Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 621: How Smart Is This Girl?

The anger on the old face of the Fong Gong can no longer be covered up. “There are no scrolls of dancing girls here! ”

What is it?

Wu Di was shocked.

This is impossible. If the volume he submitted was written by Phoenix Dance in silence according to the old saying of the Fong Gong, it must be a full volume, which will shock the entire King Wu Empire full volume!

Full score ever!

His Imperial Emperor left a bunch of medals to watch, just to see this paper, but he didn't?

“What's going on?” Wu Di's face suddenly darkened.

Fong Gang held the pile of scrolls he had examined in front of Wudi and shook his head: “I've checked them all here, there are no test papers inside. ”

The housekeeper also put a pile of rolls in front of the Wu Emperor and shook his head, indicating that he had not turned over.

“This is a thousand rolls! Not even a thousand dancers?” Wu Di just found it ridiculous!

He just doesn't believe it!

Therefore, the Emperor of the Dom Junwu Empire, at this moment, is reading a copy of the scroll.

These volumes are originally scored from high to low.

The number one volume is a teenager named Ning Chenxi, with a total score of 250.

If it was placed in the previous session, it would also be the first to exist. However, after watching the roll of the phoenix dance, Wu Emperor could not see the two hundred and fifty cents of the roll.

Wu Di flipped one... until the last... Midnight.

Midnight didn't make a scroll at all, he came stuck with the pass line.

Wudi himself went over it and found it shocking that there really wasn't a roll of phoenix dancing!

There are only two situations, one of which is that the phoenix rolls are poorly done and missed.

There is also a situation in which someone has stepped down from it.

Wu Di will not be happy in either case.

Wu Di is not surrounded by only one archdeacon.

In addition to the chief executive, there is also a white duke.

The white duke's slow voice rang out: “Could it be... the roll of the phoenix girl... it's not really good? ”

Fang Gong is getting angry!

He glanced at Grandpa Bai: “What do you mean, Grandpa Bai? You think I'm lying? ”

“Fangkou's old breath is angry, that's not what our family means...” White male smiles with a smile, not impatient, “Except that Fangkou's old age is getting older, maybe it's wrong to remember. ”

“Oh, why don't you just say I'm old enough!” Fangkou laughed.

Fortunately, when he entered the palace, the Phoenix dance stuffed a pile of rolls into his arms and brought him into the palace. Otherwise, there's really no way to get that girl clean at once.

To think of it, the old Fong's heart snapped for a moment.

The girl told him to bring in the rolls she had tested earlier, didn't she?

What did you guess?

Did you tell her yourself that when Dean Lu closed down and Dean Zuo took the place of Dean?

How smart is this girl to be so proactive?

At this moment, Wu Di's eyes are staring at the old Fong Gong, and his eyes are full of suspicion.

Grandpa Bai is still adding oil and vinegar to his side: “Old Fong Gang, according to the usual ideals, it is impossible for Miss Feng Dance to answer such a perfect roll, is this not what you dreamed of? ”

Wu Di stared at Fang Gong Lao, with deep suspicion.

Because Wu Emperor trusts Bai Dung, very much.

A large part of the reason why Fang Gong Lao sued him for returning to his homeland came from Bai Dung.
