God of Tennis

< 1st rotation on Main Line # 1 >

Tennis, or the opening ceremony of the Future Class competition in Korea, was not much seen.

During the opening ceremony with no content, Shin Se-yeon spoke to Han Woo-jin, who was sweeping the racket frame with a calm face.

“… Ms. Woojin, how are you feeling? ”

“Best. You could do it right now. ”

His voice is full of confidence.

There was a reason why Han Woo-jin was so confident. It was because at the end of yesterday's practice match, a special skill was created as Smash level increased by 1.

‘It's not open yet. Looks like we're going to need some additional conditions. ’

I couldn't recognize other people's special skills unless I saw them. But I didn't know why his special skills were hidden. Even so, I was relieved that there might be another weapon like Sparrow.

In addition, my body condition was also the best. When I closed my eyes and focused, my senses became sharp enough that I could even see the direction of the wind passing over my skin. It was evidence that both mental and physical strength were in perfect condition.

“This is Woojin's second game. ”

At the headquarters of this Ophthalmological Future, the first turn will take place over three days. There were a total of 16 matches, so there were almost five to six matches per day.

And Han Woo-jin's first turn is the second in front of the whole. Soon after the opening ceremony, you will compete.

“No matter how late it is, it will start in two hours. Are you going to stay here? ”

The sunny spectacle didn't even have a proper veil. It was definitely a hot place for her to sit still in a suit. Shin Se-yeon took the debt out of her bag and shook it.

The implication of being okay. Han Woo-jin, who once smiled, got up next to Shin Se-yeon. At the end of the opening ceremony, I needed to loosen up a bit before the match.

[Yes! Let's begin our first round of competition on the Eye Futures Headline! In the audience…]

Hearing the voice of the host resounding, Hanwoojin's steps toward the outskirts.

The closer I got to the match, the more I felt excited than nervous, so my whole body felt creepy. Knowing that the hand holding the racket loosely trembled lightly, Han Woojin picked it up and laughed.

* * *

It's over.

Han Woo-jin realized that the point of the two men who fought the rally equally was at the end.

The set point was 11, and the last one to dominate the set was a 30-something Korean athlete. In his own way, he thrashed the fierce sub while sweating.

“Game Three and Match Kim Jin-hyun! Scores 75, 46, 62! ”

Wow, I heard cheers from the audience of the audience. They wouldn't exactly be cheering one tennis player. As long as the contestants weren't any world rankers or big competitions, they were just here to watch the play.

However, it was more encouraging than anything for Kim Jin-hyun who had won a hard victory.

“Thank you!”

He steals sweat and greets the crowd at a 90-degree angle, then leaves his coat with a bright face. Seeing him passing by, Han Woojin soon thought of the opponent who would be on the other side of him.

‘Yong-un... It's normal. There wasn't much in the data Seyeon had investigated. Do you mind if I blow off some steam? ’

The competition is long, not an absolute concept of time, but a story of time experienced by athletes.

If you go from the mainline to a few rounds over the course of a few days like this Future, the distribution of stamina becomes incredibly difficult when you climb from the qualifications of the big tournament.

Athletes don't just burn in the seed for nothing. If you get an ankle caught in the preliminary program by mistake, you will lose half of your qualifications.

Even if I can afford it, it would be terrible if my joints or ligaments were consuming too much. You need to manage your physical strength and muscle consumption thoroughly. Being a pro is not enough just to hit a ball with power.

“Lee Yong-un, Han Woo-jin. Now, please enter the court. ”


A contest staff member comes to where the players are and lightly calls out his name. Hanwoojin replied briefly and removed himself from the leaning wall.

It looked like both athletes had wiped off the sweat and dust from their shoes. In this competition, he seemed to be keeping his coat organized between matches as much as he was using a hard coat. A hard coat with a smooth plane is an advantage that it will be finished in no time.

As Hanwoojin stepped forward, a young athlete who was seated got up. Han Woo-jin, who had already known that he was using luck, just gave him an expressionless look.


Strength 47/HP 50/Agility 46

HP 1890/2000 SP 370/370

Forehand: 5/20

Backhand: 5/20

Sub-Level: 7/20

Bali Level: 5 of 20

Smash Level: 8/20

Dropshot Level: 4 of 20

Robe Level: 3 of 20

Special Skill: None

‘It'll be okay.'

Hanwoojin, who once checked the status window of Yong-un, relaxed his grip. At that level, it was also seen at some level in the NK fleet. And Han Woo-jin had not felt like he would lose to anyone other than Choi Yeon-hyeok for a long time.

[Here we go! Let's begin the second round of the first round of the Eye Futures Main Line!]

The host's voice was loud. Maybe he's holding a loudspeaker. Hanwoojin placed his foot on the blue hard coat with a light impression of his ears tingling. There were no blemishes or dirt in recent paintings.

[This time, the NK Seafood Han Woojin and Alternative Life opponents compete! I hope both of you look forward to playing!]

Hanwoojin rolled his feet lightly a few times. I was trying to check the rebar on the floor, but as soon as I stepped on it, the shocks went up hard. We can't get into this much detail, but it's unlikely that the ball bounces low.

The bottom of the hard coat is hard, speeding up the ball and the leg is heavy. However, Han Woo-jin was also quite a favorite coat.

‘Bounds bounce very regularly. Nothing is easier to hit than a predictable ball. ’

In Hanwoojin's view of playing the game thoroughly with his head, the angle and speed of the bounce were only strong on the hard coat. By comparison, the clay coat is a little irregular, and the velocity changes, and with the lawn coat, the prediction does.

was too severe.

Hanwoojin's ears, checking the condition of his coat, heard the voice of the moderator informing him of the start of the match.

[Now let's decide on a sub-ticket and start the race right away! Yang, forward!]

Han Woo-jin started walking forward in a reflexive manner. Apparently, the sub-rights to the competition were decided by the referee's coin toss. Soon the two players reached the front of the net.

“Please specify the sides of both athletes, coins. ”

“After you. ”

“... I'll go ahead. ”

Hanwoojin naturally became the back, and the referee richly flicked the coin with his thumb. The coin that emerged after pinging fell quickly onto the palm of the referee's hand.

I see a number. Behind me.

“I'll start with the sub. ”

“I understand.”

[This match begins with the sub-runner Han Woojin! Start the match as soon as you're ready!]

Han Woo-jin returned to the bass line no matter what.

He gives a slight nod to the referee's gesture of inquiring about the intention to start the match. It meant I was going to start right away.

“Player Ready! ”

Two athletes' bodies were as tense as a strained bow protest. Immediately after that, the battle of giving and receiving bullets named balls over the net began, and I had no choice.

In the end, the sentence was dropped from the mouth of the referee.

“Love All (0: 0)! Han Woo-jin to Serve! Play!”

Even before the sound of his voice stopped ringing, the ball flew out of Han Woojin's hand. Play meticulously, without even giving you time to prepare.


A cheerful ball announces the start of the match.

* * *

Shin Se-yeon was looking at Han Woo-jin as he wiped away the sweat that had risen from his standing nose. He was not very tall among tennis players. Rather, it belongs to a small side.

Of course, the height did not depend entirely on the skill, but it did not change as it was an important element. Athletes of the world ranker standard are generally more than 180 cm in jewelry. How far can he go?

Shin Se-yeon turned her head after hearing the host's loud voice with one ear, because of the popularity of sitting down next to the empty seat.

“Ms. How are you? ”

A long arm that stretched out like a tennis player, with a friendly tennis player in Japan about two weeks ago.

“Okuda player..."

Okuda Ryosuke smiled as she listened to Shin Se-yeon's curious voice.

They look immature. They look like children. It was his face.
