Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 641: Don't tell you--

“Grandpa, isn't your house supposed to be for sale? It would be nice to sell it to the Yao family now, but the Yao family has money. ”

Mu Yaoyao said, turning back to hint at Yao clan chief.

Chief Yao smiled and said: "Old Fong Gang, I heard you're selling 100,000 silver coins? We bought a million silver dollars from the Yao family. How about buying your house? In addition, you will be served with Ganoderma ganoderma and Ginseng ganoderma. ”

Ten times?!

The Yao family actually said that it was a full ten times premium?!

How can you buy a house like this? This is about smashing money!

Phoenix danced with vigilance.

Did the Yao family know about the treasure buried beneath this house? Otherwise, how can it be so expensive? An anomaly is a demon.

Fong Gang always had the same idea as Phoenix.

He refers to the empty space in front of him.

Yao was flattered and did not dare to sit down until he had doubled his resignation.

“Why?” The old man did not immediately promise or immediately refuse. His eyes were deep and stared at the Yao clan chief. His eyes were sharp and deep.

The Yao chief said: "Lady Fang, your house is very feng shui, in front of the lake, far away is the mountain, living on the lake, far view into the mountains, in terms of feng shui, this is the great fortune land. ”

“Just like that? ”

“Old Fong Gong, don't tell you--” Yao chief laughed bitterly, "I Yao family, from many businessmen, did make some money over the years, but the children in the family are not very knowledgeable, few people to test the College of the Kingdom of God, the future is likely to know, so I want to buy this house, stain your old officials, the children in the family may be able to enjoy it. ”

“Just like that?” Fangkou still said that, but his eyes grew sharper.

The Fong Pavilion is in front of the Phoenix dance, perhaps a gracious, proud and adorable grandfather, but now in front of the Yao clan chief, he restores the dignity of the other pavilion.

To be able to sit on the councillor, which is equivalent to the position of prime minister, head of a hundred officials, the councillor can be an ordinary person? What kind of conspiracy does that have to be to suppress one of the hundreds of thousands below? And his old man can get out of position safely and securely?

After many years of Yao Hai, Zhuwei has been released for a long time. Now, it will be enough for Lord Yao to suffer.

Stared at by the wise and sharp eyes of the elders of the Fong Pavilion, Yao had a feeling of impatience.

His heart was suffocated...

Old Fong Gang has resigned, but his old man Zhuwei is terrible.

President Yao dared not tell the truth: "... the dwarf inadvertently heard that there was a huge secret hidden in Fang's house, and for so many years the Fang family had never cracked it, so..."

Fangkou's old ice knife-like eyes shot at Yao Mu!

Mu Yaoyao's mother, Princess Mu, grew up in Fang's house, so she knew about it!

“Your mother said that? ”

“Grandpa, my mother... told me about this, but... didn't you always break the secret? If you wait any longer, bad luck will come to Fang's house. Grandpa, sell it to Yao's house! ”

“How much good does the Yao family give you?” Fangkou's old voice was cold, he said without hesitation.

“Grandpa, I... have no advantage...” Mu Yaoyao continues to play innocent.

Fangkou sneered.

It's called being unprofitable. It's not good. Would a man like Mu Yaoyao help people? Fangkou waved: “Send the guests. ”

“Grandpa, Grandpa...”