Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 806: Today Next Year Is Yours...

Shout out on the fourth: “I got it! Phoenix, this is good stuff. Let's focus on promotion, not time to hunt her down! ”

Number four stares at Phoenix: “You bitch, am I right? ”

The phoenix dance looked at him with a smile and did not speak.

The more confident No. 4 was, he smiled at everyone and said, "I guess so, that's it. ”

Staring at Phoenix Dance No. 3, he thought it wasn't that simple.

Because the phoenix dance showed too much bullying.

Shouldn't have.

At this time, she should panic, the six gods should be defenceless, and she should tremble nervously... but what she has in her eyes is to stabilize the confidence of the winning ticket and be proud of the success of the calculation.

“What medicine did you sell in the gourd?” Number three is getting more and more disturbing.

Instead of answering his words, Phoenix looked around and said to them: "The opportunity for promotion is not required. Are you sure you want to let go of such a good opportunity? You can kill me any time you want, but it's hard to get promoted?? ”

Number four, these people look at each other, and they're a little hesitant for a moment.

Number three: “What are you thinking? Don't you know how sly this girl is?! Kill her! ”

Number one is not here, number two is dead, so number three is an order.

In a moment, everyone rushes towards Phoenix!

Phoenix dances a spin, out of the battle circle.

“You still want to run?!” The third yelled and he knew that the girl had been bluffing!

What doesn't chase her, what the consequences are, it's all her own lies.

“Really, you'll really regret catching up!” The phoenix persuaded them as they ran.


Number three, a bunch of people are tired of talking to Phoenix!

The only idea they have right now is to catch up with Phoenix and kill her!

The phoenix dances and runs and speculates in his heart. Why hasn't the Kirin come yet?

His sense of smell is so sensitive, according to theory, he can smell the blood of Kirin puppies. He's already here!


Number three in the front, one fist to the back of the phoenix dance!


The strength of number three is much stronger than the phoenix dance. It can be said that the team members of this blade team are much stronger than the phoenix dance.

So, the shot phoenix burst forward!


Phoenix danced halfway across an arc and flew to another mountain, burying the whole person deep in the snow.


Phoenix couldn't help but spit out a bite of blood.

The power of number three, it's horrible!

Phoenix rubbed the back position, if she didn't avoid the harm just now and took the opportunity to push forward, I don't think she could even save her life at this time.

Lord Kirin Beast, if you don't come back, my life is really going to be here!

The phoenix dance hasn't crawled out of the snow pit yet. A group of people on the third has arrived!

“Motherfucker, it's your anniversary next year!” The sword in the hand of number three is glittering white!

Phoenix dances all the time!

She has tried her best to procrastinate, but now all she has to do is procrastinate!

“Left family sent you?” The phoenix stared at them and looked like a torch!

But number three doesn't want to answer her.

“Even if I die, let me be a demon! So it's really the Left family that sent you, right?” Phoenix stares at them!

Number three: “You want to be an understanding ghost? ”