Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1232: The Second Peach Blossom 7

Does she want to go out with King's Landing? But now she has to go out with King's Landing.

In her mind, the Peach Blossom Pokémon still reminded her with a glance: "Young Master Beauty, there are only 20 minutes left. ”

The phoenix dance is in a hurry.

Chao Song saw Phoenix so eager to find King Linyuan, his heart filled with sighs... can't the little dance really get into it?

Heartache in the song, but seeing the anxious look of the phoenix dance, I had to tell her: “I remember when His Majesty left, the housekeeper mentioned, should we go down to heaven? ”


Phoenix can't wait to circle around with the housekeeper!

This old lady is so cute!

Without much time to explain, Phoenix turned around and rushed out, fast as a meteor, blinking away.

He bit his lower lip towards the song, and a deep worry appeared in his eyes...

Nanny Zhao and Qiu Ling heard the movement and walked out, but saw that there was only one person singing to the Chao Song. She couldn't help but be surprised.

Qiu Ling asked: "I think I heard our girl's voice just now. Is it my illusion? ”

Chapel: “… you have not misheard. ”

Qiuling: “But where's the lady? Not back yet? Alas, the lady doesn't know what to do. I've never seen her so hot before. ”

He bit his lower lip at the song and stopped talking.


Since his Majesty took him away from Imperial College that day, the dance seemed a little different...

Chao Song: "Do you think Dance is in love with His Highness? She ran out in the morning looking for His Royal Highness, and now..."

Everyone looked at each other and said, "… No way? ”

Phoenix didn't know that the people at the meteorite were in deep doubt, and at this moment she was rushing downstairs at the fastest possible speed.

Because she was worried that if she left King's Landing again when she arrived... then she would really cry.

Fortunately, when the phoenix dance rushes into the sky and downstairs...

There was a lot of noise in the lobby, and a lot of people were happy to say, Your Highness is now downstairs.

The phoenix dance exhaled.

Slippers, phoenix dance hurried upstairs, but was stopped at the door.


“Please show your card. ”

The sound is meticulous, but it has that majesty at a glance.

Downstairs, each floor represents a different identity and is difficult to walk without a card.

Feng Dance slightly frowned, she came to the heavens and downstairs a few times, didn't really show a card, even... she didn't really have a card.

Once the air suddenly calmed down, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

“Yo, isn't this Miss Phoenix Five? ”

This noise is strange, I don't like it when I hear it.

The phoenix dance frowned slightly, looked over and found it to be the left green feather.

And there are several of her acquaintances standing next to Left Green Feather.

Phoenix, Phoenix, make the fox Amor.

When Feng Lu saw the phoenix dance, he laughed. “Whoa, who is this? What's going on down there without a card? ”

To make Foxy Yamo unexpectedly see the phoenix dance here, not to mention when the phoenix dance was so wondrous, she smiled under her cover: "Miss Phoenix, why don't you come to our table? We're on the fifth floor. ”

Phoenix didn't have time to worry about these deliberate women. The most important thing now is to find King's Landing--

“I want to see your owners.” Phoenix stared at the man who guarded the door.

The waitress at the door looked clear, but with a harsh look on her face, she glanced at the phoenix dance and said faintly: “Our building owner is not anybody who wants to see it. ”