Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 227: Children of Others

If the wind runs fast like thunder, take down the ring in a flash!

“Chin.” Phoenix reminder.

The wind immediately reacted, removing the chin of the ring directly.

Sister Qu stepped forward and raised her hand and slapped Xiaohuan: “Is that you?! Why you? ”

As Sister Qu clapped, a white pill flew out of her little ring mouth and rolled to the ground.

It was a white pill that had been bitten away, dark as ink, and smelled like a bad smell.

Had it not been for Phoenix's reminder, Xiaohuan would have swallowed this pill and shut up forever.

“WOOOOOOOOOOO -” Little Ring's hands were twisted behind her, but her slender body burst out with tremendous power and struggle!

Her face was twisted and twisted. The eyes of the blast stared dead at the phoenix dance, reluctant to strangle it.

Faced with her anger, the phoenix danced calmly.

Mrs. Yan is already mad: “Auntie Chu! It must be Aunt Chu! This bitch, dare to hurt my sister, can I spare her?! ”

If possible, Mrs. Yan couldn't wait to return immediately and strangle Aunt Chu herself.

Madam Yan, they tortured Xiaohuan to extract confessions, and the phoenix dance frowned. “I'm not interested in your family business, drag it out for a slow trial. ”

Yan Yeon glanced at the phoenix dance and muttered: “What's with the height? I really thought I was so...”

“Pfft!” Lady Yan slapped Yan Yeon in the head and glanced at Yan Yeon with warning. This made her smile at the phoenix dance: “My sister, she...”

“I can't die.” The phoenix dance is guaranteed.

“Then there's Miss Lau Feng.” Mrs. Yan went out with Yan Yeon.

As soon as she left, Lady Yan lowered her voice and looked down at Yan Yeon. “Watch what you say later! ”

“Notice what? ”

“Show some respect for Miss Phoenix, you will cause trouble sooner or later. ”

“She's a loser, what do I respect about her? Does she deserve my respect? ”

“Yeon-yeon, can you still lie with your eyes open? You're selectively oblivious to what happened today, aren't you? Are you jealous of burning your head off?” Madame Yan's voice is as harsh as ever!


“Yes, Miss Feng's cultivation is no good, but in other ways, her achievements are geniuses! Even the elite level of genius. Are you offended? ”


“I'm telling you, don't get upset. As far as the Spiritualist is concerned, the second-degree Spiritualist is in front of him, and there is only a subordination. If it weren't for the critical moment, she fixed the Gathering Tower, and we leveled the town, almost half of us would have died, you and I, all of us, in this tide of warcraft. ”

“It's so serious...”

“And medicine, as you can see, the medicine shown by Miss Feng is no longer at the senior pharmacist level, most likely a master pharmacist! At this age, this level of pharmacist, there is no future! ”

“Mother! Can't you just not praise her?! I'm not happy!” Yan Yeon stomped his feet.

Lady Yan glanced at her with no anger: “It's also a girl, you're still a few years older than her. Why can't you do anything? If you have a tenth of her, the mother will..."

“Mother, why are you bragging about her again? You hated her when you first met her!” Yan Yeon can't stand it any longer.