Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 243: Can This Be Promoted?!

As soon as Phoenix lowered her head, she saw Tiger's big wet eyes and his... bottle of milk around her neck?

Tiger held the bottle with two foreclaws, sucking permission, and peeking at her.

”" …… "

“What the hell is in here?” Phoenix reached out to get Tiger's bottle.


Tiger was afraid that his rations would be confiscated, his mumps shrunk, he drank out of breath, and he hit a burp: “Hiccup--”

Phoenix was speechless. Her right hand slimmed her finger into Tiger's head and said, “You little fool, if you don't show me, where will I go to get you rations? You take care of yourself. ”

“Mm-hmm.” Tiger handed the bottle he hung around his neck to Phoenix.

But there's not a drop left...

Phoenix danced without tears.

At this moment, all of a sudden, the phoenix danced and a different feeling filled her field.

You're kidding.

This feeling of phoenix dance is very familiar, as it has recently been promoted to the sixth consecutive level.

The phoenix dance couldn't think much of it. Immediately, she accelerated her footsteps, walked home quickly on the way home, stuffed Tiger into the arms of her beautiful mother, and turned to her room.

Before entering the room, Feng Dance turned to Qiu Ling: “Before I come out, no one should come in and disturb me, remember. ”

The face of the phoenix dance was very serious and heavy.

Autumn Ling realised the seriousness of the matter and nodded. “Okay, I'll stay by the door. If anything happens, miss, you call me. ”

The phoenix nodded and closed the door.

In the room.

The phoenix dance couldn't think much of it. When she sat down with her legs on the table and abandoned the clutter in her mind, she instantly entered a state of oblivion.

The first thing about Phoenix is checking your own Dantian.

Sure enough, there's a lot of golden liquid spilling in the Dantian!

Immediately, Phoenix closed her eyes and began to swim the golden liquid through her entire body meridian-

She didn't understand what was happening, but that change was great for her now.

Because she's about to get promoted.

Prior to the sixth level, Phoenix clearly felt that she was embarking on the path of the seventh level spiritual master.

Time goes by.

The outside skies also turn from day to night, and from night to day...

Qiu Ling remained faithful, stood outside the door, listened to the movement inside, and did not dare to be lazy at all.

In the room.

Phoenix was infiltrated with a sticky sweat. Her whole body looked like it had been taken out of the sea. Her hair was wet, her clothes were wet, and the floor was stained with water.

That stunning, yet sweaty look slowly opened his closed eyes...

In the eyes, the black and white are distinct, the water is bright and clear, and in the motion of the clear spirit, a spiritual energy flashes by ——

The phoenix dance slowly exhaled a mouthful of dull air, and the corners of her mouth rose with a faint curve.

Seven level spiritualists now.

She moved up to level seven, really fast, faster than she thought.

At this rate of promotion, if she returns to Emperor Du, she will be promoted to the Spiritual Patrimony... and no one knows what she is, just thinks she's a piece of crap.

If... she jumped out at a critical time, would those people in the capital be surprised? Think about it like that, it's a little bit of an anticipation.

But... why the sudden promotion? Phoenix touched her chin and she was in a state of confusion.