Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 591: How dare you stand on the team of candidates?

Feng Lu's tears also laughed: “Oh my God, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahaha -”

Duan Chao Yin and Duan Chao Music sisters also laughed forward and backwards: “How could a Chao Song be eligible for the Imperial College? How far back is she now? She's only six stars! ”

At least nine stars to qualify for the Imperial College exam, okay?

“Why are these people so annoying?! ”

Zhao and Ye Qing, who were a little ahead of them, turned around and saw them laughing at the phoenix.

Ye sighed softly: “I really didn't expect this phoenix to be Peifeng Dance. Five years later, she has already... but even so, can't you laugh at her? ”

The team is moving fast.

Because all you have to do is give a forensic examination to verify the authenticity, and then check that there is no clip, and you can go into the examination room.

Phoenix and Chapel are in line, and the people in front of them are checking fast, but in a minute, they're almost there.

By this time, the next team of Mu Yaoyao had laughed and smoked it.

“Hahaha, Phoenix, Phoenix, you really dare to stand on the team of candidates in order to get fat. ”

A total of two teams are operating simultaneously.

Mu Yaoyao deliberately stood in line with the phoenix dance, laughed at her all the way down, scoffed at her and mocked her.

However, the phoenix dance never lifted her eyes to deal with her.

Phoenix dances when she's air.

But Mu Yaoyao will not make the dance better.

She has been intolerant in order to erupt at critical moments.

And at this moment...

Faithful Valley.

After the housekeeper handled what His Highness had told him, he returned to King's Landing in silence.

“Your Highness. Everything is done, and now Miss Dance has gone to Imperial College.” The housekeeper told King Linyuan.

“Mmm.” King Linyuan grunted carelessly, his hands behind his back, looking down the mountain.

“Your Highness.” The housekeeper bluntly said, "Miss Dance has been ridiculed. ”

“Hmm?” His Royal Highness frowned, his sharp eyes shooting at the housekeeper.

“Those people laughed at Miss Dance for not fixing it and going to the exam... Your Highness, will Miss Dance be bullied? ”

King's Landing is rigid.

“Are those people going to have a hard time with the forensics, Miss Five? Your Highness, Your Highness..."

The housekeeper saw his royal highness rush down the hill!

He's in a hurry!

Bang, hit the tree, the tree was hit by wood chips.

His Royal Highness waved and a large mountain collapsed.

By then, His Royal Highness had reached the foot of the mountain.

Keep up with the housekeeper.

King Linyuan soon arrived at Imperial College.

Previously, he ran out of town carrying a phoenix for half an hour, but now, less than the time for a cup of tea has come...

Turns out he exploded so fast!

Turns out... when he was out of town carrying a phoenix, he deliberately went a long way.

But Phoenix didn't know, and now it's her turn to check.

The inspector was a female teacher who had not seen the phoenix dance.

She handed over the red quasi, and she walked to the pebble stand in the center herself, waiting for someone to examine her.


Inspecting the teacher saw the phoenix dance like this, his eyes suddenly subsided and the dangerous half squinted.

“This classmate--”

Check the teacher staring at Phoenix Dance and lifting the test certificate in his hand: “You come down. ”

“'Why?" said Xi-feng. ”