect. You and my family are the epitome of millions of urban farmers, living in low shantytowns where you can't even see the sun during the day!

In such a restless monetary society, the gap between you and He Dream, [classmate relationship] is filled!

Breathing is wrong when people are poor.


As long as self-esteem persists, any mistake can be corrected!

Anger faded, self-esteem returned, Wang Yan suddenly flashed the next scene in his mind - the envy of his classmates, the worship of his friends, the obedience of the goddess, the shock of the second generation, the respect of his subordinates...

Finally unified into a smile.

You think I'm still me?


At the end of the song, he took a deep breath and sucked back into his stomach all of his former grievances, confusion, bigotry, resentment and anger.

Then, in a blue-blooded posture, he yelled again!

“You can call me an exaggeration. I'm not afraid to whine.

If I had a stuffy spot,

Do you want to see the show?

Is that hysterical enough?

Flower with tears. I just want you to be surprised.

Didn't I seem to exist in the old days?

Weighted bets, blues too.

I know. Does it exist now? Huh?! ”

At the end of the day, the short voice was like sleepless, red-eyed wolf who finally caught the bull, making the most disdainful mockery to the world, to society, to destiny!

Tell me, do I still exist?

I, Wang Yan, that poor little transparency, can you see it now?!

“Look at me. Stop staring at smallpox!

I don't need a cup of tea, I can drink it, drink it, drink it! ”

In the penultimate sentence, Wang Yan sighed and sang three drinks in a row.

It wasn't even sung out, it was yelled out, it was loud, but it was also released smoothly enough.

I'm so high!

Brother is very high now!

You look me in the eye and make me very happy!

In the last sentence, the rich and happy brother was too lazy to sing any more. He threw the microphone on the sofa with his hands, grabbed a glass of wine and drank it with his head up.

Wang Yan flashed a poem in his head.

Cao is famous for not abandoning rivers and ancient streams!

Words don't look good, but they do.

Those of you who scoffed and despised Me will sooner or later be silent.

And my reputation, like that river, will continue for a long time!

From high school to now, it's like a doomed round.

The first half, tears in the smile.

In the second half, it's self-reliance.

Hang up?

Aren't you just as impotent with your parents hanging around?

Even if I give you the same system, will I be able to do it today?


Sing in front of you my once small self-esteem, now the pride and ambition, before, can be broken!

From now on, I'm just me, rich man!


[Add a few extra words]

Whether or not the small loans are changed, the first chapter of the ambush pen set the scene today.

This is a complete goodbye to the identity of the loser, both in the past and in the future.

He Meng represents the goddess of his dreams, Liu Weilong represents the mountain above his head, the final end is conquered.

Other similar texts may not focus on this, but I have considered reconciling with the past when I have grown to a certain stage in my mind.

Without this step, my heart is always weak and I can't stand the story.

Returning to the previous question: Why did so many people feel like Dream Poison in the previous period? Did she do something wrong?

Actually, no, it was just that the reality was so cruel and heartbreaking.

I wrote in my opening remarks, "May my readers never be trapped in poverty”.

I wrote in the first chapter, "Breathing is wrong when people are poor."

That is a reality, but not a negative reason for us.

So I wrote in 1.6 million words, "As long as self-esteem persists, any mistake can be corrected."

Being strong and stubborn and growing up like a weed is the third view that a creator should show you, and it is my belief that I have persisted to this day.

Sincerely, salute.

Finally, surprise. Where's the ticket?