Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 1389: Never Let Her Grow!

Left Qingyu bites his teeth: “She actually got promoted to the Spiritual Realm Samsung in the process of breaking through customs! ”

“What?!!! ”

Now Left Ming woke up completely, his cold eyes stared at Left Qingyu: “When I saw her recently... wasn't it Lingzong Jiu Xing? ”

“Yes!” Zuo Qingyu was almost crying, “she was indeed a Lingzong Nine Star before, but this time she broke into the Dragon Gate array, she actually promoted three stars in a row! ”

“Impossible!” Left-handed consciousness rebutted.

Qingyu took a deep breath and stared seriously at the motto: “Father! How many eyes are out there on the Dragon Gate Array? We all saw it with our own eyes! From the beginning of the phoenix dance, Lingzong Nine Stars, promoted to Lingzong Samsung in one breath! Three stars in a row, Father! ”

The whole face is frozen!

He was full of consternation about the phoenix.

Five years ago, the girl was stunned and famous. After she thought the true blood of the phoenix had been destroyed, she would have fallen, but who knows...

She's up again!

And the speed of this rise is so eye-catching!

“Are you sure she's honored Samsung by now? Are there any other cats tired of this?” Zuoming is particularly unbelievable.

Zuo Qingyu laughed bitterly: “In front of all eyes, every move of Phoenix dance is magnified countless times. If there really was a cat in it, it would have been discovered. ”

“O Samsung Lingzong... in just a few months from her exposure to her strength, she has gone from the realm of the spiritual master to the realm of the spiritual zodiac, from the realm of the spiritual zodiac to the spiritual honor of Samsung... at such a speed, I fear she will soon catch up with your sister. ”

If Left Green is caught up by the Phoenix dance, then what we did back then... is pointless.

“No! Never let Phoenix grow again!” Left Ming took a deep breath.

Zuo Qingyu added more oil and vinegar: “Moreover, the phoenix dance eventually fainted in His Majesty's arms. ”

“This little bitch, she actually...” The motto was to be the future governor, but now things are moving on to what they were five years ago.

“No! We can't let things go on like this. This phoenix dance must die!” Keep your fists tight and walk in the room.

“Assassination?” Qingyu left.

Left mindfulness shook his head.

He had been sent to assassinate Phoenix several times, but failed several times, which left the motto full of disappointment in the blood droplet tissue.

And if it's an assassination, the Left family's suspicion is too great.

“We can't let our family do this anymore. We have to think of another way.” Left mindful of his chin, he was caught in deep contemplation.

Phoenix didn't know. After this incident, the Left family regarded her as a stab in the eye, trying to pull it out quickly.

At this moment, she finally woke up, but before she opened her eyes, she felt her head cracked, as if the whole person had been crushed by the mountain. She took a breath of cool air.

“Dance, how are you?” Seeing the phoenix dance, he woke up and brought a glass of fresh water.

Phoenix's bloody clothes have been replaced and her body washed by Autumn Spirit, and she changed into a clean underwear.

Grunting. Grunting.

Phoenix danced like a dry beach and drained the water in one sip.

That's when she didn't feel so bad.

“How long have I been asleep?” However, her voice is still dull and dry, like a broken bronze gong.

During this time, Phoenix danced all over the place for the twelve robberies of peach blossoms. Her body was severely damaged, and her whole body was more like she was drained.