Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds / System of the Heavens and Worlds

The Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and the World / The Goddess Collection System of the Heaven and the World Chapter 536

"Elsa, are you sure you are not moving?" Chen Muyang asked silently.

Elsa said helplessly: "I don't want to, but there are so many luggage."

Chen Muyang immediately contributed a magical space pocket to her. Elsa was very curious, and after recognizing the lord, she put her pocket on her waist, and then put all the luggage in easily.

"This magic device is really useful, thank you, Chen." Elsa knew that Chen Muyang and Lucy were newcomers not long after joining the Fairy Tail Guild.But I didn't expect this newcomer to have such a precious thing.

Naz and Gray also beamed their eyes, and Chen Muyang grinned: "My magic device is only free for beauties. If you want it, you can buy it."

"How much?" Gray asked.

"Not much, half a million."

"Five hundred thousand! Are you robbing?" Naz called.

"Robbery is against the law, I am not against the law." Chen Muyang said with a grin.

"Could it be cheaper?" Naz asked.

Chen Muyang said: "Of course it can, but the cheap ones don't have that much space. For example, this one has only one cubic meter in it, and the price is only 50,000 yuan."

"I'll buy it!" Naz and Gray shouted with bright eyes. One cubic meter can store a lot of things, tents, clothing, food and water, you don't have to worry about being hungry and thirsty in the wild in the future.

Naturally, they couldn't bring so much money with them, they all owed it temporarily, and they would give it to Chen Muyang after returning to the guild.

Chen Muyang was amused. Gray might be able to give it, but Naz might need to do a task to give it.

Before getting into the car, Naz called: "Elsa, I have another request!"


"After you come back, you have to take a showdown with me!" Naz exclaimed in full fighting spirit.

Gray cried out in horror next to him: "Hey, don't you think so much!"

Naz slapped his hand and shouted, "I am different from the one I was in the last duel, because now I have the confidence to beat you!"

Elsa said: "You have indeed grown a lot, although I don't have much confidence, but well, I accept the challenge."

After getting in the car, Elsa looked at Naz in surprise and said, "Is your phobia of mobile tools gone?"

Habi said, "Chen Muyang helped him heal it."

Elsa looked at Chen Muyang in surprise and said: "You're really amazing. His mobile tool phobia can't even cure the president."

Chen Muyang smiled and said, "It's not that it can't be cured, but that it didn't find the right way."

Elsa nodded thoughtfully, and Gray said: "Elsa, you can almost tell us, what on earth do you want us to do?"

"Our opponent, the Dark Guild Iron Forest, seems to be planning to use a magic called lullaby to do bad things."

"Lullaby? That wasn't the last time..." Lucy exclaimed, and he remembered the last incident.950

After hearing this, Elsa nodded and said, "That's their people, who fled because they couldn't keep up with the plan."

Gray asked: "Then what does their plan have to do with Lullaby?"

"I've said it from the beginning. On my way back, I passed by Onibus and went to a wizard's tavern, where I heard a group of people talking about lullaby, and the pineapple-headed guy in white took the initiative to take it Task, and let his companions tell Eli Gore that Lullaby will be brought back smoothly within three days."

Lucy said: "lullaby, should it mean a lullaby?"

Elsa said: "Since it will be sealed, it means that it is quite powerful magic. I hate that I didn't think of it at the time, especially the name Eligore. He is the trump card in the Dark Guild Iron Forest, specializing in execution It was commissioned by the assassination department. So it was also called the god of death Eli Gore."

Lucy said in surprise: "Assassination? Isn't this commission prohibited by the Senate?"

"Yes, but those guys look up to the money and don't care about them at all, so they were taken by the Residence Wizards Guild Alliance six years ago. But they didn't take the ban seriously at all, and they are still active. Damn! Think of the name Eligore, otherwise I would have sacrificed all of them to blood and asked them what they were going to do!"

Gray also said: "Although it is not clear what they are planning, it is definitely not a good thing."

Chapter 577 You Two Want To Learn, Each Pays 100,000 Tuition

Sorry, due to your body, you can only change three times a day in the future, so please understand.

……No money above

"Yes, that's why I want to stop them." Elsa nodded and said: "To deal with everyone in an entire guild, I am a little risky on my own, so I want to borrow your power."

Chen Muyang said, "Elsa, are you planning to hit the door directly?"

Gray and Naz's eyes beamed with excitement, and Gray smiled: "Sounds very interesting."

Naz, the violent madman even shouted: "Kick the door and defeat all those guys!"

Even the cat, Hobby, stretched out... paws echoed.

Lucy grabbed Chen Muyang's arm and said with tears: "Chen Muyang, these violent madmen are too terrible, you have to protect me."

Chen Muyang immediately patted her little hand and said, "Don't worry, as long as you stay by my side honestly, you won't even lose a single hair."

"I knew you were the best!" Lucy exclaimed happily.

Omnibus Station.

Five people got out of the car, and Gray asked, "Are those guys in Iron Forest still in this city?"

"I don't know, this is where we want to check." Elsa shook her head.

Chen Muyang suddenly said to Elsa: "You just said that there is a pineapple head, and the man in white clothes takes the initiative?"

Elsa nodded and confirmed, Chen Muyang stretched out his hand and said, "Is that guy?"

The four people and one cat turned around and saw a man in white clothes with a pineapple head walking into the car with his pocket.

Elsa immediately exclaimed in a low voice: "It's him!"

Chen Muyang saw that she was ready to do it, and hurriedly said: "Elsa, don't be impulsive. This is a town. If you really fight, it will not only damage the building, but also accidentally injure people, so let's follow the train and fight where there is no one."

"Your words make sense, but the question is how do we catch the train."

Chen Muyang smiled and said, "Of course it's flying."

After the train departed, Chen Muyang took out the flying carpet and urged it hard. The flying carpet quickly became larger and spacious enough to accommodate five people and a cat.

After getting on the flying carpet, Chen Muyang urged the flying carpet to soar into the sky, and soon caught up with the train, followed by one floating above the train.

Elsa touched the soft flying carpet and exclaimed: "It's really a great magic device, is there any more?"

Chen Muyang said, "No, but if you want to fly, I can teach you flying magic."