Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 207: How's King Lin Yuan?

But now Lady Yan doesn't have time to think more. She takes a deep breath and turns her eyes to the people present --

A harsh interrogation is about to begin. Who is the poisoner?

Phoenix doesn't know, she's on her way to the frozen forest right now!

At this moment, because of the tide of warcraft, a wave of warcraft rushed to the bottom of the mountain, and this frozen forest was rather silent and terrible.

“Where is Tequila?” The wind asks Phoenix, "Where is the Nine Unseen? ”

The phoenix glanced slightly at him, not speaking, but heading in one direction.

Looks like you're gambling?

"What's the matter with you? ”

Xiaoqi went to Emperor Du? ”

As soon as he mentioned the subject, the wind began to faint, his eyes wandering around, looking to his left and right.

“Who's the baby?” Phoenix asked.

“Bao-” The wind almost came out, but soon he reacted, his hands covered his mouth: “I, I won't tell you! ”

“Why didn't you tell me? Is there anything you can't say?” The phoenix danced and stared at the wind: “The sister of King Lin Yuan? ”

The wind shook its head: "Of course not! ”

"" The green plum bamboo horse of King's Landing? "asked Xi-feng. It's not true, Green plum bamboo horse words, I should know, after all, I only left the emperor for five years, but Bao's name, I didn't even hear it. ”

The more you really think about phoenix, the more curious you are.

The wind is so proud in its heart that it won't tell you, or it won't tell you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

“I can't tell you who she is, but I can assure you that if you see her, you will love her very much. That is a warm and adorable little girl, and no one who has seen her dislikes her.” The wind sighed a long time, "and don't complain that we took your brother. You know, it's all the fault of that ugly girl! ”

“If she hadn't seen the fairy fruit stolen, she would have been able to refine the antidote, and Bao would not have suffered like this now. If he had known who had stolen the fairy fruit...” Feng Zheng glanced and snorted out of his nose.

“What will happen…?” Phoenix asked a little vainly.

“It will be torn to pieces, then fried in a frying pan, then chopped to pieces and fed to the dog!” With a face on the wind, the fierce god is wicked!

"" It's not that serious, is it? ”

The wind hummed softly: “That's how much you don't know how much Boss Jun loves Bao. I dare say that Bao is the most important person in his life! Sir, can you not be angry? ”

Phoenix had doubted whether King Linyuan recognized her as Feng Xiao Five, who had stolen the fairy spirit fruit, but now listening to the wind explain, King Linyuan definitely didn't recognize her.

What about King's Landing? Paranoid, short protection!

There are only two kinds of people in his heart, his own people and others!

So, if she's really recognized, can she live to this day?

Thinking about it, Phoenix danced a chill in her heart. In this life, she must not be exposed for stealing the fairy fruit...

“Phoenix, are you cold? You're shivering.” The wind glanced at the phoenix.

Phoenix danced hard for a while, but it must not be discovered!

To think of it, Feng Dance immediately glanced at the wind: “It's a little cold. ”

“It's not a little cold, you're too weak.” The wind took off his outer robe and threw it into the arms of the phoenix. He was not angry and said:

PS: I smoked backstage, I can't even smoke the comments. There are 4,5000 of them tomorrow afternoon, but there are only a few dozen left to blink... when tomorrow is normal, go see another one. But I don't think you can guess. Ha-ha-good night ~