God of Tennis

< Andong Futures Final # 2 >

Hanwoojin's posture twists strangely, and Okuda, standing on the other side of the net, hardens her face. It was also because he had seen the game footage of Han Woojin and found out what was a threat.

‘That serve. ’

An unknown sub that was used at the end of the game with a player named Kim Jin-hyun. Even that serious agent Sato was a fool's ball. A few slow turns left the ball unpredictable.

Okuda awakens the senses of her whole body, realizing her flaws. I had to use it useful if I was going to lose anyway.

As he tightens his grip, Hanwoojin's racket bursts into flames. The terribly twisted body loosened and accelerated even more than the flat sub.



Goes further than I expected. Okuda considers the direction of the racket in line with the serve falling by her feet.

Right or left? Which way do we bounce?

Odds are one-half. Okuda switches rackets with her left hand after a moment of concern. The user seems to think the target is aiming for its own vulnerable direction.

And the ball bounced to the right.

“30: 0! ”

Han Woo-jin grinned as he heard the referee's score call. Okuda was thinking too clearly. If you're not good enough, it's Han Woo-jin who used to roll his head to break the situation. The opposition makes it clear how the opponent's head is rolling.

‘I'll make you feel frustrated. ’

The third sub also goes to the sparrow. Hanwoojin throws the ball up with a confident face.


Once again, Okuda is given a choice. Double choice of right or left. Okuda was unable to read the bounds in the Sparrow's trajectory, no matter how carefully she looked. Choices without logic become gambling.

Okuda's left hand grabs the racket, thinking it won't aim for the right again. And then the ball bounced to the right.

“40: 0! ”

A cracking sound comes from Okuda's mouth. The match completely shifts to the opposing Pokémon's pace. Before he straightens out the collapsed Mental, the serve flies again.


“Game Hanwoojin! Sheep's coat change! ”

Dammit. Okuda gives you a small insult and passes the ball. This one-sided game was almost the first time I started tennis.

Hanwoojin entered the receiver and was located just behind the center of the service coat. Okuda's sub can be easily retrieved just by observing its trajectory. He lowers his lower back slightly and drops his center of gravity.

“Play Okuda Serve! ”

The ball comes to my mind. Okuda slaps the ball on his head with a rough move. A new racket moves to your left hand.

However, Hanwoojin had another drink.

By the time Okuda tossed the ball, he had already moved ahead of the impact point of the ball. This incredible movement was not based on reaction speed, but rather on rigorous calculation.

Hanwoojin's racket hit the ball immediately after the bound. In front of the ball over the net, a shadow suddenly casts.

‘Sub & Bali? ’


Okuda strikes the Napda ball. It was hard to get this ball because of Han Woo-jin's style, where the rally collapsed when he went out of his way.

“15: 0! ”

Okuda stares at him as if to ask.

On Han Woo-jin's side, it was amazing. Did you just win a point? We have to worry about how much tactics we can use.

He calmly lowers his expression and waits for the next serve. Okuda hits the second sub with a slightly steamed face as the opposition does not respond at all.

This time it's the right hand.

Hanwoojin saw Okuda rushing straight towards the net, moving to the other party's sub, which was never unexpected at all.

Okuda Ryosuke's Sub & Bali. It's quite all right. It also complements the inadequate sub's ability to score, and you seem to have found yourself some useful weapons.

‘Of course I did.'

Han Woo-jin knew a much better Sub & Bali player than Okuda. And he even knew how hard it was to get.

Without hesitation, his protruding racket strikes Okuda in the chest.


“What?! ”

Okuda, surprised, lifted the racket and covered her body without me even knowing it. Not all athletes are used to body shots. I had difficulty punching the ball into my chest, where my elbows were bent inward rather than my face or arms and legs.


“15: 15! ”

The ball is thrown down by Hanwoojin after being hit by a racket. Okuda stood numb and gave me a score. Sudan was destroyed with a single rally. You didn't expect us to deal with Sub & Bali like this.

Seeing Okuda grab the ball with a shaking eye, Han Woo-jin again dropped his back.

"Do you really have the audacity to have a history like him? ’

I thought Han Woo-jin was not my heart. And the idea was not wrong.


The flying serve was less powerful than before, and Okuda paused a few steps closer to the base line. The memory of the hit body shot caught my ankle.

Hanwoojin's racket bounces off the ball as if he was waiting. Short dropshot.


“15: 30! ”

It was a pointless score. Recycling the tactics that were used on Choi Yeon-hyuk was not the only way to cope with Okuda's immature experience.

But this was an unexpectedly easy tactic to break if you knew how to handle a body shot properly.

Just like Choi Hyuk did, the instinctive stiffness of the body shot could have led him to the battle in Bali, or to the halfway point of the coat and maintain a distance that would have matched both the drop and the body shot.

However, Okuda's psychology at the counter was not able to make such cold judgments, except for one point, Sub & Bali, a weapon of its own spleen.

He doesn't know what to do, and he flies the final serve again following the referee's haste.

Then Han Woo-jin looks directly at the distance approaching the opponent and reacts with a drop shot or body shot. The target loses its coolness.


“15: 40! ”

Somehow it's three points again. Just one more point and Han Woo-jin will take 2 games in a row.

In tennis, the opponent's winning game is called the ’brake', which is usually so rare that it would be fortunate to come out once or twice in a set.

And Okuda had never been braked in the competition.

"Brake"? "Brake"? At some sort of Korean competition? ’

A wounded ego, a broken tactic, and a helpless wandering psychology drove him forward.

Okuda seizures and tosses the ball to hit the serve.


Han Woo-jin who maintained his expressionless face from start to finish, as if the situation of Okuda was none of your business. When you put your emotions aside, your movements become even simpler.


“Game Hanwoojin! ”

Returning Ace. Okuda, who had been braked in vain, stretches her racket with a devastated look.

Hanwoojin grabbed the ball with his sub sphere and forcefully grabbed it.

It came to a conclusion.

He was stronger.

* * *

The flow hasn't changed since the third game.

The sparrow and high-speed sub beat Han Woo-jin quickly won the game as long as he just crossed the sub. The ball has never crossed the net more than four times per point.

On the other hand, Okuda, who was shaken as the mental wave, even recorded a double fault and was braked in all games. That was the reason for the miserable score of 60.

[Han Woo-jin! Get 1 set of perfect scores against Okuda Ryosuke, Japan's anticipator!]

The tennis court in Seogwipo vibrated lightly with the shouts of the audience. The way Korean athletes dominate Japan has always been a way to excite Korean audiences.

Of course, interstate feelings would be difficult to intervene in, but they could not be completely ruled out.

Hanwoojin gently wiped away the sweat damp from his hair and headed to the bench. Maybe it was because of the finals, the break between sets was a little longer than the other matches.

As I sat on the bench, I felt a bit overwhelmed. Hanwoojin is the same as jumping on his coat, even though he is overwhelmed by scores. Psychological fatigue was just too much.

Besides, tennis is a terribly lonely sport.

No coach or anyone can access the player until the end of the match. Considering that even when they go to the bathroom, they are completely alone at the beginning of the game.

When it collapses, no one encourages us, and when it starts going wrong, we shouldn't notice it ourselves. You're the only one you can trust.

Hanwoojin confidently took out the cold water bottle and towel contained in the backpack prepared by Shin Se-yeon. The water in the bottle wrapped in ice packs was reasonably cool to prepare.


Thirsty teeth cleared the throat and even wiped the sweat that made the hair moist, the condition became better. Hanwoojin glanced back and glanced at Okuda, who was sitting nearby. He lowers his head and remains motionless.

There was one thought that struck Hanwoojin's brain.

‘By the way, if I hadn't won this competition, would Okuda have won? ’

Han Woo-jin from "before" was practicing on his own at this time. Okuda may have won the Andong Futures Final in that time. At least you wouldn't be in a desperate situation like this.

Perhaps Han Woo-jin had frustrated a world ranker who would be born in the future in this competition. After being thoroughly smashed like this, the confidence to do well as a player will collapse at once.

Even easier for those who have been treated as talented prospects.

There was no end to thinking this way, but it was also true that I felt sorry for him. Asian rankers like Okuda, including Choi Hyuk, were both targets of jealousy and aspiration. I never wanted to lose to them, but they had nothing to lose.

didn't want to be a player.

But I couldn't cheer him on. During the break, he noticed talking between the players, and they didn't even establish a car to talk about.

The silence between the two continued until the host announced the end of the inter-set break.

[Break time is over! Hanwoojin, Okuda, please come up on your coats!]

I don't understand what you're saying, but I know what you're saying. Okuda raises herself up, staring at her coat with her squinty eyes. His complexion is pale, but his determination remains unchanged.

Hanwoojin looked behind him and turned on the status window that prevented notifications throughout the game.

[Overwhelming Play! Significantly increases the EXP of skills used in exchange for a perfect score.]

[Clear 1 of the "Special Skills Smash" Season Conditions]


He opens his mouth inadvertently, not standing up. It was because the second notification window was too sudden.

The End