Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 362: The Grand Duke of the Prince is Coming--

The madam not only sat honestly, but also took the opportunity to darken the beautiful woman's kiss. She is really not a simple figure.

Fengfeng Feng punched Yan Shifan: “Lord Yan, it was my Phoenix who did not teach well. Out of this kind of girl, this girl is not able to teach. Now the full power is given to Lord Yan to kill you and listen to your respects. ”

Lord Yan sneered and did not answer.

Yeon Yeon and Feng Lu looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes!

Yeon Yeon grabbed Left Green Feather's hand and was grateful to her!

Smart Left Qingyu, but the three words not only cleared her and Fenglu, but also severely snapped this pot on the head of the phoenix dance so that she could not take it off. In the future, the phoenix dance will be pointed out by Qianfu!

Phoenix, her whole life is over!

The corner of the left green feather mouth rose with a slight curve. In my heart, I had no idea that the current phoenix dance was so unbeatable.

Phoenix didn't know what was happening here. She couldn't unlock the Golden Palace. She was turning a road, coming from the side.

When she arrived, everyone looked at her with suspicion and bad taste.

The phoenix dance can clearly feel that everyone's attitude towards her has become less friendly.

“Where did you find Phoenix Five?” Yan Yeon asked the housekeeper.

"When we found Miss Feng Wu, she was near the Moonlight Tower. ”

Moonlight Tower, near the Treasure Palace!

“Phoenix! What are you arguing about now?!” Yan Yeon's face twisted and his sharp, fine chin lifted high and proud.

The phoenix frowned slightly and looked at the wind. What happened?

"Yeon falsely accused you of stealing Lord Yan's keys and stealing what was in their palace! And your uncle said to give you to Lord Yan and let him take care of you! ”

Phoenix danced with a slight frown and a complex glance at Yeon Yeon. I didn't expect her to actually tell the truth. However, she didn't expect it. The key couldn't be hit by herself, so she came back silently.


Phoenix could not help but look at Phoenix Peak.

Her uncle really sees the wind rudder.

I had previously thought of giving her to King Linyuan as a concubine, and now I need her to take up her post in Fenglu, so that she can return to the position he wanted, and sell her without hesitation.

The heart of the phoenix dance emerged with indifference and a subtle eye tone. The thick roll of eyes draped like a feather fan, bringing all the divine colors to the bottom of the eyes.

Yeon never thought that if she dared to leave, she would be ready to be discovered?

Is she such a fool?

“Phoenix, everyone is here, why did you show up near the Moonlight Tower? Explain!” Yeon is aggressive.

The phoenix frowned slightly, just as she was about to speak ——

There was an exciting and exciting voice coming out--

“His Royal Highness the Prince--”

Your Royal Highness?!!!

Everybody in the room, they're all in circles!

Prince King's Landing?

He represents the brightest sun in the sky!

High above, high beyond climb, noble can only look away.

If anyone can show up on the same occasion as the Crown Prince, it will be three years of bragging!

“Your Highness? ”

The sea has been floating for many years. His heart is like a mirror lake. The old plot is like a harsh lord. He can't help but soften his knees!

He felt he had misheard and couldn't help but ask: "Your Highness? Prince Jun? Prince of King's Landing? ”

PS: I've been busy all day, and it's 4: 00 in the morning to catch up on the manuscript.