Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1381: Ultimate Worship

Spiritual Horizon Strong?!

Everyone was shocked when it came out!

Because of the current phoenix dance, she is only the peak of the spiritual kingdom, how will she fight the powerful people of the spiritual homeland? It's straight across the border!

“Though General Zhonglang was badly injured by several arrows in his body, the Phoenix dance could never beat him! ”

“It's over, the phoenix dance is really over. ”

“In fact, the phoenix dance has been incredible! ”

“Indeed… step back, the phoenix dance now exists beyond the steps of surprise! If she's on the cloud list, she's already eighth! It's horrible! ”

“Give it up, Phoenix, let's give it up… After all, there are countless opportunities to challenge her later. ”

Everyone thought Phoenix was giving up, but she didn't.

Because she doesn't have countless opportunities to challenge, she only has one chance.

Besides, she only has three minutes left!

“Boom Boom Boom -”

Battle axes are slashed with phoenix heads!

The axe whistles like a wind, killing the sky!

Windy, like a giant wave gathering!

The heavens and the earth, get agitated, get crazy!

The horrible shockwave of the Battle Axe radiates at a speed that makes it difficult to self-study...

The vast power swept the entire space!

Phoenix realizes the danger, turns around and runs!

However, even if she had taken the phoenix step, even if she had done all she could ——

Boom Boom Boom -

That powerful killing intent of the battle axe, like a space vortex, the phoenix foot on the ground, like drunk, but can't get out!


Hit it hard!

The shock wave of the battle axe hit the back of the phoenix!


Phoenix danced like a kite cut off from its line and was struck by a huge impact!

Halfway through the air, the phoenix dance could not stop the vomiting of blood.

When she falls to the ground again, she vomits more blood!



The phoenix dance spit blood from mouth to mouth, the original bright red ground, and stained a layer of bright red.

Just one move--

General Zhonglang, seriously injured and dying, just one move, seriously broke the phoenix dance on the spot!

“It's horrible...”

“I thought General Zhonglang had been so badly injured, how could Phoenix have had some chances of winning, but I didn't think... I didn't even catch a move. ”

“I told you, the land of the Spirit Hou and the land of the Spirit Sect are a different realm, the phoenix dance is dead! ”

“So the gap between the land of the Spirit and the land of the Spirit is so huge! ”

“However, Phoenix is truly a genius. The only thing she has lost is that the time she has to start practicing again is too short...”

“Yeah, if she hadn't scrapped her cultivation back then, with her gift, now I'm afraid it's no longer a land of spirits! ”

“Wasn't Left Green the same name as Phoenix? How's she doing now? ”

Zuo Qingqing? Isn't that Left Qingyu's own sister?

Left Qingyu saw the phoenix dance and was beaten up with blood. He was already happy in his heart. Then he heard everyone ask, and his mouth rose.

“My sister, now she's an eight-star spirit. ”

“Wow! Isn't that just one step away from the Land of the Spirit?! ”

“In other words, if Left Green Dance fought Phoenix, wouldn't she say that she could cripple Phoenix with a single move?! ”

“Wow, Left Green...”

At one time, many people admire Left Green!

Because Left Green is the same age as everyone else, but the same age she has gone so far away, it is difficult for people far away to expect her back.