Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds / System of the Heavens and Worlds

Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds/The Goddess of the Heavens and Worlds System Chapter 532

But flames are always not enough to eat, so the four of them ate another big meal in a nearby restaurant before they went to visit the client, Kaby Monroe.

Kabi Monroe’s home is a mansion, and he received Chen Muyang and the others in the spacious living room.

After a few words of greeting, he went directly to the topic: "What I want to entrust is to destroy or burn the book Sunrise owned by the Duke of Albar. And the reward will be increased from 200,000 to 2 million. ."

two millions!Naz and their three eyes turned into money symbols like Nami.

As for why the book should be destroyed, Kabi Monroe did not make it clear, only that he must destroy the book.

After coming out of Kabi Monroe’s house, he went straight to the Duke of Albar’s house. Chen Muyang, Naz, and Habi hid, and Lucy went up to call the door and said that he was coming.

Soon after knocking on the door, the ground behind Lucy suddenly broke open, and a huge black shadow rushed into the sky and fell from the sky.

This is a maid with a strong body, and her huge body is like a giant.

She looked down at Lucy and muttered, "Master, she said she saw the job advertisement, so she came to apply."

Chen Muyang looked at this giant maid and felt very funny in her heart. Who would have thought that this ugly giant woman was actually very beautiful?

The ground was broken open again, and a small woman jumped out from it.

Lucy quickly showed off her figure and beauty, but was relentlessly evaluated as a dinosaur girl by the Duke of Aibar.

Chen Muyang clutched his belly and laughed, it was really fun.

There is no other way but to find another way.

Chen Muyang smiled and said, "Look at me, move instantly."

Divine Sense rolled up Lucy, Naz, and Hobbi, disappeared in an instant, and appeared in a huge study.

"Where is this place?" Naz asked curiously.

"Duke Aibar's study, I think that book should be in it." Chen Muyang said.

"Then look for it quickly, that's two million," Lucy called out suddenly.

This money fan only has money in his eyes.

Naz, this guy from the tip of his eyes, quickly pulled out a book from a shelf and shouted: "Look, I found a golden book!"

Chen Muyang sighed, "Idiot, that's the sunrise."

"I found two million so soon?!" Lucy couldn't believe it, but the book was right in front of her.

When Naz was about to burn, Lucy suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, isn't the author of this book Keim Sareo? He is not only a wizard, but also a novelist, I am his. Faithful super book fan!"

This girl suddenly became a fan of the author of this book, causing both Chen Muyang and Naz to sweat.

"I have read all of his books, so this is an unpublished work, it's really great!"

"Follow him, hurry up and burn it." Naz said indifferently.

Lucy suddenly shouted, "What are you talking about, this book is cultural heritage! How can it be burned casually."

"You mean to give up your job?" Hobby cried.

"I said, I am his super fan! This book must not be burned!"

Naz and Hobbit are dumbfounded at the same time, how can you turn in the task if you can't kill?

"Why don't we just assume it has been burned, and then I will keep her, OK?"

"But I don't want to lie." The man denied her proposal.

Chapter 573

At last it was a call, and I wrote a chapter right away, but I don’t know how many updates can be made today.

……The above is not considered money

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "Okay, don't fight for now, Duke Aibar, you have been listening in the underground for so long, so you should come out and meet us." He stomped his feet.

The ground suddenly shook violently, the floor suddenly shattered, and the short Duke Albar got out of the ground.

Duke Aibar looked at Chen Muyang in surprise: "You can actually find my existence?"

"It's just a mouse, how can I hide it from my eyes. It's always perverted, and the point of understanding disappears from my eyes. When I see you, I feel upset in my stomach and feel sick very much." Chen Muyang's words were very vicious.

Duke Aibar was furious, and he could see Chen Muyang's squinted eyes, and he felt a chill on his back.

"You come to my house to steal things, are you justified?"

Chen Muyang stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, and there was a sound of air explosion, and said, "Tian Da Di Da Da Da Da Da Dao PolyU, there is no fist useful, as long as you can defeat me, you don't need to reason with me.

Duke Albar yelled suddenly: "Brother Panisio!"

The 467 bookshelves separated, and two men walked out from the back passage.

The man in the blue dress said disdainfully: "This kind of kid is actually the wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild, my mother will be scared to death!"

Hobby shouted: "That badge, they are from the South Wolf of the Mercenary Guild!"

Lucy muttered to herself curiously: "There must be a problem with this book, Chen Muyang, I want to read this book, can you not let them disturb me?"

Chen Muyang immediately smiled and said, "Of course it's okay, you just wait for me honestly."

Three golden lights shot out, instantly entwining the three of them, and the restrained aura flickered, making the three of Duke Aibar unable to speak, so they could only lie on the ground and stare.

The eyes of Naz and Lucy almost stared out. Such a powerful magic device could instantly imprison the power of three powerful magicians.

Chen Muyang took out the juice and snacks and put them on the desk, smiling at Lucy: "Come on, don't worry, take your time."

Lucy sat down happily, while Chen Muyang greeted Naz and Hobbi to go to the side, took out a carpet and spread it on the ground, and took out some food and said, "Let's wait here."

Naz and Hobby arrived on the carpet and sat down at a teleporting speed. Naz grabbed a large piece of braised beef and ate it wildly, while Hobby held a fish to death.

Chen Muyang drank the small wine leisurely with the dishes.

Before long, it seemed that something was wrong inside, and the giant maid rushed in. Chen Muyang was a little bit empty, and a golden light immediately entangled her.

Naz asked with bright eyes, "Hey, Chen Muyang, where did you buy your magic device? It's so easy to use!"

Chen Muyang smiled and said, "I made this myself. You can't buy it outside."

All along, Chen Muyang would upgrade the magic weapons and magic weapons he used every time he improved his strength.

Bound the demon and bind the magic cord is a magic weapon commonly used by Chen Muyang, and it is naturally the fastest to upgrade, and every time the cultivation base breaks through, it is among the top three upgrades.