God of Tennis

< Genius and Panjabi # 2 >

Choi Hyuk's anticipated young gaze scratched Han Woojin's pride deeper than any stroke. Although they were geniuses, there was a ten-year gap between them that no one knew about. When you break it here, you say that your years are worthless.

‘It's not a special serve. It's just really fast. ’

It was never negligible. A ball that overcomes all weaknesses with one advantage: it is fast, just as a steel ball exerts its power without any other characteristics in baseball.

However, there are weaknesses in the rectum.

If you respond to a ball that comes and goes at an incredible speed, such as baseball or tennis, it becomes almost impossible to get it. That's why skilled athletes anticipate the trajectory of the ball and prepare for the movement.

The fact that the trajectory does not change means that if you can predict the point of impact and timing in advance, you can accept it as much as you want.


Across the net, Choi Hyuk throws the ball again.

Otherwise, the sub of the overhead, jumping on the jewelry topic, is accelerated enough to process.

In order to respond to the serve flying in an oblique direction, Hanwoojin's body shot out. As soon as the racket hit the ball, he pushed the ground with all his strength with his feet.

As soon as Han Woo-jin's body crossed the service line, an invisible speed sub shot down his coat.

swing the racket reflexively.


"Hehe, it hurts! ’

The ball bounces off the outside of the racket. Hanwoojin gripped his teeth without even knowing it due to the sharp pain coming over his wrists. I was hit by a speed corridor that wasn't in the racket's Sweet Spot, so it was a natural price.

Still, Serve got it. Bourne's accidental drop shot is the most historic hit to the sub near the base line.


... I wasn't.

“3, 30: 0! ”

I was scoring for the trembling voice of the director. How can this be a match made by rookies? In the national tournament, even in the finals, the ball came under no odd pressure.

Hanwoojin stares at the ball protruding from the side of his right foot and stiffens his face. No, actually, it was just horrifying to see a giant shadow stopping right in front of Nate. One of the sands came up to Nate and punched him in the balls.


“… Sub & Bali? ”

“The way I like to hit it, this one's really ripe. ”

Choi Hyuk smiled confidently. He deserved it. Sub & Bali was not a technique for amateurs or newcomers. That's enough to counteract a drop shot falling over the net just after hitting a down-speed sub.

If so, a few steps are more difficult.

No drops. Several times, Hanwoojin remembered the concept of taking points for this Sub & Bali. I had to somehow put the Receive in a trajectory that I couldn't hit with Bali. Otherwise, not even a little rally can match this Sub & Bali.

He sharpens the opponent's ballistics in his head. For Han Woo-jin, who had only a universal level of physical and technical skills, strategy was the best weapon of all.

Choi Hyeon Hyuk raised the ball again. The repeated jumping sub flew a slightly slower standing sub to see if fatigue builds up.


The ball is slow and already in orbit. Hanwoojin slapped the ball as hard as he could just after it was bound. Rising stroke.

You made it! ’

Han Woo-jin's gaze was filled with the enormous body of Choi Yeon-hyeok. It was also an illusion of a great reduction in distance, but it was also due to tension caused by the pressure of the player who was confident in netplay.

The ball trying to escape to the left side is punched back by Choi Hyuk's back hand. A stroke that's as intense as a po on a backbone. Hanwoojin also beat the ball back to Bali without losing.

However, the unfamiliar Balinese war did not last long. Han Woo-jin's handicapped point back to the frame, 40: 0.

“... Are they the ones who came in this time? ”

“Maybe he's had some kind of gifted education since he was a kid. ”

The auditorium began to rumble a little. It was unavoidable to attract attention to the high-quality rally that unfolded before the eyes of the pro. Among them, those who fought Choi Yeon-hyeok or Han Woo-jin even further.

“This match is inevitably the winner of history. I've been in a fight with him, and I thought he was inviting some world ranker. Porcelain bag, free material from sub to slice. He's dirty good at a subject with no weaknesses. ”

“Hanwoojin wasn't easy. You wouldn't say that if you'd seen his weird serve. ”

“No, Sergo Naval...”

Unlike the distracting murmur earlier, it was a kind of commotion that increased the audience. The tribute director also didn't think to stop them from engaging in their excitement. It was common for the enthusiastic audiences to raise the level of competition.

The commotion in the audience was severed at the same time that Choi Yeon-Hyuk threw the ball. A sudden silence rips sharply at the sound of a sharp thrust.


Jumping sub. As soon as this sub jumped like a basketball player bounced, Hanwoojin took a big leap over his head before he got into position. The speed and height of the bounds vary depending on changing the angle of the same sub.

“10! Game history! Sheep player sub and coat replacement! ”

Rally was a bit of a game, but not a single point taken away. Hanwoojin gripped it and walked along the outskirts of his coat. Choi Hye Hyuk threw the ball across the street.

“Woojin, show me that. ”

“For what?”

Choi Hyeon-hyuk, who wrapped the racket around his shoulders, was lighting the eyes. Like a beast with a prey in sight.

“The sub I used during my entrance exam. Write to me."

Choi Yeon-Hyuk was demanding a sparrow.

As soon as the two of them moved to where they had just been, the director said.

“Set 1, game 2, start with Han Woojin sub! ”


Hanwoojin pondered for a moment. Is it okay if I put the first serve on that horse? Of course it was you. Even the most time-honored of all, the speed and trajectory of the sparrow was not easily captured. The way his forearm beats him with idealistic moves.

It was a ball with the power of.

But I didn't feel anxious. The genius in front of him was like an invisible abyss. He was not predictable by Han Woo-jin's eyes.

‘For now, let's go normally. ’

Hanwoojin throws the ball. Plain overhead serve. However, the level of sub-skills reached level 10 is slightly higher than that of Choi Hyuk. Neither speed nor accuracy were negligible. If I could just follow the physical, it would be more than the speed limit for Choi Hye Hyeok.

It was enough to hit.

However, the opposing Pokémon is also opposed.

As soon as I realized that Choi Hyuk was an ordinary serve, I jumped into the service coat. Just two steps. There are only two steps involved in a perfectly receptive posture.

The ball on the service coat was immediately returned by a radical racket. The spin caught by the powerful wrist force flows to the blind corner of Hanwoojin.



“0: 15! ”

I listened to the director's voice, and Han Woo-jin saw the history of the opposite side. I was strangely furious at the look on my face as if this wasn't going to work.

‘Okay, I'll show you if you want me to. ’

As soon as Han Woo-jin decided to throw a new ball. Unlike before, a ball that soars quite high above its head. The eyes of Choi Yeon-hyeok who saw it opened wide.

Immediately before the ball dropped overhead, Hanwoojin's body twisted sharply in a oblique direction. The rotation of the whole body starting from the ankle reaches the sides and shoulders, reaching the peak. The sparrow is the sub that is hit with a frightening snap that closest to the smash.

I could say.


Something like a green line snapped out of my coat. Service Ace by Han Woo-jin.

“15: 15! ”

All right, the opponent doesn't respond. Let's use Sparrow to get this game. Hanwoojin checked the remaining amount of SP and saw the number of bullets remaining.

SP 265/400

Sparrow still has 17 rounds left. When the game was finished with Service Ace alone, it was a number to win four returning games.

Hanwoojin once again throws the ball up high to use the sparrow. The former directors and spectators who watched it also killed their breaths to observe the serve more closely.

Only one person, Choi, was observing the movement of Han Woojin's body as well as the ball between narrowed eyes.


He didn't even look at the ball that flew into his coat, and Choi Hyuk still didn't move. It wasn't a failure. I didn't.

It was 30 minutes after Han Woo-jin realized the difference with his body.

The End