Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 541: Will Your Highness be here?

”" …… "

What's the matter with you?

How did King Lin Yuan's face suddenly become so ugly? And you seem to want to kill someone?

Phoenix has the most acute animal instincts.

When she realized the danger of King's Landing, her subconscious retreated and turned away!

Just kidding. If you don't run this time, you'll have to bear the anger of King's Landing.

The phoenix is running fast!

Soon she ran to the door and held the handle.

One second!

It's only a second away!

However, this second is very long...


A white light flashed, the phoenix danced back, and she clearly saw that a snow-white canvas swept up against her.


There was a shout in the mouth of the phoenix, and she tried to open the door and rush out, but...

The white canvas wrapped around her slim waist and pushed hard. The next moment, the phoenix danced like a swing toward the royal abyss.

The white mantle was like a slave of King's Landing, wrapped in a phoenix dance, and flew to him gently, slowly releasing the phoenix dance to King's Landing.

Even, it didn't unbundle, it just hung the phoenix on the pool floor.

At this moment, the phoenix dance, hands and feet are tied, and the packaging is rigorous and solid, as if it were a jade.

“Run? Where can you run?” King's Landing stretched out his fingers to poke the phoenix.

Because of the half-hanged phoenix dance, the head of King Linyuan King Linyuan, less than ten centimeters.

The phoenix dance is going to blow!

What kind of bully is that?

“Are you sick?” Phoenix is so angry, "what have I done to you?! I didn't do anything. Why are you doing this to me? I don't like it!”

“Are you sure you didn't do anything? ”

“I swear on my life, I really didn't do nothing--” Phoenix really felt so innocent, so helpless, so sour.

The deep star eyes of King Linyuan glanced at her coldly and sneered: “What did you do to your heart? ”

“What the hell did I do--”

Feng Dance glanced down and saw that part of King's Landing Yuan. Her eyes suddenly turned silly. Her face swelled red and her eyes glanced around.

His Royal Highness looked iron and blue. If he wanted to get angry, he could only stare at the phoenix.

At one time, the atmosphere was particularly awkward...

When King Linyuan stood up from the water, his wet body was instantly dry and clear. He waved his hand and his robe was refreshed.

He put on his robe and walked his way out.


The phoenix dance shouted at the back of King's Landing: "Put me down! Put me down--”

King Linyuan was too unreasonable to play cards. He was angry and unpredictable. He had no idea how to take his cue.

Nor did King's Landing head go back out, but his fingers moved.


The phoenix dance fell again into the water of the hot spring pool.

The hot spring pool gate opens--

Originally speaking, the housekeeper and the nurse stood still in a flash, her spine pen was strong, and she stood up like a spear gun!

“Send her a sweater. ”

Her Royal Highness ordered Sister Miyagi to rub her shoulders.

The nurse opened her eyes and then looked at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper looked surprised...

The Miyagi was proud to say, "Do you hear me? Your Highness sent for a dress for the dance lady... what does that mean you can't guess? Hey, maybe next year at this time, there's really a little royal highness, come on, I have to get ready for the dance lady. ”

Sister Miyagi walked away happily, leaving the original sealer's eyes with a glimmer of suspicion.

Your Highness... are you sure?