Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 651: Your Majesty!

An old man wears a gourmet hat, dressed in a refreshing civilian outfit, just those eyes, and in the blink of an eye there will be a wise light!

The old man followed an old housekeeper, and the old housekeeper stuck around his waist, very respectful.

If you look closely, you will find scattered among the crowd, a powerful man with a sharp eye!

Though they stood everywhere with their eyes on all sides, the corners of their eyes did not loosen the attention and guardianship of the wise old man!

But the wise old man was relaxed, and he was pulling all around him.

The wise old man asked curiously, "Is this Master Mu really gambling with Phoenix? ”

The passerby was also a gossip, hurriedly pressing down his voice, pulling the wise old man a little further away, and then joyously saying, “Isn't that right? They made a death warrant! ”

The wise old man seems interested: "Oh? ”

“Old man, you really asked the right person, I was watching along the way, I told you, Ow, this Mu County master first provoked the family phoenix dance girl, Mu Girl said, if Phoenix dance can win the list this time, she will cut off her own head and play ball for Phoenix dance girl! ”

“Ouch -” the old man shouted.

“Well, the Phoenix dancer didn't say yes at first, but our county chief is aggressive. The non-forced one, the Phoenix dancer, said yes. Even the Master of Mu Yaoyao County said that if she evaded her responsibilities, she would demote them to the ranks of the King's Palace and take a venomous oath! ”

The old man shouted, “Is there anything else like this? ”

The housekeeper beside him was silent and looked up at the sky: “…"

As Lord of the Mountain River, is such gossip really good?

How did the passers-by know that this old man would be the emperor of the day? And he was still thrilled to say, "Geez, of course it's true, Master Mu-shin is kind of lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot this time! I'm just waiting to see if I can cut her head off. Ha-ha-ha. I won't tell you. They're going back to the tea house. I have to check it out! We're too late to grab the front row! ”

“Which tea dorm? ”

“Geez, are you going to check it out too? Come on, it's right there! Go, go, go, I'll take you!” The passers-by held His Majesty's hand in the crowd today.

Watching the back of his Majesty's dragged stellar meteor walk, the chief executive: “…”

The eyes of the guards in the crowd are sharp and bloodthirsty, and if you raise your hand, you can slap the man who doesn't know the thickness of heaven and earth!

They asked to look at the main pipe.

The main tube shook its head: “…”

By the time Wudi arrived, their best position was gone and they could only stand in the second row.

And by now, everyone knows that Phoenix is number one!

No renaming, no mistakes, she's the real number one!

Mu Yaoyao walked angrily to the phoenix dance, leaving behind the help of others. The eyes of hatred almost erupted!

Mu Yaoyao roared at Phoenix: “Phoenix! You cheated! ”

As soon as this word comes out, everyone looks at the phoenix...

So, in fact, did she get such a good grade from cheating?

In the crowd, wearing a gourmet hat, a pair of ordinary wealthy elderly people dressed as His Majesty today, at this moment staring at Mu Yaoyao's eyes, with a few colours of disappointment.

He also remembers that the Queen pushed the county owner of King Mu's mansion a few days ago, saying many good things about her, how gentle, how generous, how wise... in order to be a sidekick to the prince.