Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 358: Are Phoenix Balls Bullied?

But her ability to keep Aunt Tang safe until now means that she really wants to have the baby.

After all, she only had one child, Yan Yeon, and the Yan family had a son.

To think of it, Mrs. Yan stared at Yan Yeon in the corner with a bloodthirsty eye!

How could she have such a stupid daughter?

Why would she keep Aunt Tang safe? Because she has decided to wait for Aunt Tang to have the baby before deciding whether to do it or not!

If it's a girl, if it's a boy, it's going to stay with the mother and the child, and she keeps the child in her own name, but all of this is ruined by Yeon Yeon!

Yan Yeon and Feng Lu were frightened...

Because everyone saw that it was she and Fenglu who hit the old lady and hurt Auntie Tang... if something really happened to Auntie Tang, the consequence--

Yeon was afraid to look at her father's face.

The Yan family banquet happened to invite Lady Bai, so Lady Bai was caught Zhuangding.

The old lady's trauma is negligible, but Aunt Tang's...

“How's Aunt Tang?” Madam Yan converged her anger with anxiety on her face. She was really in a hurry.

Because it was her daughter who caused the crater, and it was on top of this public banquet. What will people think of her when they go out and walk?!

White pharmacist shook his head: “The situation is not optimistic, the pregnant woman bleeds more and more, I'm afraid the fetus won't be able to keep it...”

Lord Yan's face is hard to see!

“If you can bring us to Chu Pharmacist, there may be a chance.” Master Bai sighed, "but today is the day Dr Chu visits the Queen, I'm afraid she won't be able to invite you. ”

Lady Yan and Lord Yan don't have that face, but--

“The wind!” Lady Yan hurried away and grabbed the wind!

“Big Aunt?” The wind was searching all over the world for a phoenix dance. Lady Yan grabbed it and she couldn't figure it out.

“Help your aunt go to the palace to hire Chu Pharmacist. You know His Royal Highness the Prince. There must be a way. Auntie, please!” Having a daughter as dull as a pig, Mrs. Yan is tired.

“But I'm looking for someone. I don't have time.” I didn't know where the little dancer had been hit. I haven't seen anyone yet... I don't suppose it's a trick?

What if the girl is too proud and arrogant to fix it?

Thinking about it, the wind rushed into front of Yeon Yeon and grabbed her: “What have you done to Little Dance! ”

Yeon Yeon was a typical nest, scared by the wind, and she cried: “I didn't mean it, cousin. I didn't mean it... it was Fenghu. It was Fenghu who said she was going to kill Fenghuang. I promised to conspire with her. It was all her idea. It was all her idea.”

Fenglu, listen to me. You got this? Yeon-yeon, this is throwing all the charges on her!

Once she says first, everyone must have found their sins, then Yeon Yeon will be fine, and she will be miserable!

In anticipation of this, Fengru shouted, “Yeon, you're talking nonsense!” It was obviously you who came to me. You said you couldn't let Aunt Tang give birth to the child in her belly. Otherwise, she would threaten your position. So you encouraged me to bring Feng Dance with me today and push her to Aunt Tang.

“Shut up! ”

The madam slapped at Feng Lu!


Can such a crime be said in public? Pull Yeon into the water, she can't escape!

At this time...

PS: Will Jun Xiaozuo show up tomorrow ~ ~ Splash ~ ~ On the first day of October, the monthly tickets are refreshed. Do you have a monthly ticket to vote for the Wicked King's wife? Bow ~ ~